The illusion of mixed race


Active Member
Aug 8, 2016
With all of the races and race mixing going on in America, I thought it might be interesting to discuss this.

Basically, a mixed person is someone who is 1/2 of one race and 1/2 another. Perhaps 1/4, but once you get down to 1/8 ancestry, it becomes much harder to tell. If you look closely sometimes you can.

Now, when I say illusion of mixed race, what I mean is, for most people of mixed race, one type will predominate, and their own upbringing, culture, religion, language etc will be of one race. For example, mixed black/white people, if raised amongst blacks, will identify with blacks, even if they have white blood. In the case of president Obama, he mostly identifies as black even though he wasn't raised as such, which shows you that a certain racial type or consciousness will win out.

Mixed white/hispanic and white/asian kids will mostly identify as white if they don't speak spanish or chinese, for example. Of if they have lighter skin. The darker they are or the more they identify with a culture other than white America, the closer they will think of themselves as hispanic or asian.

What's my point? My point is mating - breeding through the generations. Eventually, all mixed blood eventually gets consumed within one race or another. Again, look at Obama. He is mixed, but his wife is black, and his kids are most certainly black as well, even though they have white ancestry.

For mixed people, if they mate with someone of full race, their kids will be of that race. It is only if mixed people mate with other mixed people that a new race is potentially created, but even then, I think certain racial types will predominate.

So, ultimately, all of the mixed breeding will not really create a new race. The full races are so large in number, they will always predominate.

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