The Internet: Our ONLY Opportunity Left For Free Speech!!!!!


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
~ Really Bad Idea: UN Pushes to Run the Internet

by Gunny G @ Gunny G: The Internet: Our ONLY Opportunity Left For Free Speech!!!!! ~ Really Bad Idea: UN Pushes to Run the Internet « GUNNY.G AN AMERICAN ONLINE: BLOG & EMAIL with links

Here we go again! Obama wants to tax the internet – now the UN wants to control it.

The United Nations may be useful as a forum for world leaders, but it is not a productive place to develop policy. The international bureaucracy compulsively supports statist initiatives that would reduce individual libertyand expand the burden of government. Global taxation with no democratic accountability or oversight. A “right” to taxpayer-financed birth […]
Russia, U.S. fightin' over internet control...
Russia, U.S. Tussle Over Internet Control at U.N. Conference
December 10, 2012 – As a conference on international communications enters its final week Monday, the issue of whether the current system of Internet governance needs revamping remains unresolved, as blocs led by the United States and Russia dig in to mutually incompatible positions.
The development comes at a time of increased tensions between Moscow and Washington, with a Kremlin aide warning Sunday of possible retaliatory moves after the U.S. Senate passed legislation that lifts trade restrictions with Russia but introduces sanctions on Russian officials accused of human rights abuses. Critics have been warning for months that authoritarian-minded countries would try to use the World Conference of International Telecommunications (WCIT) in Dubai to fundamentally change the way the Internet is governed. Although the U.S. maintains that Internet governance should not even be on the agenda, halfway through the conference the gulf appears wide.

The WCIT is reviewing a longstanding binding global telecommunications treaty overseen by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), a Geneva-based U.N. specialized agency. A group of nations led by Russia is pushing, as they have done at previous ITU gatherings, for an Internet regulatory role. Pushing back are countries including the U.S., Canada and European democracies, which want the treaty to deal with traditional telecoms as well as expanding new networks such as high-speed broadband, but to steer clear of the Internet itself – content, regulation, assignment of Internet protocol addresses etc.

The current, so-called “multi-stakeholder model,” has at its center the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), a California-based not-for-profit corporation contracted to the U.S. Department of Commerce, which assigns protocol addresses and oversees Web domains. The U.S. and others argue that the model has been highly successful and don’t want to see it replaced by an intrusive, regulatory approach that they say would stifle growth. A proposal by the U.S. and Canada called for an agreement at the outset of the conference on a definition of “telecommunications,” and an agreement on what type of bodies would be bound by the future regulations. U.S. delegation head Terry Kramer explained during a teleconference briefing Thursday that the U.S. and Canada want the regulations to apply solely to “recognized operating agencies” – those that actually provide telecommunications services to the public, like Verizon in the U.S.

Russia, backed by a group of others including China, wants to break what it sees as unacceptable U.S. control, by broadening the scope of the treaty to include private and government networks. “Member States shall have equal rights to manage the Internet, including in regard to the allotment, assignment and reclamation of Internet numbering, naming, addressing and identification resources and to support for the operation and development of basic Internet infrastructure,” reads a Russian proposal. “Member States shall have the sovereign right to establish and implement public policy, including international policy, on matters of Internet governance, and to regulate the national Internet segment, as well as the activities within their territory of operating agencies providing Internet access or carrying Internet traffic.”

~ Really Bad Idea: UN Pushes to Run the Internet

by Gunny G @ Gunny G: The Internet: Our ONLY Opportunity Left For Free Speech!!!!! ~ Really Bad Idea: UN Pushes to Run the Internet « GUNNY.G AN AMERICAN ONLINE: BLOG & EMAIL with links

Here we go again! Obama wants to tax the internet – now the UN wants to control it.

The United Nations may be useful as a forum for world leaders, but it is not a productive place to develop policy. The international bureaucracy compulsively supports statist initiatives that would reduce individual libertyand expand the burden of government. Global taxation with no democratic accountability or oversight. A “right” to taxpayer-financed birth […]

You're quoting someone's blog as proof this is going to happen?


You DO know that what is on a person's blog is pretty much just their opinion, right?
~ Really Bad Idea: UN Pushes to Run the Internet

by Gunny G @ Gunny G: The Internet: Our ONLY Opportunity Left For Free Speech!!!!! ~ Really Bad Idea: UN Pushes to Run the Internet « GUNNY.G AN AMERICAN ONLINE: BLOG & EMAIL with links

Here we go again! Obama wants to tax the internet – now the UN wants to control it.

The United Nations may be useful as a forum for world leaders, but it is not a productive place to develop policy. The international bureaucracy compulsively supports statist initiatives that would reduce individual libertyand expand the burden of government. Global taxation with no democratic accountability or oversight. A “right” to taxpayer-financed birth […]

And the proof of both your statements is ... ?
"The only opportunity for free speech"? Does that mean cost effective speech? I agree that we should keep government snoopers and red tape out of the internet but certainly all Americans are taught that America is the freest Country on the planet thanks to the Constitution. You can write a letter to the editor, curse Obama on the street corner, burn the Flag, call a talk show and a dozen other things that you can't do in some other countries. How free do you want it?
Yanno...............other countries sometimes don't understand free speech.

Tell ya what..................if you don't believe, Google Kim Jon Ung and handsome man and Onion.

Fucking N. Korea thought it was real.

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