The Greatest Benefactors


Gold Member
Jun 16, 2010
Who are the greatest benefactors of the human race?

Here's my list:
  1. Jesus Christ
  2. Louis Pasteur
  3. Alexander Fleming
  4. Robert Koch
  5. Gautama Buddha
  6. Saint Francis of Assisi
  7. John Snow (public health pioneer)
  8. James Madison (known as the "Father of the Constitution" and the "Father of the Bill of Rights")
  9. Edward Jenner
  10. Joseph Lister (pioneer of antiseptic surgery)
  11. William Wilberforce
  12. William Morton (demonstrated the use of ether as an anesthetic)
  13. Florence Nightingale
  14. Gregor Mendel
  15. John Locke
  • Even the non-religious should accept the fact that religion makes people happier and healthier.
Religious People May Be Healthier, Less Anxious
Nielsen's Psyc of Religion: Religion and Happiness
BBC NEWS | Health | Religion 'linked to happy life'
  • I included medical scientists, but not other scientists. Science can both help and hurt mankind.
Honorable mention: Harriet Beecher Stowe, Harriet Tubman, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Pope John Paul II and Lech Walesa for helping defeat Communism, Confucius (Kongzi), Laozi, Alexander II the Tsar Liberator, Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Saint Benedict (the Benedictines founded many hospitals), Charles Dickens, Leo Tolstoy, Norman Borlaug, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins and Neil Armstrong
Last edited:
-Siddharta Gautama-He ended is own suffering.
-Johannes Gutenberg-Printing press
-Socrates-His method--Building block of western logic
-Isaac Newton-Great mind
-Archimedes-Great Mathematician
-Charles Darwin-On the Evolution of Species
-Gregor Mendel-Genetics
-Edward Jenner-Work on vaccines
-Giralamo Francastoro-Germ Theory of Disease
-Galileo-Heliocentric theory
You could say that astronauts Aldrin, Collins and Armstrong were just skilled technicians and President Nixon was the real benefactor but that would be politically incorrect to the generations of kids who grew up in front of the boob tube listening to left wing propaganda.
More honorable mention: Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo, William Shakespeare, Blaise Pascal, Johann Sebastian Bach, Ludwig Beethoven, Lucretia Mott, Robert Scott, Roald Amundsen, John Bosco, Avicenna, Johns Hopkins, Catherine & William Booth, Clara Barton, Honora Nagle, Wilhelm Röntgen, Karl Landsteiner, Francisco Javier de Balmis, Ignaz Semmelweis, Casimir Funk, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, William Harvey, Andreas Vesalius
Salma Hayek ...

Lists are almost impossible.

I'm going to put Isaac Newton at the top because he said "standing on the shoulders of giants", sometimes the giants don't get a mention, but those who came after and made the final piece of the puzzle are the famous ones.

And there are rumors this wasn't his quote, either.

Christianity (you have Jesus as number one) is very similar to other religions.
Franklin Roosevelt.
John Kennedy.
Lyndon Johnson.
Jimmy Carter.
Bill Clinton.
Barack Obama.

The greatest threats to the human race:
Richard Nixon.
Ronald Reagan.
George Bush.
George W. Bush.
Donald Trump.
Franklin Roosevelt.
John Kennedy.
Lyndon Johnson.
Jimmy Carter.
Bill Clinton.
Barack Obama.

The greatest threats to the human race:
Richard Nixon.
Ronald Reagan.
George Bush.
George W. Bush.
Donald Trump.

Not partisan at all.
Franklin Roosevelt.
John Kennedy.
Lyndon Johnson.
Jimmy Carter.
Bill Clinton.
Barack Obama.

The greatest threats to the human race:
Richard Nixon.
Ronald Reagan.
George Bush.
George W. Bush.
Donald Trump.
You seem excessively partisan.

FDR pushed the Japanese into attacking the US.

Here's the McCollum memo:

Is a president who lies to the people and pushes for war a benefactor??

And what of FDR's Japanese internment camps?

Bill Clinton bombed a pharmaceutical factory in the Sudan. Tens of thousands died as a result.

And let's not forget:

Obama greatly expanded the war in Afghanistan and he killed a lot of children with his drone attacks.

And let's not forget Obama & Hillary's military adventure in Libya: Africans are being sold at Libyan slave markets. Thanks, Hillary Clinton.

You should admit that Obama and Bill & Hillary were not benefactors but instead bumbling war-mongers.

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