The Independent Voter Thread


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Let this be the thread where all self-proclaimed USMB members identify themselves as "Independents" and state why they are Independents and how long they've been. If there reasons for being an Independent has changed or evolved over the years (or months) please feel at liberty to state that too.
I'm independent. I dislike party politics. I dislike most politicians. I sum it up as "98% of Americans are honest, hard working people. We elect the other 2%."
I am an Independent. I have never been a member of any political party and have always voted for the person I felt would do what I wanted them to, versus voting based on party affiliation. I voted for Perot. However, until 2008, I had never voted for a Democrat as I am not a fan of big government. But, after Bush's reign and the GOP controlled congress spent as if they were Democrats, I decided to vote for Obama. Almost two years into his Presidency, I still support him as I do not believe any of his ideas have had enough time to have an impact. Has he done things to piss me off? Of course. However, the GOP has NOT changed since their ousters in 2006 and 2008 and if anything have only gotten worse by hiring Michael Steele to be their token "black guy" as head of the RNC. Followed quickly by Steele inviting the Tea Party idiots into the folds of the GOP. The GOP has shown NO indication of changing course from the failed economic, social and international policies adopted under Dubya and until they do, none of them will get my vote. Locally, I will vote against Eric Cantor. Not because the two people running against him are better, but moreso because Cantor is just THAT bad of a Representaitive. I liken him to John Boehner's "Minnie-Me".
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Let this be the thread where all self-proclaimed USMB members identify themselves as "Independents" and state why they are Independents and how long they've been. If there reasons for being an Independent has changed or evolved over the years (or months) please feel at liberty to state that too.

Question; are you an independent?
Let this be the thread where all self-proclaimed USMB members identify themselves as "Independents" and state why they are Independents and how long they've been. If there reasons for being an Independent has changed or evolved over the years (or months) please feel at liberty to state that too.

Question; are you an independent?

Marc is black. Therefore he votes democrat. That's according to the democrats.

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