The IMF and Ukraine: Who benefits, Who Pays


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Global billionaires are currently reproving an old African proverb about what happens to the grass when elephants scuffle. Multiple financial interests from the US, EU and Russia are doing their level best to obscure the money trail behind recent events in Kiev.

Specifically, the February 20th sniper attacks that killed police officers and opposition protesters alike.

Determining which billionaires paid those snipers would go a long way toward establishing who stands to benefit economically from the current crisis and who is likely to pay for it:

"1. The IMF Deal of March 2014: Who Benefits, Who Pays

"While the final version of the latest IMF package for the Ukraine is still in development, past relations and deals between the IMF and Ukraine indicate some likely characteristics of ‘Deal #2’ due on March 21.

"(Deal #1 was the agreement reached on February 21 between the IMF and the pre-Coup government of President Yanukovich. While that former deal was agreed to on the 21st, it was upset within 12 hours by the violent street actions of proto-fascist forces and the still unidentified sniper killings of more than 100 protestors and police forces in Kiev).

"Former agreements and proposals between the IMF and Ukraine since the ‘Orange Revolution’ of 2004 resulted in IMF loans to the Ukraine as follows:

"2005 IMF deal terms: $16.6 billion in loans to Ukraine

"2010 IMF deal terms: $15.1 billion in loans to Ukraine

"December 2013: Ukraine requests another $20 billion from IMF

"The Orange Revolution of 2004 resulted in severing much (but not all) of the Ukrainian economy from Russia.

"That caused significant economic contraction for the Ukrainian economy for several years after.

"Think of the similar effects of the severance as if the west coast economy of the US—California, Oregon, Washington—were stripped from the USA and joined Canada."

Who Benefits From Ukraine?s Economic Crisis? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Who Benefits From Ukraine?s Economic Crisis? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

"On March 16, 2014, 83% of the Crimea’s eligible voters have voted by 97% to secede from Ukraine and join Russia.

"Simultaneously, negotiations between the European Union and IMF with the interim government in the Ukraine, brought to power by a Coup D’etat on February 22, continue toward a conclusion set tentatively for March 21.

"Extreme political uncertainty thus promises to continue for weeks and perhaps months given these events, while economic conditions consequently continue to deteriorate in the Ukraine from an already extremely precarious state..."

"One of the reasons no doubt that the Yanukovich government last December 2013 decided to forego another IMF deal was the reported requirement by the IMF that household subsidies for gas be reduced by 50% more once again.

"Other onerous IMF requirements included cuts to pensions, government employment, and the privatization (read: let western corporations purchase) of government assets and property.

"It is therefore likely that the most recent IMF deal currently in negotiation, and due out March 21, 2014, will include once again major reductions in gas subsidies, cuts in pensions, immediate government job cuts, as well as other reductions in social spending programs in the Ukraine.

"This possibility does not seem to bother current interim prime minister, Arseny Yatsenyuk, who has publicly commented by the cuts, saying that “we have no other choice but to accept the IMF offer”.

"In fact, Yatsenyuk and his post-Coup government even stated before negotiations with the IMF began this past week that they would accept whatever offer the IMF and the EU made."

"Yats has been quoted as saying "political suicide" is required of any Ukrainian politician who agrees to current IMF economic help.

Maybe his parachute is golden enough to make it worthwhile?
When surveying the geo-political landscape, the average person does not have the perception of the banksters whose paradigm is; there are no longer countries anymore........only governments.
Do governments really matter to bankers? Bankers depend upon govts playing by one set of rules, but beyond that, govts are dependent upon capital.
Do governments really matter to bankers? Bankers depend upon govts playing by one set of rules, but beyond that, govts are dependent upon capital.

Of course governments matter to banksters. Who do you think they get their bailouts from? Why do you think we're still printing 75 billion a month for them?
Do you think that they're patriotic or something after wiping out 40 per cent of the wealth of the middle class in 2008?
Hell, they could care less if America becomes a banana republic. They'll just find new governments to sleep with.
Looking at this story and the results of what may come about, corporations will be more powerful than a country or its government(s).

Why ExxonMobil's Partnerships With Russia's Rosneft Challenge the Narrative of U.S. Exports As Energy Weapon

Do governments really matter to bankers? Bankers depend upon govts playing by one set of rules, but beyond that, govts are dependent upon capital.
Looking at this story and the results of what may come about, corporations will be more powerful than a country or its government(s).

Why ExxonMobil's Partnerships With Russia's Rosneft Challenge the Narrative of U.S. Exports As Energy Weapon

Do governments really matter to bankers? Bankers depend upon govts playing by one set of rules, but beyond that, govts are dependent upon capital.

maybe, but exxon mobile depends upon consistency in Russia's behavior vis a vis private property and trading partners. That is, any violation of intl law by Russia has to be factored into risk analysis by exxon mobile. We cannot know what monetary value will be placed on exxon mobile's risk.
When surveying the geo-political landscape, the average person does not have the perception of the banksters whose paradigm is; there are no longer countries anymore........only governments.
"Amsel (Amschel) Bauer Mayer Rothschild, 1838:

"Let me issue and control a Nation's money and I care not who makes its laws".

"Letter written from London by the Rothschilds to their New York agents introducing their banking method into America: 'The few who can understand the system will be either so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favours, that there will be no opposition from that class, while, on the other hand, that great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that Capital derives from the system, will bear its burden without complaint and, perhaps, without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.'"

Rothschilds & Rockefellers - Trillionaires Of The World
Do governments really matter to bankers? Bankers depend upon govts playing by one set of rules, but beyond that, govts are dependent upon capital.

The government's serve as the machanismS by which the BANSTERS control and FLEECE the masses.

So yes they still matter.

But they are NOT in charge....on this I think we agree.
Do governments really matter to bankers? Bankers depend upon govts playing by one set of rules, but beyond that, govts are dependent upon capital.

The government's serve as the machanismS by which the BANSTERS control and FLEECE the masses.

So yes they still matter.

But they are NOT in charge....on this I think we agree.
Corporations seem to be replacing traditional functions of government, like courts, for example, with provisions in cell phone contracts requiring consumers to arbitrate all legal claims in private instead of public courtrooms.

Central bankers appear the be the heart of the problem.
Hmm/ "Global Billionaires". I wonder who they are?
Beginning with two who were closest to Yanukovych:

"More than anything, though, the opposition had to reach an understanding with the two men who controlled roughly half of Yanukovych's party: Rinat Akhmetov and Dmitry Firtash, the two most influential oligarchs in the country.

"The two knew that, were Yanukovych to fall, they would be the biggest losers..."

"Akhmetov and Firtash: Those two names have repeatedly surfaced in Kiev in recent weeks. But they have been careful to stay out of the spotlight and declined interview requests.

"It was reported over the weekend that they were both in London.

"Still, they both have been busy pulling strings in recent weeks.

Akhmetov is the more important of the two. The 47-year-old is worth $15 billion and is head of the holdings company System Capital Management, which controls more than 100 companies with some 300,000 employees.

"They include metallurgical and pipe factories, banks, real estate firms, mobile phone enterprises and a large media company.

"He is the de-facto ruler of Donbass, the home of Ukrainian heavy industry, and owns the football team Shakhtar Donetsk.

"He is also among the leaders of Yanukovych's Party of Regions.

"In recent weeks, Ukrainian protesters have staked out houses of his in both Donetsk and London.

"They held up signs reading: 'Just one phone call from him and the killing will stop.'"

How Oligarchs in Ukraine Prepared for the Fall of Yanukovych - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Global billionaires associated with Cargill in Ukraine are likely paying close attention to events in that region.

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