The Immigrant Gang Plague


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
The Immigrant Gang Plague
Heather Mac Donald

Before immigration optimists issue another rosy prognosis for America’s multicultural future, they might visit Belmont High School in Los Angele’s overwhelmingly Hispanic, gang-ridden Rampart district. “Upward and onward” is not a phrase that comes to mind when speaking to the first- and second-generation immigrant teens milling around the school this January.
“Most of the people I used to hang out with when I first came to the school have dropped out,” observes Jackie, a vivacious illegal alien from Guatemala. “Others got kicked out or got into drugs. Five graduated, and four home girls got pregnant
…..if only a portion of those from south of the border goes bad, the costs to society will be enormous.

The Immigrant Gang Plague by Heather Mac Donald, City Journal Summer 2004
Criminal Illegal Immigrant Gangs Infest U.S.
Jun 2010
Today the Southern U.S. border is an open highway for those seeking to enter the United States without inspection.
Criminal gangs, especially Hispanic gangs, erroneously consider border crossing without inspection a constitutional right afforded them somehow by the U.S. Constitution, an opinion on which the Obama administration seems to concur.
Hispanic gangs are now the most powerful criminal operatives in the United States and in much of the world. The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) National Gang Intelligence Center (NGIC) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) estimate that 80 percent of U.S. crime is committed by gangs, including murder, rape, kidnapping, violent assaults, torture, robbery, and identity theft.

Hard working llaw abiding Illegal Aliens bring their children here for a better life and they end up members of the gangs costing U.S. taxpayers $2 billion a year. This is an American failure and will eventually be the down fall and no one cares. These people do no have dreams of a better life. They don’t have dreams at all except for the now. This is the mentality of the majority of these people.
Don’t even think about legalization or Dream Act until the war against Latino gangs are taken serious.
Gang unit in Oakland, Calif consist of 5 men?
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You do realize this article is from 2004? 8 years ago?

Anyway, thanks to the ObamaEconomy, illegals are actually starting to self deport. Apparently the problem former illegals have now is re-learning Spanish! :lol:

EDIT: That really odd. The article was there 2 minutes earlier when I looked at it the first time.
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Those danged Jewish gangs!

Took over our capitol!
Our banking system!
Our entertainment industry!
What is next?
Criminal Illegal Immigrant Gangs Infest U.S.
Jun 2010

I understand that Chief Sitting Bull tried to warn us over 100 years ago:

"In late 1875, Sioux and Cheyenne Indians defiantly left their reservations, outraged over the continued intrusions of whites into their sacred lands in the Black Hills. They gathered in Montana with the great warrior Sitting Bull to fight for their lands. The following spring, two victories over the US Cavalry emboldened them to fight on in the summer of 1876. "

But nobody gave a shit.

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You do realize this article is from 2004? 8 years ago?

Anyway, thanks to the ObamaEconomy, illegals are actually starting to self deport. Apparently the problem former illegals have now is re-learning Spanish! :lol:

EDIT: That really odd. The article was there 2 minutes earlier when I looked at it the first time.

The forget the language? Dumb aren't they. 8 years ago? Big difference?:confused:

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