The Hated White Race


Gold Member
Apr 2, 2009
The Hated White Race
by David Yeagley

“Fifty years from now, there won’t even be any white people!” said my pathological Middle Eastern neighbor. He knew I was an American Indian, and he expected me to dance in his vision.

I didn’t. I found his attitude, and that of his angry black wife, repulsive. I don’t appreciate being presumed upon or being dictated to in any matter, especially in the matter of race. Nobody tells this Indian how to think. I’m free to like and dislike whomever I please, for whatever reasons I choose.

My two neighbors were racists, obviously. And they were making me a victim of their racism. Because I was non-white, they presumed I was a natural partner in their resentment and animosity toward the white race. I was judged by the color of my skin, so to speak.

The Hated White Race
The Hated White Race
by David Yeagley

“Fifty years from now, there won’t even be any white people!” said my pathological Middle Eastern neighbor. He knew I was an American Indian, and he expected me to dance in his vision.

I didn’t. I found his attitude, and that of his angry black wife, repulsive. I don’t appreciate being presumed upon or being dictated to in any matter, especially in the matter of race. Nobody tells this Indian how to think. I’m free to like and dislike whomever I please, for whatever reasons I choose.

My two neighbors were racists, obviously. And they were making me a victim of their racism. Because I was non-white, they presumed I was a natural partner in their resentment and animosity toward the white race. I was judged by the color of my skin, so to speak.

The Hated White Race

Well what do you White boys expect?, You all just robbed the entire world to the tune
of $800 Billion or $ 2 Trillion U.S. Dollars, with your credit default swap, sub-prime mortgage scam, you are always starting wars to stimulate your economies, you practice
all kinds of sexual perversions, with your homosexual marriage laws that you are trying to force on the heterosexual people of the world, who have voted that they don't want homosexual marriage.
You are always after women from outside your white race,this causes problems with
men from other races seeing you walking around with their women.!!
Why would people from other races like white people when white people are always looking for trouble.!?:razz:
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The biggest mistake the "white race" made was thinking your monkey people were their equal.
Cracker Alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Hated White Race
by David Yeagley

“Fifty years from now, there won’t even be any white people!” said my pathological Middle Eastern neighbor. He knew I was an American Indian, and he expected me to dance in his vision.

I didn’t. I found his attitude, and that of his angry black wife, repulsive. I don’t appreciate being presumed upon or being dictated to in any matter, especially in the matter of race. Nobody tells this Indian how to think. I’m free to like and dislike whomever I please, for whatever reasons I choose.

My two neighbors were racists, obviously. And they were making me a victim of their racism. Because I was non-white, they presumed I was a natural partner in their resentment and animosity toward the white race. I was judged by the color of my skin, so to speak.

The Hated White Race

Fuck White People! On, no wait -- don't fuck them. Because then we'll be a mixed ...what race?

Color as race is a social construct. Race itself as you imagine it, is not a genetic thing.
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Color as race is a social construct. Race itself as you imagine it, is not a genetic thing.
Try telling black Africans their not a race of people, they ain't going to believe your white man "social construct" voodoo
Color as race is a social construct. Race itself as you imagine it, is not a genetic thing.
Try telling black Africans their not a race of people, they ain't going to believe your white man "social construct" voodoo

Why try when I do it all the time. Facts are facts. Beliefs are beliefs. I ask people to refute the facts if they are having issues accepting them.

Fuck White People! On, no wait -- don't fuck them. Because then we'll be a mixed ...what race?

Color as race is a social construct. Race itself as you imagine it, is not a genetic thing.

You'll feel different when your in a country packed with Mexicans and there isn't enough room to fart.

The rules of life are still the same. Poor Mexicans will resent rich Mexicans and the wars will begin again. Just as it is in Latin America today. Do you really believe that an all brown North American will be a paradise for the third world helper monkeys?

I love the "boo hoo" reaction of liberals when whites complain about affirmative action, becoming the minority, etc. Mocking those with a complaint can only be done from a position of TRUE power and privilege. It also tends to make people even angrier. So, keep it up. Keep laughing at whites. Whites are starting to get that voting for Obama was a big mistake. They aren't getting credit for being "good". They're just getting SLAMMED even harder for being a "racist", blah blah blah. It's all good, to me. The more whites wake up, the better.
The Hated White Race
by David Yeagley

“Fifty years from now, there won’t even be any white people!” said my pathological Middle Eastern neighbor. He knew I was an American Indian, and he expected me to dance in his vision.

I didn’t. I found his attitude, and that of his angry black wife, repulsive. I don’t appreciate being presumed upon or being dictated to in any matter, especially in the matter of race. Nobody tells this Indian how to think. I’m free to like and dislike whomever I please, for whatever reasons I choose.

My two neighbors were racists, obviously. And they were making me a victim of their racism. Because I was non-white, they presumed I was a natural partner in their resentment and animosity toward the white race. I was judged by the color of my skin, so to speak.

The Hated White Race

Well what do you White boys expect?, You all just robbed the entire world to the tune
of $800 Billion or $ 2 Trillion U.S. Dollars, with your credit default swap, sub-prime mortgage scam, you are always starting wars to stimulate your economies, you practice
all kinds of sexual perversions, with your homosexual marriage laws that you are trying to force on the heterosexual people of the world, who have voted that they don't want homosexual marriage.
You are always after women from outside your white race,this causes problems with
men from other races seeing you walking around with their women.!!
Why would people from other races like white people when white people are always looking for trouble.!?:razz:

LOL...hmmm wonder how many in here are like me in that I see far more black boys with white women than I see white men with black chicks.

And why would black men consider black females "their women," huh? Why shouldn't a black woman be free to choose whomever she wants to be with? Gee whiz of all races I'd think black men would be especially sensitive to the concept of one human being having ownership of another human being. You know, against their will as in slavery.

Anyway, my advice the next time you want to go on yet another screed against white people that you think things out a bit better so you don't come across as such a dumb shit.
The Hated White Race
by David Yeagley

“Fifty years from now, there won’t even be any white people!” said my pathological Middle Eastern neighbor. He knew I was an American Indian, and he expected me to dance in his vision.

I didn’t. I found his attitude, and that of his angry black wife, repulsive. I don’t appreciate being presumed upon or being dictated to in any matter, especially in the matter of race. Nobody tells this Indian how to think. I’m free to like and dislike whomever I please, for whatever reasons I choose.

My two neighbors were racists, obviously. And they were making me a victim of their racism. Because I was non-white, they presumed I was a natural partner in their resentment and animosity toward the white race. I was judged by the color of my skin, so to speak.

The Hated White Race

Well what do you White boys expect?, You all just robbed the entire world to the tune
of $800 Billion or $ 2 Trillion U.S. Dollars, with your credit default swap, sub-prime mortgage scam, you are always starting wars to stimulate your economies, you practice
all kinds of sexual perversions, with your homosexual marriage laws that you are trying to force on the heterosexual people of the world, who have voted that they don't want homosexual marriage.
You are always after women from outside your white race,this causes problems with
men from other races seeing you walking around with their women.!!
Why would people from other races like white people when white people are always looking for trouble.!?:razz:

LOL...hmmm wonder how many in here are like me in that I see far more black boys with white women than I see white men with black chicks.

And why would black men consider black females "their women," huh? Why shouldn't a black woman be free to choose whomever she wants to be with? Gee whiz of all races I'd think black men would be especially sensitive to the concept of one human being having ownership of another human being. You know, against their will as in slavery.

Anyway, my advice the next time you want to go on yet another screed against white people that you think things out a bit better so you don't come across as such a dumb shit.

Another white deviant troublemaker who refuses to accept the facts. Everything I posted is
factual. It was not a "screed gainst white poeple" , I posted factual situations that white people are involved in. Black men don't want white women, and we don't want white men after our women. They are black women, not white women. Why is it that white men feel
that they can chose any women from any other race just because they are white?!
Where did this white male arrogance come from?! White men should be satisfied with
White women, but apparently many are not.!?.If white people are so superior, why
should white men even think about going outside their race for a mate, it seems that just
contradicts the superiority argument?.Doesn't it.?
Well what do you White boys expect?, You all just robbed the entire world to the tune
of $800 Billion or $ 2 Trillion U.S. Dollars, with your credit default swap, sub-prime mortgage scam, you are always starting wars to stimulate your economies,
All those affirmative action home loans given to your monkey people.
all kinds of sexual perversions, with your homosexual marriage laws that you are trying to force on the heterosexual people of the world, who have voted that they don't want homosexual marriage.
It is still all the monkey homos spreading aids all over the world.
You are always after women from outside your white race,this causes problems with men from other races seeing you walking around with their women.!!
No other race wants your monkey women.
Why would people from other races like white people when white people are always looking for trouble.!?:razz:
Why, cause white people would rather fly to the moon then sit on a porch?
Another white deviant troublemaker who refuses to accept the facts. Everything I posted is
factual. It was not a "screed gainst white poeple" , I posted factual situations that white people are involved in. Black men don't want white women, and we don't want white men after our women. They are black women, not white women. Why is it that white men feel
that they can chose any women from any other race just because they are white?!
Where did this white male arrogance come from?! White men should be satisfied with
White women, but apparently many are not.!?.If white people are so superior, why
should white men even think about going outside their race for a mate, it seems that just
contradicts the superiority argument?.Doesn't it.?
Your monkey women are the uglyist women on the planet. Most of them look like men and act like men, when you take all their weaves off they all look like men. Monkey women are also very feral and always want to fight. And the worst thing is of all the different races monkey women have the biggest vaginas.

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