The Impossible Task Faced By Young People Like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez beat out incumbent Joe Crowley in the June primary. After ten terms in office, Crowley is the fourth-ranking Democrat in the House.

Ocasio-Cortez is 28-years-old and poised to become the youngest woman ever elected to Congress.

Unfortunately, she, and every other newly elected Democrat are in for a rude awakening when they finally enter the hallowed halls of congress, where they hope to end the corrupt status quo.

They will not be the first young people to come to congress with enthusiasm and the intent to create change. But they will soon discover what every other young rebel elected down through the years has, there is no changing the status quo in Washington D.C.

The high-dollar-donors call all the shots, and the long serving Democrats in congress are quite content to remain the minority party. They, like the Congressional Republicans, have greatly increased their personal wealth while in office, serving the interests of the high-dollar-donors and receiving many types of honoraria for “jobs well-done”, selling out their constituents.

Progressives have always fought for average Americans, this has been true since the Founding Fathers inspired the American Revolution. But, just as in those days long ago, progressivism has battled conservatism’s fight to oppose all forms of change.

Conservatives, or Tories, as they were known as then, were loyal to the Crown. But, they would sell supplies to the rebellion’s forces. After all, profit is profit, and outweighs loyalty.

This is what the young Democrats will be fighting against. Except for a few current Democrats whose efforts are to serve the needs of their constituents back home, the others who run as Democrats and sponsor bills purported to benefit average Americans, know going in they have no chance of passing. They can, however, tell their constituents, “We tried, but the Republicans struck down our bill(s).”

Four decades ago, Ronald Reagan set the United States on the course where the super-rich only get richer, and the rest of us steadily get poorer. The 0.1% and Big Business control the decisions made in Washington D.C. and in most state and local governments.

Greed controls, and those voters who worship and defend the greedy will never change.

To Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the other young Democrats who will be headed to Washington in the next few months, enjoy your victories while you can. The obstacles to implementing positive change in our system were set in stone before most of you were born. You will face an impossible task once you enter those corrupt halls of congress, in your every attempt to bring about change and level the playing field.

With your traditional goals of progressivism, as reformers your aims will be to restore economic opportunity and correct injustice by:
-Protecting Social Welfare.
-Promoting Moral Improvement.
-Creating Economic Reform.
-Fostering Industrial Efficiency.
-Movement to protect workers.
-Movement to reform local government.
-State reform of big business.

Conservatives will fight you at every step, just as they did the Founding Fathers’ goals as defined in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. As stated above, conservatives worship and defend the greedy, and as history has shown, they will never change.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Historic Win and the Future of the Democratic Party




Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez beat out incumbent Joe Crowley in the June primary. After ten terms in office, Crowley is the fourth-ranking Democrat in the House.

Ocasio-Cortez is 28-years-old and poised to become the youngest woman ever elected to Congress.

Unfortunately, she, and every other newly elected Democrat are in for a rude awakening when they finally enter the hallowed halls of congress, where they hope to end the corrupt status quo.

They will not be the first young people to come to congress with enthusiasm and the intent to create change. But they will soon discover what every other young rebel elected down through the years has, there is no changing the status quo in Washington D.C.

The high-dollar-donors call all the shots, and the long serving Democrats in congress are quite content to remain the minority party. They, like the Congressional Republicans, have greatly increased their personal wealth while in office, serving the interests of the high-dollar-donors and receiving many types of honoraria for “jobs well-done”, selling out their constituents.

Progressives have always fought for average Americans, this has been true since the Founding Fathers inspired the American Revolution. But, just as in those days long ago, progressivism has battled conservatism’s fight to oppose all forms of change.

Conservatives, or Tories, as they were known as then, were loyal to the Crown. But, they would sell supplies to the rebellion’s forces. After all, profit is profit, and outweighs loyalty.

This is what the young Democrats will be fighting against. Except for a few current Democrats whose efforts are to serve the needs of their constituents back home, the others who run as Democrats and sponsor bills purported to benefit average Americans, know going in they have no chance of passing. They can, however, tell their constituents, “We tried, but the Republicans struck down our bill(s).”

Four decades ago, Ronald Reagan set the United States on the course where the super-rich only get richer, and the rest of us steadily get poorer. The 0.1% and Big Business control the decisions made in Washington D.C. and in most state and local governments.

Greed controls, and those voters who worship and defend the greedy will never change.

To Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the other young Democrats who will be headed to Washington in the next few months, enjoy your victories while you can. The obstacles to implementing positive change in our system were set in stone before most of you were born. You will face an impossible task once you enter those corrupt halls of congress, in your every attempt to bring about change and level the playing field.

With your traditional goals of progressivism, as reformers your aims will be to restore economic opportunity and correct injustice by:
-Protecting Social Welfare.
-Promoting Moral Improvement.
-Creating Economic Reform.
-Fostering Industrial Efficiency.
-Movement to protect workers.
-Movement to reform local government.
-State reform of big business.

Conservatives will fight you at every step, just as they did the Founding Fathers’ goals as defined in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. As stated above, conservatives worship and defend the greedy, and as history has shown, they will never change.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Historic Win and the Future of the Democratic Party

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On points forwarded suggesting greed and self-aggrandization rules the decision making of our elected representatives, I agree. On your assignment of guilt to one party alone for this problem, I do not. Nor is your interpretation of far Left American ideology a mature or well informed one. On the ground, where the average American works and lives, far from the halls of governance, the Democrat party has--for a dozen decades at least--practiced Identity Politics--a form of governing which is the antithesis to what your young, embattled progressive Democrat warriors espouse.

What you mistake for a historical battle for freedom and equality and liberation from traditional American "tyranny", in reality is, the mass classification into group identities--by race, gender, religion and sexual preference--of tens of millions of fellow citizens. The radicalized Democrat far Left does not care about the individual American, for he or she is but a faceless number to be manipulated, assigned a value and herded along with the rest like them, into any one of many Democrat social programs used to rally and galvanize its voter base. To the radical American Leftist, the minority group as a whole is a tool, while the individual's life means nothing outside it.

Could your well expressed opinion piece be a veiled reasoning and justification for full cultural revolution here in America similar to Mao's in 60's China? If not, then what other means of success can these young Democrat heroes of yours call upon to reorder the dreaded, ancient patriarchal oligarchy you seem to believe controls American politics?

In truth reforms must be made--to campaign finance, lobbying and perhaps voter representation in the face of fraudulent poll reporting, etc. However, even mere suggestion of actual cultural revolution opens the door to playing with fire mankind has never before controlled though was often certain he could. Jumping the gun in this reactionary piece of mine is a possibility, however, erring on the side of having a country left to love versus the opposite, is much worth the price.
Andy Borowitz, a true left winger.

Insults anyone who does not agree with him.

I'd like to inform him, face to face, of his error.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez beat out incumbent Joe Crowley in the June primary. After ten terms in office, Crowley is the fourth-ranking Democrat in the House.

Ocasio-Cortez is 28-years-old and poised to become the youngest woman ever elected to Congress.

Unfortunately, she, and every other newly elected Democrat are in for a rude awakening when they finally enter the hallowed halls of congress, where they hope to end the corrupt status quo.

They will not be the first young people to come to congress with enthusiasm and the intent to create change. But they will soon discover what every other young rebel elected down through the years has, there is no changing the status quo in Washington D.C.

The high-dollar-donors call all the shots, and the long serving Democrats in congress are quite content to remain the minority party. They, like the Congressional Republicans, have greatly increased their personal wealth while in office, serving the interests of the high-dollar-donors and receiving many types of honoraria for “jobs well-done”, selling out their constituents.

Progressives have always fought for average Americans, this has been true since the Founding Fathers inspired the American Revolution. But, just as in those days long ago, progressivism has battled conservatism’s fight to oppose all forms of change.

Conservatives, or Tories, as they were known as then, were loyal to the Crown. But, they would sell supplies to the rebellion’s forces. After all, profit is profit, and outweighs loyalty.

This is what the young Democrats will be fighting against. Except for a few current Democrats whose efforts are to serve the needs of their constituents back home, the others who run as Democrats and sponsor bills purported to benefit average Americans, know going in they have no chance of passing. They can, however, tell their constituents, “We tried, but the Republicans struck down our bill(s).”

Four decades ago, Ronald Reagan set the United States on the course where the super-rich only get richer, and the rest of us steadily get poorer. The 0.1% and Big Business control the decisions made in Washington D.C. and in most state and local governments.

Greed controls, and those voters who worship and defend the greedy will never change.

To Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the other young Democrats who will be headed to Washington in the next few months, enjoy your victories while you can. The obstacles to implementing positive change in our system were set in stone before most of you were born. You will face an impossible task once you enter those corrupt halls of congress, in your every attempt to bring about change and level the playing field.

With your traditional goals of progressivism, as reformers your aims will be to restore economic opportunity and correct injustice by:
-Protecting Social Welfare.
-Promoting Moral Improvement.
-Creating Economic Reform.
-Fostering Industrial Efficiency.
-Movement to protect workers.
-Movement to reform local government.
-State reform of big business.

Conservatives will fight you at every step, just as they did the Founding Fathers’ goals as defined in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. As stated above, conservatives worship and defend the greedy, and as history has shown, they will never change.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Historic Win and the Future of the Democratic Party

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You stupid dumbass, like the rest of your left wing butt-buddies....

Don't seem to remember that the founders did all they could to preserve their arrangement with England. In effect, making them conservatives.

Only when pushed to the brink did they break with the Mother country.

Please keep your bullshit fairy tales to yourself.
She might be able to do the job better if she educated hers elf

But if she did that she wouldn't have a chance of winning
She might be able to do the job better if she educated hers elf

But if she did that she wouldn't have a chance of winning

Why does she have to go to Washington ?

Why not stay local and make a difference for New York ?

Answer: Because she JUST KNOWS her ideas are better for everyone despite what they may think.

She's full of shit.
She might be able to do the job better if she educated hers elf

But if she did that she wouldn't have a chance of winning

Why does she have to go to Washington ?

Why not stay local and make a difference for New York ?

Answer: Because she JUST KNOWS her ideas are better for everyone despite what they may think.

She's full of shit.

some prunes and a good chili would help
She might be able to do the job better if she educated hers elf

But if she did that she wouldn't have a chance of winning

Why does she have to go to Washington ?

Why not stay local and make a difference for New York ?

Answer: Because she JUST KNOWS her ideas are better for everyone despite what they may think.

She's full of shit.

some prunes and a good chili would help

There might be much of her left.
73% of Democrats want a fresh face. 100% of Pelosi wants one too.

seriously, i'm the same age as Ocasio-Castro. its not that tough.
The Big Left Wing Lie is, "we are for the little guy".
Left Wing economics doesn't lift the poor, it enslaves the middle class to the government.

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