The Intercontinental Railroad


Feb 14, 2011
New gaffe: Obama hails America's historic building of 'the Intercontinental Railroad' -

"We’re the country that built the Intercontinental Railroad," Barack Obama.

That's what the president of the United States flat-out said Thursday during what was supposed to be a photo op to sell his jobs plan next to an allegedly deteriorating highway bridge.

A railroad between continents? A railroad from, say, New York City all the way across the Atlantic to France? Now, THAT would be a bridge!

It's yet another humorous gaffe by the Harvard graduate, overlooked by most media for whatever reason. Like Obama saying Abraham-Come-Lately Lincoln was the founder of the Republican Party. Or Navy corpseman. Or the Austrian language. Fifty-seven states. The president of Canada. Etc.

If you talk as much as this guy likes to talk instead of governing, if you believe you are a Real Good Talker as much as this guy does, you're gonna blow a few lines. But this many?

No doubt, we'll see a collection of Obama's Best Bombs on 'Saturday Night Live' this weekend, one right after the other. No doubt. Can you imagine the media coverage of such repeated historical ignorance if it had been the last Ivy League alum president who said it?

Maybe the intercontinental railroad will go past the flag on Mars... Shiela Jackson Lee can be the engineer. She seems to know where we put it. :lol:
Heck, maybe it can keep Guam from "tipping over"

[ame=]3-25-2010_Hank_Johnson_Guam_Tip_Over.wmv - YouTube[/ame]
Man if Bachman or Palin had said that it would be national news and msnbc would have had a field day with it. I'll bet msnbc never mentioned the stupid remark because obummer said it.
New gaffe: Obama hails America's historic building of 'the Intercontinental Railroad' -

"We’re the country that built the Intercontinental Railroad," Barack Obama.

That's what the president of the United States flat-out said Thursday during what was supposed to be a photo op to sell his jobs plan next to an allegedly deteriorating highway bridge.

A railroad between continents? A railroad from, say, New York City all the way across the Atlantic to France? Now, THAT would be a bridge!

It's yet another humorous gaffe by the Harvard graduate, overlooked by most media for whatever reason. Like Obama saying Abraham-Come-Lately Lincoln was the founder of the Republican Party. Or Navy corpseman. Or the Austrian language. Fifty-seven states. The president of Canada. Etc.

If you talk as much as this guy likes to talk instead of governing, if you believe you are a Real Good Talker as much as this guy does, you're gonna blow a few lines. But this many?

No doubt, we'll see a collection of Obama's Best Bombs on 'Saturday Night Live' this weekend, one right after the other. No doubt. Can you imagine the media coverage of such repeated historical ignorance if it had been the last Ivy League alum president who said it?

As opposed to Transcontinental or Underground
railroad? Does it matter? Obama still remains wrong. And does HE know the difference?
People... It was just a simple mistake...

I'm sure he meant to say the "Intercontinental Underground Railroad"...

It's just a simple mistake if a lefty say's it, if a republican say's it you guy's think it's a sign of brain damage. Maybe it is a sign of brain damage especially from a Harvard graduate.
Obama is a cartoon.


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