The idiot incumbent Vice President INVITES that his shit get fact checked!


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Jun 28, 2009
Mansion in Ravi's Head
Vice President Biden is doubling down on watchdog groups and others who are saying he made misleading remarks in a speech earlier this week regarding the Romney-Ryan rescue plan for Medicare – daring reporters to “fact check me.”

Biden put down the challenge during a speech Saturday, after saying as he did during his acceptance speech Thursday at the Democratic National Convention that GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney and running mate Rep. Paul Ryan’s plan would cut benefits immediately for 30 million seniors already collecting Medicare.

“I say to the press, fact check me,” a smiling Biden said to applause at a rally in Zanesville, Ohio,

The Romney Campaign took up the challenge within hours.

* * * *

Among the questionable remarks were Biden's argument that "after the worst job loss since the Great Depression we created 4.5 million private sector jobs in the past 29 months" – a frequent response by the Obama campaign when questioned about the slow economic recovery.

The Associated Press and others point out that statement is misleading because it counts jobs from the recession's lowest point to where employment began to grow again – excluding jobs lost earlier in Obama's term and masking that overall unemployment has increased over that period.

"Overall, roughly 7.5 million jobs were lost during the recession that began in December 2007 and ended officially in June 2009," according to the wire service.

The Associated Press also points out that Obama said in his speech that he wants to use money saved by ending the wars to build highways, schools and bridges.

However, the wars were largely financed by borrowing "so there is no ready pile of cash to be diverted to anything else," the wire service writes.

* * * *

The group point out that Obama boasted that "independent experts" found his economic plan would cut the deficit by $4 trillion over 10 years. However, one such analyst called a key element of the plan a ‘gimmick,’ the group said.

Other examples include the president saying U.S. auto makers are back on top of the world.

"Nope," writes FactCheck, pointing out that General Motors has slipped back to No. 2 and is headed for third place in global sales this year behind Toyota and Volkswagen.

* * * *
-- Biden dares: 'Fact check me,' Romney campaign obliges | Fox News


The ONE was right to muzzle his dipshit sidekick. But the "genius" is back out of the bottle. :D
Well, one thing was established. The bush wars are funded by borrowed money.

Vice President Biden is doubling down on watchdog groups and others who are saying he made misleading remarks in a speech earlier this week regarding the Romney-Ryan rescue plan for Medicare – daring reporters to “fact check me.”

Biden put down the challenge during a speech Saturday, after saying as he did during his acceptance speech Thursday at the Democratic National Convention that GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney and running mate Rep. Paul Ryan’s plan would cut benefits immediately for 30 million seniors already collecting Medicare.

“I say to the press, fact check me,” a smiling Biden said to applause at a rally in Zanesville, Ohio,

The Romney Campaign took up the challenge within hours.

* * * *

Among the questionable remarks were Biden's argument that "after the worst job loss since the Great Depression we created 4.5 million private sector jobs in the past 29 months" – a frequent response by the Obama campaign when questioned about the slow economic recovery.

The Associated Press and others point out that statement is misleading because it counts jobs from the recession's lowest point to where employment began to grow again – excluding jobs lost earlier in Obama's term and masking that overall unemployment has increased over that period.

"Overall, roughly 7.5 million jobs were lost during the recession that began in December 2007 and ended officially in June 2009," according to the wire service.

The Associated Press also points out that Obama said in his speech that he wants to use money saved by ending the wars to build highways, schools and bridges.

However, the wars were largely financed by borrowing "so there is no ready pile of cash to be diverted to anything else," the wire service writes.

* * * *

The group point out that Obama boasted that "independent experts" found his economic plan would cut the deficit by $4 trillion over 10 years. However, one such analyst called a key element of the plan a ‘gimmick,’ the group said.

Other examples include the president saying U.S. auto makers are back on top of the world.

"Nope," writes FactCheck, pointing out that General Motors has slipped back to No. 2 and is headed for third place in global sales this year behind Toyota and Volkswagen.

* * * *
-- Biden dares: 'Fact check me,' Romney campaign obliges | Fox News


The ONE was right to muzzle his dipshit sidekick. But the "genius" is back out of the bottle. :D

Holy crap, a politician asking to be fact-checked is like, like... sheesh, I can't even think of a comparison. These people lie and distort like they breathe.


I could live with the mere spin. If they feel like their own record has been distorted and that things they have said and supported and done are taken out of context by their opponents, they certainly have a right to fight back.

But some of the shit they say is just so damn palpably false that it makes folks wonder WHY the politicians would bother muttering such crap in the first place. It's not like in THIS day and age in particular, the facts can't be uncovered and quickly exposed.

Reality check there Mr. Vice President. WHETHER or NOT you "invite" a fact check, you ARE going to get fact checked. So you don't buy ANY credibility by "asking" for a fact check.
Links with article at site

Plagiarist Joe Biden to Press: “Fact Check Me!”

Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, September 8, 2012, 9:11 PM

Noted plagiarist Joe Biden told the Obama-media in Ohio today: “Fact check me!”

Today, Vice President Biden Challenged Reporters To “Fact Check” Him:

Vice President Biden: “I Say To The Press, Fact Check Me!” BIDEN: “What they’re proposing, and this is a fact, I say to the press, fact-check-me!” (Vice President Joe Biden, Remarks, Zanesville, OH, 9/8/12)

Vice President Biden Claimed That Republicans Were Behind The Demise Of The Simpson-Bowles Debt Commission, A Hypocritical Charge Fact Checkers Have Called “Strange”:

Vice President Biden Claimed Republicans Were Behind The Demise Of Simpson-Bowles. BIDEN: “They rejected every single attempt to reduce the debt put forward by us, by outside groups and by that bipartisan commission they keep talking about.” (Vice President Joe Biden, Remarks, Zanesville, OH, 9/8/12)

The Associated Press: President Obama Walked Away From The Simpson-Bowles Recommendation, Which “Ensured The Tough Compromises Would Not Get Made.” “In another instance, Obama appointed a bipartisan group, known as the Simpsons-Bowles Commission, to recommend ways to fix major fiscal problems like Social Security and Medicare. The commission issued its recommendations but fell three votes short of formally endorsing them. And Obama mostly walked away from the report. He later incorporated some of the less contentious proposals from the report into legislation he supported. But that ensured the tough compromises would not get made.” (Matt Apuzzo and Tom Raum, “FACT CHECK: Clinton Claims Of Compromise A Stretch,” The Associated Press, 9/6/12)
•· The Associated Press: “The Notion That Republicans Are The Only Ones Standing In The Way Of Compromise Is Inaccurate.” (Matt Apuzzo and Tom Raum, “FACT CHECK: Clinton Claims Of Compromise A Stretch,” The Associated Press, 9/6/12)

CBS News: Obama Did Not Embrace Simpson-Bowles, So It’s “Strange” Biden Decided To Reference It. “But Mr. Obama did not embrace the plan either, which is why it’s strange that Biden decided to make a point of referencing it. It’s true there was never an official final report – thanks in part to Ryan – but the White House certainly did not make the case for the panel’s recommendations.” (Leigh Ann Caldwell, Lindsey Boerma, Stephanie Condon, Lucy Madison, Paula Reid, Brian Montopoli, and Steve Chaggaris, “Fact-Checking Obama, Biden Convention Speeches,” CBS News, 9/7/12)

ABC: “[T]he White House Failed To Embrace” Simpson-Bowles. “This is an incredible line from the Vice President about the ‘Simpson-Bowles Commission’ considering that the White House failed to embrace it.” (Jake Tapper, “Simpson Bowles Again,” ABC News’s “Political Punch,” 9/6/12)

ALL of it here
Plagiarist Joe Biden to Press: “Fact Check Me!” | The Gateway Pundit
Well, one thing was established. The bush wars are funded by borrowed money.

Vice President Biden is doubling down on watchdog groups and others who are saying he made misleading remarks in a speech earlier this week regarding the Romney-Ryan rescue plan for Medicare – daring reporters to “fact check me.”

Biden put down the challenge during a speech Saturday, after saying as he did during his acceptance speech Thursday at the Democratic National Convention that GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney and running mate Rep. Paul Ryan’s plan would cut benefits immediately for 30 million seniors already collecting Medicare.

“I say to the press, fact check me,” a smiling Biden said to applause at a rally in Zanesville, Ohio,

The Romney Campaign took up the challenge within hours.

* * * *

Among the questionable remarks were Biden's argument that "after the worst job loss since the Great Depression we created 4.5 million private sector jobs in the past 29 months" – a frequent response by the Obama campaign when questioned about the slow economic recovery.

The Associated Press and others point out that statement is misleading because it counts jobs from the recession's lowest point to where employment began to grow again – excluding jobs lost earlier in Obama's term and masking that overall unemployment has increased over that period.

"Overall, roughly 7.5 million jobs were lost during the recession that began in December 2007 and ended officially in June 2009," according to the wire service.

The Associated Press also points out that Obama said in his speech that he wants to use money saved by ending the wars to build highways, schools and bridges.

However, the wars were largely financed by borrowing "so there is no ready pile of cash to be diverted to anything else," the wire service writes.

* * * *

The group point out that Obama boasted that "independent experts" found his economic plan would cut the deficit by $4 trillion over 10 years. However, one such analyst called a key element of the plan a ‘gimmick,’ the group said.

Other examples include the president saying U.S. auto makers are back on top of the world.

"Nope," writes FactCheck, pointing out that General Motors has slipped back to No. 2 and is headed for third place in global sales this year behind Toyota and Volkswagen.

* * * *
-- Biden dares: 'Fact check me,' Romney campaign obliges | Fox News


The ONE was right to muzzle his dipshit sidekick. But the "genius" is back out of the bottle. :D

Well, they weren't -- ever -- "Bush" wars.

And since no separate war bonds or other tax was earmarked for the costs of fighting the wars, it has been pretty fucking clear all along that we were funding those costs on debt.

And since that has been clear all along, the CLAIM by the Administration and the VP that ending the war will "save" the money presently being used to fight the war gets exposed as dishonest tripe. If you step borrowing, you don't suddenly end up with a pile of money. The VP and the President are just liars. Period.

Holy crap, a politician asking to be fact-checked is like, like... sheesh, I can't even think of a comparison. These people lie and distort like they breathe.


I could live with the mere spin. If they feel like their own record has been distorted and that things they have said and supported and done are taken out of context by their opponents, they certainly have a right to fight back.

But some of the shit they say is just so damn palpably false that it makes folks wonder WHY the politicians would bother muttering such crap in the first place. It's not like in THIS day and age in particular, the facts can't be uncovered and quickly exposed.

Reality check there Mr. Vice President. WHETHER or NOT you "invite" a fact check, you ARE going to get fact checked. So you don't buy ANY credibility by "asking" for a fact check.

I just finished a book about the subconscious. Its premise is how our subconscious essentially believes what we tell it, it doesn't make value or accuracy judgments. That would fit with politicians and partisans. They say the same dishonest things over and over, and ultimately they believe it on a cellular, organic level. So really, someone like Biden actually feels they can be fact-checked because they have convinced themselves they're actually speaking "the truth".

I see a lot of that here.


Holy crap, a politician asking to be fact-checked is like, like... sheesh, I can't even think of a comparison. These people lie and distort like they breathe.


I could live with the mere spin. If they feel like their own record has been distorted and that things they have said and supported and done are taken out of context by their opponents, they certainly have a right to fight back.

But some of the shit they say is just so damn palpably false that it makes folks wonder WHY the politicians would bother muttering such crap in the first place. It's not like in THIS day and age in particular, the facts can't be uncovered and quickly exposed.

Reality check there Mr. Vice President. WHETHER or NOT you "invite" a fact check, you ARE going to get fact checked. So you don't buy ANY credibility by "asking" for a fact check.

I just finished a book about the subconscious. Its premise is how our subconscious essentially believes what we tell it, it doesn't make value or accuracy judgments. That would fit with politicians and partisans. They say the same dishonest things over and over, and ultimately they believe it on a cellular, organic level. So really, someone like Biden actually feels they can be fact-checked because they have convinced themselves they're actually speaking "the truth".

I see a lot of that here.


That's how lie detectors can be beaten. If you believe something enough, it's the truth to you, when asked the lie detector records the lie as a true statement.
I could live with the mere spin. If they feel like their own record has been distorted and that things they have said and supported and done are taken out of context by their opponents, they certainly have a right to fight back.

But some of the shit they say is just so damn palpably false that it makes folks wonder WHY the politicians would bother muttering such crap in the first place. It's not like in THIS day and age in particular, the facts can't be uncovered and quickly exposed.

Reality check there Mr. Vice President. WHETHER or NOT you "invite" a fact check, you ARE going to get fact checked. So you don't buy ANY credibility by "asking" for a fact check.

I just finished a book about the subconscious. Its premise is how our subconscious essentially believes what we tell it, it doesn't make value or accuracy judgments. That would fit with politicians and partisans. They say the same dishonest things over and over, and ultimately they believe it on a cellular, organic level. So really, someone like Biden actually feels they can be fact-checked because they have convinced themselves they're actually speaking "the truth".

I see a lot of that here.


That's how lie detectors can be beaten. If you believe something enough, it's the truth to you, when asked the lie detector records the lie as a true statement.

Yeah, good point.

Speaking on convincing ourselves, I think I'll convince myself that these people actually believe what they're saying, that they're living a life of self-delusion. It's better than assuming that they think they're getting away with lying, which is just pretty much insulting.


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