The hunt for Bin Laden


Senior Member
Oct 20, 2003
North Texas
I know that I'm more cynical than most people, but doesn't anyone find it more than just coincidence that the hunt for OBL is being stepped up to a 24/7 high tech op now, instead of a year or two ago? Could it have something to do with bad job numbers, new ones which are out today, and expectations of the jobless market not panning out the way they were supposed to from 6 months ago?
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
I know that I'm more cynical than most people, but doesn't anyone find it more than just coincidence that the hunt for OBL is being stepped up to a 24/7 high tech op now, instead of a year or two ago? Could it have something to do with bad job numbers, new ones which are out today, and expectations of the jobless market not panning out the way they were supposed to from 6 months ago?

Probably more so to do with new intelligence coming in.

Which bad numbers are you speaking of? The fact that the unemployment rate is so low, lower than anytime in the 80's or 90's? The fact that the nation's economic output revealed the strongest quarterly growth in 20 years? The fact that the number of American workers is at an all time high of 138.5 million, a level never before attained in U.S. history?
Which bad numbers are you speaking of? The fact that the unemployment rate is so low, lower than anytime in the 80's or 90's? The fact that the nation's economic output revealed the strongest quarterly growth in 20 years? The fact that the number of American workers is at an all time high of 138.5 million, a level never before attained in U.S. history?

The average working joe doesn't give one iota about those numbers Jim, what matters to that person is if he/she can find a job. While the job market is picking up slightly its not producing the 100,00+ a month that was predicted by the economic team 6 months ago. Now, a big picture look at the issue may be whats needed to see how things are not as bad as they seem but a man or woman who can't provide for their family because of scarcity of a job is not going to find the common sense to deal with that big picture look. You know it as well as I.

Thats all I was saying, and maybe the Bush admin is trying to produce a captured bin laden to ride out the fallout from a still lagging job market.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
The average working joe doesn't give one iota about those numbers Jim, what matters to that person is if he/she can find a job.

And like I said, the unemployment rate is at one of the lowest in years. It was higher when Clinton was president, did you rail him non-stop for the jobless problems? There are more people employed now than anytime in history.

Seems to me like the average Joe is working and happy.
did you rail him non-stop for the jobless problems?

when a job was hard for me to find, yes i did.

There are more people employed now than anytime in history.

thats a very misleading statement, there may be more employed now than anytime in history, but our working population has also grown, tremendously.

Seems to me like the average Joe is working and happy.

and like karen hughes, do you disregard the reports from individuals in the rust belt, or south carolina, where factories have closed or are closing, salaries are dropping because ops go offshore? Theres a job market problem, not enough jobs. Thats reality.
when a job was hard for me to find, yes i did.

So job growth means nothing, at least if DK can't find a job. If you're happily employed than there is no reason to complain about the unemployment status?

thats a very misleading statement, there may be more employed now than anytime in history, but our working population has also grown, tremendously.

And the fact that we are at one of the lowest unemployment rates in 20 years shows that we are keeping up with the growth.

and like karen hughes, do you disregard the reports from individuals in the rust belt, or south carolina, where factories have closed or are closing, salaries are dropping because ops go offshore? Theres a job market problem, not enough jobs. Thats reality.

No more of a problem than it's been in the last 20 years. Funny how those figures are ignored when you are employed.
maybe you think I'm trying to use these as an attack or something. I'm not. I'm telling you how a great many people are going to consider their personal situation is all. If you feel you have to defend it then maybe theres something else you should be looking at.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
I'm telling you how a great many people are going to consider their personal situation is all.
I agree with you DK, a great number of people will consider their situations when voting. And I believe everyone on this board would like to see continued job growth in the economy.
However Jim makes great points the unemployment rate now is not higher than when Clinton ran for reelection. And with that unemployment rate he was reelected.

Unemployment rate in 1996 first quater = 5.6, Clinton reelected.

Unemployment rate in 2004 first quater = 5.6, Bush reeleceted?

Originally posted by DKSuddeth
I know that I'm more cynical than most people, but doesn't anyone find it more than just coincidence that the hunt for OBL is being stepped up to a 24/7 high tech op now, instead of a year or two ago?

Maybe it's intelligence combined with weather.
The tax cuts are doing what naturally happens when you cut taxes. More growth, more jobs.

Something that Democrats can't seem to understand is that you can't tax your way out of a recession - the imminent recession was a very hot topic during the 2000 elections, and something that libs love to forget is that we were heading into a recession prior to Billy Bob exiting the White House. Oh yeah, gotta love those massive tax increases that Billy Bob got. The 9/11 stock market crash exaggerated the recession, but the recession was upon us, nevertheless.

OBL is naturally a hot target, and he always has been since 9/11. What's going on now is that there is an important election coming up this year, and what do you hear liberals quacking about? Yep, what happened to OBL?

You have to think about this from our military's standpoint. If you are actively trying to find someone's address and he doesn't want to be found, do you make headlines saying you're REALLY going all out to find him? Of course not, you want him to think he's taken a back burner to priorities and catch him off guard. It will only take one small mistake from him or his lackeys for our military to zero in on him, and you can bet the farm that there are multiple electronic intercept missions flying & monitoring every transmission from that region 24/7, and has been since prior to the invasion of Afghanistan. That's just the Air Force, there's plenty of boots on the ground asking questions & following up leads. I'd really like to know how many spooks the CIA and NSA have in country now, there will be some killer autobiographies and movies made 10 years from now.

Since we've got an election year and the dems are yelling about OBL, Bush did what any politician in those circumstances would do that wants to get re-elected, and that's to state what has been our mission all along publicly - makes it harder for the military & intelligence to do their job but by informing the public about the effort you have less fallout against such allegations. All of the Demos know the search has top priority, but it's politically handy to ask these questions in front of the masses that aren't in the loop on briefings. It's a blatant embarassment smear upon Bush, when our service men and women would work every bit as hard under Gore - we all want OBL's head on a platter.

Well, most of us, anyway. I've talked with libs that would like to enroll him in an anger management course (paid by Uncle Sam, of course) to bring him around.

You can bet that when the statement was released about OBL being gone after 24/7, there were plenty of surveillance and intercept missions watching intently for any break in silence - remember, it only takes one knucklehead to panic to pinpoint his position. When I heard about the announcement, my first thought was that it was a ploy to get someone to transmit & flush out the bastard.

I'm not positive on what happened & is happening, and if I did I damn sure wouldn't be talking to you on this board about it. I can only surmise from what I do know.

But I do know that OBL has been, and is to this day, a priority 1 target - and this I do know for a fact. Politics get in the way, sometimes, but that's American politics for you.
things are heating up again for OBL due to a change in the way the military is operating in Afgani area...what was missing the most before 9/ what is driving the new surge to find OBL..
Great post Night Train , it's obvious you have an understanding of how things are done . The Dems would like the public to think that we have the technology to do anything in any weather , anywhere , for very little money. They have gotten caught up in Hollywood fantasy . Sure , technology is at an all time high but it isn't magic . Just as the weapons I'm sure Saddam was in possesion of OBL will be found . I would love to see him taken out by his own people (a mother of a kid he has killed would be ideal) or himself in a cowardly suicide just as we are closing in on him . Or better yet , let Allah take his ass out with a massive heart attack . Then let a bunch of wild hogs devoure his scrawny body on camera . That would make great television for sweeps week .
I read that Allah is sending a plague of locus to the area , between the earthquakes and grasshoppers . . . he must be pissed , not enough martyring going on around there!
Well, most of us, anyway. I've talked with libs that would like to enroll him in an anger management course (paid by Uncle Sam, of course) to bring him around.

Nah. Make him spend the rest of his life in a small cage located in the It's A Small World After All ride at disney in florida. That should break through all of his rage. :D
Oh man don't even say that ! After I went on that ride I could not stop singing the song for three days, I thought I was going crazy !!! :p:
Yes I loved Disneyland and Epcot, but don't you know with my luck out of everyone there, I got hit in the eye with a piece of an exploded firework and wound up in their ER.
Are you kidding, I am lucky they did not charge me for medical care !!!

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