The high priests of eco-destruction


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Jul 11, 2004
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By Michelle Malkin • February 22, 2012 07:50 AM

The high priests of eco-destruction
by Michelle Malkin
Creators Syndicate
Copyright 2012

Rick Santorum is right. Pushing back against Democrats’ attempts to frame him as a religious menace, the GOP presidential candidate forcefully turned the tables on the White House: “When it comes to the management of the Earth, they are the anti-science ones.”

Scrutiny of the White House anti-science brigade couldn’t come at a better time (which is why Santorum’s detractors prefer to froth at the mouth about comments he made four years ago on the existence of Satan). It’s not just big-ticket scandals like the stimulus-subsidized Solyndra bankruptcy or the Keystone pipeline debacle bedeviling America. In every corner of the Obama administration, the radical green machinery is hard at work — destroying jobs, shredding truth and sacrificing our economic well-being at the altar of environmentalism.

–Take Obama’s head of the National Park Service, please. While serving as the Pacific West regional director of the NPS, Jon Jarvis was accused of at least 21 instances of scientific misconduct (pdf) by Dr. Corey Goodman, a high-ranking member of the National Academy of Sciences. Extensive information about Jarvis’ alleged role in cooking data about a California oyster farm’s impact on harbor seals at Point Reyes was withheld during the 2009 nomination process. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar has ignored complaints and follow-up from both Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein and Republican Sens. James Inhofe and David Vitter.

The National Research Council determined that the NPS had “selectively” slanted its report on the oyster farm. The federal Marine Mammal Commission found that “the data and analyses are not sufficient to demonstrate a causal relationship” between the farm’s operations and harbor seal health. In a letter blasting the NPS for bullying the small oyster farm, Feinstein — normally a reliable eco-ally — concluded earlier this month that the “crux of the problem is that the Park Service manipulated science while building a case that the business should be shuttered.”

Given Salazar’s own role in manipulating science while building his case for the White House offshore drilling moratorium — actions for which several federal judges spanked Salazar in the past two years — it’s no wonder he’s looking the other way. Remember: Two years ago, Salazar and former Obama eco-czar Carol Browner falsely rewrote the White House drilling ban report to wholly manipulate the Obama-appointed panel’s own overwhelming scientific objections to the job-killing edict. Despite repeated judicial slaps for their “determined disregard” for the law, the Obama administration continues to suppress documents related to that junk science scandal. Last month, House Republicans threatened to subpoena the Interior Department for information. Call it a greenwash.

–Water wars and the Delta smelt. The infamous, endangered three-inch fish and its environmental protectors continue to jeopardize the water supply of more than 25 million Californians. Federal restrictions have cut off some 81 billion gallons of water to farmers and consumers in Central and Southern California. Previous courts have ruled that the federal biological opinions used to justify the water cutoff were invalid and illegal. Last September, the U.S. District Court of the Eastern District of California admonished two federal scientists for acting in “bad faith.” The judge’s blistering rebuke of the Obama administration scientists concluded that their slanted testimony about the delta smelt was “an attempt to mislead and to deceive the Court into accepting what is not only not the best science, it’s not science.”

GOP Rep. Devin Nunes, who represents the hard-hit San Joaquin Valley area, noted that Salazar recently “doubled down on the illegal policies of the Department of Interior and attacked critics as narrow minded and politically motivated. Ironically, these were the same basic criticisms levied against his department by the federal court.”

While Salazar manufactures a new biological opinion on the matter to get the courts off his back, unemployment and drought plague the Central Valley. And the White House stands by its “scientists.”

read it all with comments at.
Michelle Malkin » The high priests of eco-destruction
Malkin? Whatever, Staph, whatever.

why do you always confuse the story with the entity that is publicizing the story? I have no problem with you rebutting something with informatiion from another source but you seem to think that anything associated with people that you dont like is automatically false, and anything linked to someone you like is automatically true.

did you believe the fake Heartland memo before it was shown to be a fraud? you probably still believe it to be true a la Dan Rather's fake but accurate ploy. why dont you judge things on their worth rather than by who supports them?
Malkin? Whatever, Staph, whatever.

why do you always confuse the story with the entity that is publicizing the story? I have no problem with you rebutting something with informatiion from another source but you seem to think that anything associated with people that you dont like is automatically false, and anything linked to someone you like is automatically true.

did you believe the fake Heartland memo before it was shown to be a fraud? you probably still believe it to be true a la Dan Rather's fake but accurate ploy. why dont you judge things on their worth rather than by who supports them?

Is Malkin a scientist now? She can be ignored on that basis alone. We know her stance and she's hardly going to provide us with any information that we can't get from a more reliable source.
OK konradv. you are voting with Old Rocks. blaming the newspaperboy for the content of the Sunday Edition.

judging the validity of an idea by your like or dislike of the speaker rather than the quality of the work.

I get your attitude, I just dont like it or agree with it. if Gov Moonbeam or Ray Nagin had a good idea I would probably give it some extra thought but if still seemed good I would accept its worth.

how about you konradv? thumbs up or down on Peter Gleick, and have you changed your attitude in the last few days?

if only properly vetted climate scientist are to be believed would memogate even have become public knowledge? would someone on your side have outed him?
I never bothered to read the Heartland e-mail controversy. Heartland is a lying 'Conservative' site, and lies consistantly enough that whatever lies someone else tells about them would hardly change my opinion of them.

Glieck was extroidenirly stupid in doing this, and has destroyed his credibility as a scientist. All to smear people that have no scientific credibility in the first place. Glieck should seek psychological help.
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But Malkin speaks for far, far more people than soomebody like those dolts on MSNBC, Lawrence O'Donnell or Ed Schultz. The k00ks put these media people up like the ultimate perveyors of truth, but I laways wonder then.........why doesnt anybody ever watch them?
I never bothered to read the Heartland e-mail controversy. Heartland is a lying 'Conservative' site, and lies consistantly enough that whatever lies someone else tells about them would hardly change my opinion of them.

Glieck was extroidenirly stupid in doing this, and has destroyed his credibility as a scientist. All to smear people that have no scientific credibility in the first place. Glieck should seek psychological help.

Yeah..........but the bigger story is how fast the New York Times grabbed and ran with this....again proving that the left have a big ass agenda with all this climate change stuff. The dolts at the Times always froth at the mouth when they see an opportunity to silence anything that doesnt conform with the view of the annointed...........the annointed in this case is the closed science fraternity of the AGW true believers.
Malkin? Whatever, Staph, whatever.

why do you always confuse the story with the entity that is publicizing the story? I have no problem with you rebutting something with informatiion from another source but you seem to think that anything associated with people that you dont like is automatically false, and anything linked to someone you like is automatically true.

did you believe the fake Heartland memo before it was shown to be a fraud? you probably still believe it to be true a la Dan Rather's fake but accurate ploy. why dont you judge things on their worth rather than by who supports them?

Is Malkin a scientist now? She can be ignored on that basis alone. We know her stance and she's hardly going to provide us with any information that we can't get from a more reliable source.
No she's not a scientist any more than barack obama is a military expert, though obama feels qualified to lead our military. Michelle Malkin is a columnist who has written a well researched essay providing source. Have you provided source to dispute the article?
You look stupid here and you are generally smart enough to realize that.

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