The Great Unraveling of Lie-a-Watha Warren


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2009
Los Angeles CA
The lies continue to mount. Now it turns out- she practiced law in Massachusetts without a license......How anyone can trust this woman is beyond me....

» Elizabeth Warren represented Massachusetts client in Massachusetts - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

The case was an appeal in the First Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston in the case of Cadle Company v. Schlictmann.

The case involved a dispute as to a lien on a contingent fee earned by Beverly, Massachusetts lawyer Jan R. Schlichtmann, who was the subject of the film A Civil Action. The issue in the case was whether a creditor or Schlictmann was entitled to the contingency fee earned in a case which started prior to Schlictmann’s personal bankruptcy but did not conclude until long after the bankruptcy.

The lien enforcement arose out of state law. Even though there were bankruptcy related issues, the question was whether the state law lien survived. As noted on the court docket and in the ultimate decision, the case only was in federal court because of what is called “diversity jurisdiction,” which permits a plaintiff to file in federal court if the plaintiff is a citizen of a different state than any of the defendants, and the dollar amount exceeds a minimum threshold (now $75,000).

The First Circuit ruled in favor of the creditor.

Based on the First Circuit docket available through PACER, it appears that Warren and three other Harvard Law professors were brought in to try to convince the First Circuit to reconsider its decision. The Schlichtmann representation is not a case previously disclosed by the Warren campaign.

Warren specifically entered an appearance:

Warren’s name appears as one of the counsel of record:


The docket entry leaves some unanswered questions, specifically on what basis and using what license Warren entered her appearance. There does not appear to be any request by Warren for permission to appear in the case. Perhaps some enterprising reader can dig out the First Circuit appearance rules as they existed in August 2001, when Warren entered her appearance.

Regardless, the issue is not whether Warren was authorized under First Circuit rules to enter an appearance in the First Circuit. That is the strawman issue used by Warren defenders to distract.

The issue is whether Warren defenders can continue to maintain the charade that she did not maintain an office for the practice of law, or maintain a “systematic and continuous presence” in Massachusetts for the practice of law.

Warren defenders have proposed the standard that Warren never represented a Massachusetts client in Massachusetts or on any issue involving Massachusetts state law. Now we know she did.

The rest of the article is pretty damning for Ms Warren as well...she's coming apart at the seams.

She has been lying about her ancestry to gain preferential treatment, she's plagiarized recipes and published them as her own, and now it turns out she's practiced law in a state she is not licensed to do so. Clearly she believes she is above the law, that she is somehow "special".

She is not Senate material. She can't be trusted.
You guys REALLY think this nonsense helps your candidate? Who, other than yourselves, do you think is being swayed by this crap in favor of your candidate? They've already debunnked this silliness, and established that Elizabeth Warren broke no rules in Massachusetts. Sorry, but that dog won't hunt. Is Brown completely unable to debate ISSUES in this race? Is he REALLY that bad off?
You guys REALLY think this nonsense helps your candidate? Who, other than yourselves, do you think is being swayed by this crap in favor of your candidate? They've already debunnked this silliness, and established that Elizabeth Warren broke no rules in Massachusetts. Sorry, but that dog won't hunt. Is Brown completely unable to debate ISSUES in this race? Is he REALLY that bad off?

Welcome to USMB....See what you missed?

And it is still 40 days to the election
You guys REALLY think this nonsense helps your candidate? Who, other than yourselves, do you think is being swayed by this crap in favor of your candidate? They've already debunnked this silliness, and established that Elizabeth Warren broke no rules in Massachusetts. Sorry, but that dog won't hunt. Is Brown completely unable to debate ISSUES in this race? Is he REALLY that bad off?

Well the facts are that both in the asbestos case and the steel worker case Elisabeth Warren actually fought to help the companies pay less money out to their employees. This looks really bad for her when she is running on "I fight for the working person"

Also her complete dishonesty in claiming to be a minority when applying to Harvard, effectively giving her a dishonest advantage due to a false minority status claim and affirmative action, both point to her as having a lack of character.

Do I want Scott Brown who has a track record and has actually passed useful legislation that even the President signed (more than once) or Elisabeth Warren who claims one thing about her actions when something else is true or is dishonest about her race when applying to Harvard to get a leg up through affirmative action?

I'll go with the guy who fought for veterans to get jobs (and passed legislation to do so), for people to not be able to lie about being a veteran, and passed legislation making it illegal for congress to do insider trading...Scott Brown

You guys REALLY think this nonsense helps your candidate? Who, other than yourselves, do you think is being swayed by this crap in favor of your candidate? They've already debunnked this silliness, and established that Elizabeth Warren broke no rules in Massachusetts. Sorry, but that dog won't hunt. Is Brown completely unable to debate ISSUES in this race? Is he REALLY that bad off?

Well the facts are that both in the asbestos case and the steel worker case Elisabeth Warren actually fought to help the companies pay less money out to their employees. This looks really bad for her when she is running on "I fight for the working person"

Also her complete dishonesty in claiming to be a minority when applying to Harvard, effectively giving her a dishonest advantage due to a false minority status claim and affirmative action, both point to her as having a lack of character.

Do I want Scott Brown who has a track record and has actually passed useful legislation that even the President signed (more than once) or Elisabeth Warren who claims one thing about her actions when something else is true or is dishonest about her race when applying to Harvard to get a leg up through affirmative action?

I'll go with the guy who fought for veterans to get jobs (and passed legislation to do so), for people to not be able to lie about being a veteran, and passed legislation making it illegal for congress to do insider trading...Scott Brown


He's a good family man who's isn't hiding anything. He's an experienced hands on guy with a track record.

She's an opportunist that has been caught in numerous lies and misleading statements.
She's an academician, another dilettante.

It's an easy decision.....
You are right Zander he is a good man and has actually passed good legislation in his short 2 year term. Elisabeth has only told us half truths about her motives in checking the native american box, the reason she fought to reduce the claims of employees in the abestos case, and why she fought to lessen the claims of employees with the steel mill case.

IF that wasn't bad enough she was the oversight panel chairman who was originally tasked with overseeing TARP and we know how well that worked out for the little guys

[ame=]Elizabeth Warren Cares About The 99% - YouTube[/ame]
Another lying racist dumbass thread.

Right-Wing Bloggers' "Law License" Attack On Elizabeth Warren Falls Flat

Right-wing bloggers have echoed an accusation that Elizabeth Warren, the Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate in Massachusetts, allegedly practiced law without a license. But the charge was dismissed by the general counsel of the agency responsible for enforcing Massachusetts bar rules, who said that Warren's activities are not a violation of those rules.

More: Right-Wing Bloggers' "Law License" Attack On Elizabeth Warren Falls Flat | Blog | Media Matters for America
It's really a shame Democrats don't hold their politicians to a higher standard..

If they did we might not have this Overbearing money grabbing Federal Government we have today

I'm afraid all is lost
"Coming apart at the seams"??

Is that why she came from behind and has been maintaining a lead in the polls for the past few weeks?
what can you say, look at what Massachusetts has given us in the past

shame if they elect this fraud
Another lying racist dumbass thread.

Right-Wing Bloggers' "Law License" Attack On Elizabeth Warren Falls Flat

Right-wing bloggers have echoed an accusation that Elizabeth Warren, the Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate in Massachusetts, allegedly practiced law without a license. But the charge was dismissed by the general counsel of the agency responsible for enforcing Massachusetts bar rules, who said that Warren's activities are not a violation of those rules.

More: Right-Wing Bloggers' "Law License" Attack On Elizabeth Warren Falls Flat | Blog | Media Matters for America

[ame=]Well Allow Me to Retort - YouTube[/ame]

» Elizabeth Warren defender: “With this bombshell, I would no longer view the case against her as weak” - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

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