The incredible advantages the EU brings to Germany


Nov 14, 2012
Truly incredible are the advantages the EU provides for Germany. All the EU-skeptics are Nazis, commies and jaundiced. Now take a look inside the truth and realize that Germany is totally dependent on the EU and its advantages. Here comes a list of incredible advantages for Germany.

The Euro:
- Germany has no Central Bank any more which can adapt the interest to the economy´s needs.
- The German currency is no longer the currency with the strongest purchasing power.

- Germany was allowed to invest more money in the EU than all other memberstates together.
- By the courtesy of the open borders it is to Germany´s credit to welcome all the mafias of Europe and ensure their unmolested trans-border business.
- It is a big improvement of the democracy that the EU can encroach in Germany´s politics whenever it wants to, no matter, which party is elected in Germany.
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The EU is letting Germany take over Europe without firing a shot.

Just sayin'.

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