The Halo Effect


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
I've posted on this forum a few times a list of logical fallacies which are frequently used in political debate.

You can see such a list here. Posts 32 and 36.

Trump can barely speak a sentence without employing one of these fallacies, if he isn't outright lying. And defenders of Trump and defenders of the Left often employ them.

Trump's supporters have used a ton of logical fallacies to defend him lately, but there is a new one they have been using which actually is not so new.

Basically, the argument is, "So what if Trump is a bad person, the economy is doing great under him."

This is the "Hitler got the trains running on time" argument. This is the same gambit defense attorneys use for mobsters by claiming their defendants are good people because they hand out free turkeys to the poor at Thanksgiving.

The belief the person they worship can do no wrong is the Halo Effect on steroids.
I've posted on this forum a few times a list of logical fallacies which are frequently used in political debate.

You can see such a list here. Posts 32 and 36.

Trump can barely speak a sentence without employing one of these fallacies, if he isn't outright lying. And defenders of Trump and defenders of the Left often employ them.

Trump's supporters have used a ton of logical fallacies to defend him lately, but there is a new one they have been using which actually is not so new.

Basically, the argument is, "So what if Trump is a bad person, the economy is doing great under him."

This is the "Hitler got the trains running on time" argument. This is the same gambit defense attorneys use for mobsters by claiming their defendants are good people because they hand out free turkeys to the poor at Thanksgiving.

The belief the person they worship can do no wrong is the Halo Effect on steroids.

The Press loved Obama's halos

I've posted on this forum a few times a list of logical fallacies which are frequently used in political debate.

You can see such a list here. Posts 32 and 36.

Trump can barely speak a sentence without employing one of these fallacies, if he isn't outright lying. And defenders of Trump and defenders of the Left often employ them.

Trump's supporters have used a ton of logical fallacies to defend him lately, but there is a new one they have been using which actually is not so new.

Basically, the argument is, "So what if Trump is a bad person, the economy is doing great under him."

This is the "Hitler got the trains running on time" argument. This is the same gambit defense attorneys use for mobsters by claiming their defendants are good people because they hand out free turkeys to the poor at Thanksgiving.

The belief the person they worship can do no wrong is the Halo Effect on steroids.
You go a post without mentioning Trump.
Not necessarily a fallacy.
All politicians lie. Obama lied most of the time he spoke, it's true. His entire Presidency was a lie as he presented himself as out for the little guy, but was the exact opposite in every way.
I am not a Trump supporter, but I would take Trump over Obama.
I've posted on this forum a few times a list of logical fallacies which are frequently used in political debate.

You can see such a list here. Posts 32 and 36.

Trump can barely speak a sentence without employing one of these fallacies, if he isn't outright lying. And defenders of Trump and defenders of the Left often employ them.

Trump's supporters have used a ton of logical fallacies to defend him lately, but there is a new one they have been using which actually is not so new.

Basically, the argument is, "So what if Trump is a bad person, the economy is doing great under him."

This is the "Hitler got the trains running on time" argument. This is the same gambit defense attorneys use for mobsters by claiming their defendants are good people because they hand out free turkeys to the poor at Thanksgiving.

The belief the person they worship can do no wrong is the Halo Effect on steroids.

I see you gave up on Impeachment and resorted to trolling now. Here is a LOGICAL FACT!

Obstructing Congress does not exist in US Code. There is no such thing.

You do not have to honor Subpoenas submitted by The House of Representatives.

Now, if both The House and Senate agreed on something like Impeachment, then The Sr. half of The Bi-Cameral Legislative Branch The Senate, acts on behalf of the entire "Congress" and may be able to have some influence here and compel testimony or appearances...but even that is subject to Due Process Rights and Civil Protections, and Civil Liberties.

But The House of Reps, is not "Congress" The House of Reps is one half of Congress, and so therefore "Congress" implies Bi-Cameral Consent, even if there were such a crime as "Obstruction of Congress" You cannot commit the fictional crime of "Obstructing Congress" unless you Obstruct both The Senate and The House in something like an impeachment "trial", even if this fictional crime were a crime.

They could not accuse The President of "Obstruction of Justice" an actual crime, because he did not commit a crime.

Always remember it like this. The House of Representatives is literally The JV squad when it comes to The Bi-Cameral Legislative Branch we call Congress.

The Senate is the Senior Branch, or The Varsity.

There are no crimes listed in US Code that are called

"Abuse of Power"
"Obstruction of Congress"

Those Articles are works of fiction and neither is an impeachable offense, let alone are even defined as a crime.

There is a law called "Abuse of Office" but sadly for The Democrats, it only describes how they abused their office to attempt to deny The Constitutional Immunities and Privileges of The Executive Branch.

25 CFR § 11.448 - Abuse of office.

§ 11.448 Abuse of office.
A person acting or purporting to act in an official capacity or taking advantage of such actual or purported capacity commits a misdemeanor if, knowing that his or her conduct is illegal, he or she:

(a) Subjects another to arrest, detention, search, seizure, mistreatment, dispossession, assessment, lien or other infringement of personal or property rights; or

(b) Denies or impedes another in the exercise or enjoyment of any right, privilege, power or immunity.

The Reason Adolph Schiffler, Nazi Nadler, and Propaganda Pelosi did not accuse The President of "Obstruction of Justice" which is an actual crime is because he did not commit a crime.

It's really that simple.
I've posted on this forum a few times a list of logical fallacies which are frequently used in political debate.

You can see such a list here. Posts 32 and 36.

Trump can barely speak a sentence without employing one of these fallacies, if he isn't outright lying. And defenders of Trump and defenders of the Left often employ them.

Trump's supporters have used a ton of logical fallacies to defend him lately, but there is a new one they have been using which actually is not so new.

Basically, the argument is, "So what if Trump is a bad person, the economy is doing great under him."

This is the "Hitler got the trains running on time" argument. This is the same gambit defense attorneys use for mobsters by claiming their defendants are good people because they hand out free turkeys to the poor at Thanksgiving.

The belief the person they worship can do no wrong is the Halo Effect on steroids.
Here is YOUR logical fallacy.

Trump is NOT Hitler. Clinton is.
I've posted on this forum a few times a list of logical fallacies which are frequently used in political debate.

You can see such a list here. Posts 32 and 36.

Trump can barely speak a sentence without employing one of these fallacies, if he isn't outright lying. And defenders of Trump and defenders of the Left often employ them.

Trump's supporters have used a ton of logical fallacies to defend him lately, but there is a new one they have been using which actually is not so new.

Basically, the argument is, "So what if Trump is a bad person, the economy is doing great under him."

This is the "Hitler got the trains running on time" argument. This is the same gambit defense attorneys use for mobsters by claiming their defendants are good people because they hand out free turkeys to the poor at Thanksgiving.

The belief the person they worship can do no wrong is the Halo Effect on steroids.
Here is YOUR logical fallacy.

Trump is NOT Hitler. Clinton is.
Here is another Logical Fact

The Democrats could not even write an Article of Impeachment for "Contempt of Congress which is an ACTUAL CRIME." That is how weak their case is.

They had to essentially make up a charge of "Obstruction of Congress," which is not even found in US Code. Then they manufactured a 2nd Nebulous Non Existent Crime called "Abuse of Power".

These are works of fiction and do not appear in US Code.
I've posted on this forum a few times a list of logical fallacies which are frequently used in political debate.

You can see such a list here. Posts 32 and 36.

Trump can barely speak a sentence without employing one of these fallacies, if he isn't outright lying. And defenders of Trump and defenders of the Left often employ them.

Trump's supporters have used a ton of logical fallacies to defend him lately, but there is a new one they have been using which actually is not so new.

Basically, the argument is, "So what if Trump is a bad person, the economy is doing great under him."

This is the "Hitler got the trains running on time" argument. This is the same gambit defense attorneys use for mobsters by claiming their defendants are good people because they hand out free turkeys to the poor at Thanksgiving.

The belief the person they worship can do no wrong is the Halo Effect on steroids.
You go a post without mentioning Trump.
I give it ten years for the intellects of Trump's supporters to finally catch up to their passions. Then it will be difficult to find someone claiming they had supported Trump.

You? It will probably take 50 years for your limited intellect to catch up, but you will be long dead by then.

What a shame.
I've posted on this forum a few times a list of logical fallacies which are frequently used in political debate.

You can see such a list here. Posts 32 and 36.

Trump can barely speak a sentence without employing one of these fallacies, if he isn't outright lying. And defenders of Trump and defenders of the Left often employ them.

Trump's supporters have used a ton of logical fallacies to defend him lately, but there is a new one they have been using which actually is not so new.

Basically, the argument is, "So what if Trump is a bad person, the economy is doing great under him."

This is the "Hitler got the trains running on time" argument. This is the same gambit defense attorneys use for mobsters by claiming their defendants are good people because they hand out free turkeys to the poor at Thanksgiving.

The belief the person they worship can do no wrong is the Halo Effect on steroids.
Here is YOUR logical fallacy.

Trump is NOT Hitler. Clinton is.
Here is another Logical Fact

The Democrats could not even write an Article of Impeachment for "Contempt of Congress which is an ACTUAL CRIME." That is how weak their case is.

They had to essentially make up a charge of "Obstruction of Congress," which is not even found in US Code. Then they manufactured a 2nd Nebulous Non Existent Crime called "Abuse of Power".

These are works of fiction and do not appear in US Code.
75 years for you. Which should make miketx feel better.
Not necessarily a fallacy.
All politicians lie. Obama lied most of the time he spoke, it's true. His entire Presidency was a lie as he presented himself as out for the little guy, but was the exact opposite in every way.
I am not a Trump supporter, but I would take Trump over Obama.
Oh bull fucking shit.

Equal pay for women, the ACA, Frank Dodd, etc were for the little guy.

His tax cut for working people was totally for the little guy.

I hate it when you assfucks come here & post such obvious bullshit. Fuck off.
Hearing there are 12 Indictments coming on your favorite Dems.

You should applaud that. Maybe America can bet back to normal after these people are punished.

I've posted on this forum a few times a list of logical fallacies which are frequently used in political debate.

You can see such a list here. Posts 32 and 36.

Trump can barely speak a sentence without employing one of these fallacies, if he isn't outright lying. And defenders of Trump and defenders of the Left often employ them.

Trump's supporters have used a ton of logical fallacies to defend him lately, but there is a new one they have been using which actually is not so new.

Basically, the argument is, "So what if Trump is a bad person, the economy is doing great under him."

This is the "Hitler got the trains running on time" argument. This is the same gambit defense attorneys use for mobsters by claiming their defendants are good people because they hand out free turkeys to the poor at Thanksgiving.

The belief the person they worship can do no wrong is the Halo Effect on steroids.
Here is YOUR logical fallacy.

Trump is NOT Hitler. Clinton is.
Here is another Logical Fact

The Democrats could not even write an Article of Impeachment for "Contempt of Congress which is an ACTUAL CRIME." That is how weak their case is.

They had to essentially make up a charge of "Obstruction of Congress," which is not even found in US Code. Then they manufactured a 2nd Nebulous Non Existent Crime called "Abuse of Power".

These are works of fiction and do not appear in US Code.
75 years for you. Which should make miketx feel better.
Hearing there are 12 Indictments coming on your favorite Dems.

You should applaud that. Maybe America can bet back to normal after these people are punished.

I've posted on this forum a few times a list of logical fallacies which are frequently used in political debate.

You can see such a list here. Posts 32 and 36.

Trump can barely speak a sentence without employing one of these fallacies, if he isn't outright lying. And defenders of Trump and defenders of the Left often employ them.

Trump's supporters have used a ton of logical fallacies to defend him lately, but there is a new one they have been using which actually is not so new.

Basically, the argument is, "So what if Trump is a bad person, the economy is doing great under him."

This is the "Hitler got the trains running on time" argument. This is the same gambit defense attorneys use for mobsters by claiming their defendants are good people because they hand out free turkeys to the poor at Thanksgiving.

The belief the person they worship can do no wrong is the Halo Effect on steroids.
Here is YOUR logical fallacy.

Trump is NOT Hitler. Clinton is.
Here is another Logical Fact

The Democrats could not even write an Article of Impeachment for "Contempt of Congress which is an ACTUAL CRIME." That is how weak their case is.

They had to essentially make up a charge of "Obstruction of Congress," which is not even found in US Code. Then they manufactured a 2nd Nebulous Non Existent Crime called "Abuse of Power".

These are works of fiction and do not appear in US Code.
75 years for you. Which should make miketx feel better.

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