The 'holy' cities ? ??



Is it normal that, as has become common practice, we use the word ‘holy’ to describe the cities of certain countries only when the Islam religion designates them as such? This is done as if it were an absolute truth that we must all accept, without daring to think or say otherwise. And non-Muslim believers such as myself must repeat with reverence. These cities do indeed often include beautiful religious and scenic buildings, almost always offer large souks and bazaars where we can buy for a pittance ‘souvenirs’ to bring home, and also generally have extensive poverty in large, miserable districts. I am sorry to disappoint you, but there is nothing holy about them for me, a Christian, with their populations that are not particularly holy either and that we must occasionally be wary of. I would like to give my opinion, changing the subject slightly : they Will remain poor and often very poor cities and countries as long as they remain dominated by both the Muslim culture, which drags these peoples downwards, and by under-development, in my personal opinion. Because no nation is inferior because of so-called racial inferiority. It is spirituality that drives a people up or down, and with Islam, in my view, there is no danger that they will move ahead of us for a very long time. Thus I was saying that there are other major religions which have cities on Earth that are holy for their faithful, but to which our media, well-educated politicians, travel professionals, etc. never apply that laudatory title. The only cities to be called holy are those so designated by the practitioners of Islam. And we must not forget this, or else we receive criticism or even threats, immediately in some cases. I do not accept this intellectual terrorism which until now was often UNIDENTIFIED, in what is often said. I am sorry to say and repeat it, but the cities of Mecca, Quram, Medina, Falloudja, Nadjraff, etc. etc. have nothing, absolutely nothing holy about them for me, a Western European Christian. The same is true for people of other faiths: Hindus, Jews, Buddhists, Shintoists, etc. And I believe they must often think the same thing. If we call them ‘holy’ cities, we should specify ‘for Muslims’.
Or else our education must change for everyone, and conversely that through globalization we should call ‘holy’ any city that has a strong tie to ANY religion. In that case I agree, I will call those cities holy along with those of other religions. When we speak of those cities, we should qualify them the same way that we qualify important cities of other religions, which are NEVER called ‘holy’. Because for example we cite important cities for Christians like myself, such as Bethlehem, Nazareth, Jerusalem, Fatima, Lourdes, or why not Rome, and many others, they are not qualified as holy, no more than those important to the others belief above. We should act the for the cities of Islam. That is the education and the way of speaking that should be taught and applied to be impartial, equitable, and NEUTRAL, in papers, the media, TV coverage, political debates, schoolbooks and manuals, etc. Because currently even donkeys along roads in the countryside, when we pass them by, seem to look at us and repeat while nodding their heads:
‘You know, the only cities that should be called ‘holy’ are those of Islam.’
I do not accept this sloppiness when faced with the wishes of their terrorist propaganda that we CONTINUOUSLY repeat without even realizing it, and especially our politicians. This proves that even though they were lucky enough to study for many years in the university and graduate, even though they are extremely well educated and have obtained numerous prestigious diplomas, even though they manage half of a country or large sectors of the economy, are able to remain as stupid as cows. It is compatible. YES.
I hope that one day everyone will wake up and think a little.
Islam is not a holy religion. Communism, National Socializm and the gods of the Philistines were all called holy by those who adhered to their tenets.

Everytime the Jews find their ancesteral homeland, the Islamites declare the Jewish sites become 'holy' to these sub-phyla of living organism.

When the Muslims bow down 5 times a day to Mecca, the holiest site of these murderous peoples, their rectums face the temple mount of Israel. This is how they respect the holy site of Israel......

I'll say one thng for the Muslims, they sure know how to treat their women. If she offends or embarasses them, they simply kill them and get another.

How is that for women getting the vote that even the Muslim men do not have?
goog point..... you know, the Muslims claim Jerusalem as a "Holy City" but it is NOT ONCE mentioned in the Quaran whereas it is mentioned in the Bible I think something like over 2,500 times.

To me, it appears as the Muslims declare anything "Holy" that they want to keep.
Originally posted by freeandfun1
goog point..... you know, the Muslims claim Jerusalem as a "Holy City" but it is NOT ONCE mentioned in the Quaran whereas it is mentioned in the Bible I think something like over 2,500 times.

To me, it appears as the Muslims declare anything "Holy" that they want to keep.

Muslim declare anything or any place that is not in the hands of the Muslim to be a holy site where Muhammad had a wet dream.

The religion of Muhammad was created by using the texts and concepts of others bibles and then he contorted other's text to fit his concept of conquest and murder.

There is no doubt in my mind that Islamic aspirations are not willing to wait for Allah to turn the world to his religion so they rush to use all of their resources to wage a 'holy war' against the infidels of the earth. This is their Achilles Heel.
Originally posted by newone

ho·ly [ hṓlee ]

adjective (comparative ho·li·er, superlative ho·li·est)

1. sacred: relating to, belonging to, or coming from a divine being or power
holy relics

2. saintly: devoted to the service of God, a god, or a goddess

3. pure: morally and spiritually perfect and of a devoutly religious character
a holy man

4. consecrated: dedicated or set apart for religious purposes
holy water
Native American holy ground

5. awe-inspiring: of a unique character, evoking reverence
Gettysburg is a holy place for many people of the United States.

hi there,
i just gave the word holy means either in English. why do we (me as a muslim) call Jurasalem, Mecca, AlMadina as holy spots? well in these three cities there are three main mosques in them, those three mosques are including within the millions of muslims from all over the world, Asia, Europe, Africa. the muslims comes to pray in these mosques to gain the blessings of God. those who beleive in the prophets know where had the lived, in the areas of Palestine to Egypt, Prophet Ibrahim and his son Ismaeel build the Kabaa' in Mecca, so by that mecca is calles Holy Mecca, and also because millions of muslims gather there to worship Allah. Almadina, it the place where Mohammed emigrated from Mecca to AlMadina ( In Mecca the bedouins tortured and tried to kill Mohammed and his companions) after Mohammed reached he built his Mosque. Jurusalem well that is a city where ever Christian should know about, Prophet Jesus lived there.
it is a sad true to say that the muslims nowdays aren't like those in the past who created civilizations many spots in the world, like AlAndalus, Othmaniya..., despite that there were many problems within the muslims which by then the civilizations died.many muslims abandoned their Islamic morals and destroyed the true image of Islam. many muslims are trying hard today to give the right image of Islam in order to change the Islamic world into a much brighter future.
Originally posted by sumayya

hi there,
i just gave the word holy means either in English. why do we (me as a muslim) call Jurasalem, Mecca, AlMadina as holy spots? well in these three cities there are three main mosques in them, those three mosques are including within the millions of muslims from all over the world, Asia, Europe, Africa. the muslims comes to pray in these mosques to gain the blessings of God. those who beleive in the prophets know where had the lived, in the areas of Palestine to Egypt, Prophet Ibrahim and his son Ismaeel build the Kabaa' in Mecca, so by that mecca is calles Holy Mecca, and also because millions of muslims gather there to worship Allah.

Holy does not mean where a mosque is built. Find for me one place in Qur'an where the world Jerusalem is mentioned even once.

Jerusalem has been the capital of the Jewish people thousands of years before the first Muslim (Muhammad) appeared on the planet earth. Islam may want to believe that Abraham, Jesus, and many other Hebrew people were Muslims but that is not backed up by any evidence whatsoever.

The Jewish bible Dead Sea Scrolls, found by an Arab boy in the Judean hills, were more than 2,000 years old and Islam is less than 1400 years old.

Why is it that with 1.23 billion Muslims in the world and only 11 or 12 million Jews in the same world, that the Muslims and Allah have not been able to clean the earth of the Jewish people.

In 1947, Israel declared itself a world nation and in 1948, the UN separated the old British protectorate into a Jewish and Arab land. The Jewish people (although few in number) and with one piper cub and a few hundred guns purchased from Czeckeslovakia, fought against 5 large surrounding Arab countries and beat back the attackers?

Where was Allah the Beneficient who allowed this Arab tragedy to occur?

Today Islam lives in the same 7th century conditions that Muhammad prescribed for Muslims. The Jewish nation has the weapons it has created and the Arab nations buys them from Israel's enemies but WHY can't the Arabs clean the Jews from their own lands?

Almadina, it the place where Mohammed emigrated from Mecca to AlMadina ( In Mecca the bedouins tortured and tried to kill Mohammed and his companions) after Mohammed reached he built his Mosque. Jurusalem well that is a city where ever Christian should know about, Prophet Jesus lived there.
it is a sad true to say that the muslims nowdays aren't like those in the past who created civilizations many spots in the world, like AlAndalus, Othmaniya..., despite that there were many problems within the muslims which by then the civilizations died.many muslims abandoned their Islamic morals and destroyed the true image of Islam. many muslims are trying hard today to give the right image of Islam in order to change the Islamic world into a much brighter future.

Sorry but Muhammad was never in Israel or Jerusalem except in his dream when he supposedly jumped off the Jewish temple mount to meet angel gabriel who gave him Qur'an.

Islam has filled your head with Al-Taqiyya and distorted the reality of this camel drivers beliefs. You will ultimately learn the truth but at what cost to you?

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