The Islamic State’s Christian and Yizidi Sex Slaves


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
While Obama is busy ensuring that Iran geta nukes so it can bomb Israel into oblivion, and the SJW Mob is obsessed with Cecil The Lion, thousands of women and girls continue to be enslaved and raped by ISIS.

Unlike Muslims, who can conform and wait out ISIS until the day it is defeated, Christians, along with “polytheist” Yizidis, can don veils and give up cigarettes and alcohol, but, as non-Muslims, their very presence is an intolerable offense to the year-old “caliphate.” These minority religious groups in Iraq and Syria, lacking protecting armies or militias of their own, find themselves in unique peril. During his Bolivian trip this month, Pope Francis called it “genocide.”ISIS demands nothing less than the conversion of all Christians and Yizidis to Islam under penalty of death for men and enslavement for women and children. (Another frequently cited option for Christian “People of the Book”, the payment of jizya, is a ruse, for the tax is raised until it becomes unpayable and property and lives are taken after all. Hence, last summer, Mosul’s bishops chose exile for their communities, rather than attend an ISIS meeting to learn of its jizya terms.)The beheadings, crucifixions, and other means ISIS uses to slaughter unarmed Christian and Yizidi men—from priests and bishops to destitute migrant workers—have been proudly displayed by the ultra violent group on social media and have drawn condemnations worldwide. But the Islamic State’s “revival” of the institution of chattel slavery—sex slavery of Christian and Yizidi women and girls no less—has faded from public attention.Over the past decade, thousands of Iraqi and Syrian Christians—including, in 2013, an entire convent of Syrian Orthodox nuns—have been taken captive for ransom. Last August, shortly after ISIS established its caliphate, it began something new. After capturing non-Sunni women and girls, ISIS began awarding and selling them as sex slaves. The vast majority were Yizidis but some, according to UN reports, were Christians....

The Islamic State s Christian and Yizidi Sex Slaves - The American Interest
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Explain how it is the duty of American moms and dads to send their sons and daughters to that place to rescue these unfortunate souls. Why is this Americas or Obama's job? We are doing more than any other western nation or nation with a large Christian population. We support those that have escaped and we support those who are holding these hostages and slaves. What else can we do, send combat troops to fight on the ground in Syria and Iraq? That takes us back to the original question. Why is it our duty to send and sacrifice our kids for this cause?
Explain how it is the duty of American moms and dads to send their sons and daughters to that place to rescue these unfortunate souls. Why is this Americas or Obama's job? We are doing more than any other western nation or nation with a large Christian population. We support those that have escaped and we support those who are holding these hostages and slaves. What else can we do, send combat troops to fight on the ground in Syria and Iraq? That takes us back to the original question. Why is it our duty to send and sacrifice our kids for this cause?

Such moral courage. This is why Western Civilization is doomed.
Why go there, here in the US there are sex slaves also..if you feel the need to cry about what is happening 3000 miles away, then you can cry about what is happening in your back yard.....
But it's always Oblama's fault....
Explain how it is the duty of American moms and dads to send their sons and daughters to that place to rescue these unfortunate souls. Why is this Americas or Obama's job? We are doing more than any other western nation or nation with a large Christian population. We support those that have escaped and we support those who are holding these hostages and slaves. What else can we do, send combat troops to fight on the ground in Syria and Iraq? That takes us back to the original question. Why is it our duty to send and sacrifice our kids for this cause?

Such moral courage. This is why Western Civilization is doomed.
Do you have the courage to send your kids over their to be maimed and die for the cause you are pushing, or do you only have the courage to send someone else's kids? Are there a lot of Americans that want to start a huge ground campaign in Iraq and Syria or only a few whiny few Obama deranged who are using it for promotion of their narrow political agenda?
Explain how it is the duty of American moms and dads to send their sons and daughters to that place to rescue these unfortunate souls. Why is this Americas or Obama's job? We are doing more than any other western nation or nation with a large Christian population. We support those that have escaped and we support those who are holding these hostages and slaves. What else can we do, send combat troops to fight on the ground in Syria and Iraq? That takes us back to the original question. Why is it our duty to send and sacrifice our kids for this cause?

Such moral courage. This is why Western Civilization is doomed.
Do you have the courage to send your kids over their to be maimed and die for the cause you are pushing, or do you only have the courage to send someone else's kids? Are there a lot of Americans that want to start a huge ground campaign in Iraq and Syria or only a few whiny few Obama deranged who are using it for promotion of their narrow political agenda?

It's so much easier for you to tweet about a lion than to actually take a stand against the sexual slavery of 9 year old girls.

What moral courage!

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