The Goddess

You see? Just mentioning the sacred concept of the Goddess brings out, in those who are open to Her, a spirit of celebration, humor, music and dance, magic and love. At the same time, those who fear her liberating touch display their gloomiest aspects, which is also a testament to Her power.

In fact, I think I could say that the heart of our most recent Awakening era (1964-1984) was a reawakening of the Goddess. Consider the sexual liberation of the times, the divine intoxication and revival of Dionysian values (Dionysus being a God, of course, but one with notably androgynous aspect), the triumph of gender equality, the new reverence for the Earth. And of course, the expansion of Wicca and other overtly Goddess-based religions.

The Goddess is our hope of love and freedom. Naturally the gray-faced devotees of the slave-gods would drive her back, as they would drive women back into "their place," but against the power of the Goddess awakened they cannot win.

This thread is for discussion of the Goddess, the Eternal Feminine, the She-aspect of the divine, the Great Mother.

Almost all religions recognize some version or other of the Goddess. Even ostensibly monotheistic religions with male deities often do this, as the Catholic Church has evolved reverence for Mary. There's a need in the human soul, I believe, to relate to the cosmos personally, and it is natural to do this in the arms of the Mother. An approach to the divine that fails to recognize its feminine side is incomplete and sterile. The Goddess embodies the divine love in a way that is more easily and readily embraced. She inspires to artistic brilliance, compassion, and simple joy more commonly than does the God.

One might in fact not overstate the case too much to say that all of the flaws in religions of the Abrahamic lineage (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) stem from a failure to recognize and adore the Goddess, or to see God as feminine as well as masculine (even where this is done in dusty theology, it is seldom done in imagery or in the heart). If these religions were open to the love of the Lady, they might be far less violent, less intolerant, and less ready to display to the world the frowning face of disapproval.

ya let me tell ya a lil sumthin about the godesss....I fck her ...whoa !.
ya let me tell ya a lil sumthin about the godesss....I fck her ...whoa !.

Heh. I bet you think that was sacrilegious and Goddess-worshipers will be pissed off. Shows what you know.

I fuck her, too. In fact, everyone fucks the Goddess whenever they fuck anyone else, as long as it's done with love. She is The Biggest, Most Wonderful Slut In The Universe!

And a damned good lay, too. :cool:
ya let me tell ya a lil sumthin about the godesss....I fck her ...whoa !.

Heh. I bet you think that was sacrilegious and Goddess-worshipers will be pissed off. Shows what you know.

I fuck her, too. In fact, everyone fucks the Goddess whenever they fuck anyone else, as long as it's done with love. She is The Biggest, Most Wonderful Slut In The Universe!

And a damned good lay, too. :cool:

it was epic...
Interestingly enough, in Judaic theology, they DO acknowledge women. Matter of fact, they believe that God is both male AND female, which is why God said "let US create man in OUR own image".
You see? Just mentioning the sacred concept of the Goddess brings out, in those who are open to Her, a spirit of celebration, humor, music and dance, magic and love. At the same time, those who fear her liberating touch display their gloomiest aspects, which is also a testament to Her power.

In fact, I think I could say that the heart of our most recent Awakening era (1964-1984) was a reawakening of the Goddess. Consider the sexual liberation of the times, the divine intoxication and revival of Dionysian values (Dionysus being a God, of course, but one with notably androgynous aspect), the triumph of gender equality, the new reverence for the Earth. And of course, the expansion of Wicca and other overtly Goddess-based religions.

The Goddess is our hope of love and freedom. Naturally the gray-faced devotees of the slave-gods would drive her back, as they would drive women back into "their place," but against the power of the Goddess awakened they cannot win.
Your goddess is the same as all the others but Jehova God, from satan. It is funny how people who hate the one true God love to make up their own false ones.
Interestingly enough, in Judaic theology, they DO acknowledge women. Matter of fact, they believe that God is both male AND female, which is why God said "let US create man in OUR own image".
No, he said let us create man in our image because it was God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost that he was talking about.
Your goddess is the same as all the others but Jehova God, from satan. It is funny how people who hate the one true God love to make up their own false ones.

You're playing right into my game here.

Actually the Goddess is far, far older than JHVH, and the ancient Jews certainly understood Her appeal. From time to time, gray-faced, killjoy, authoritarian prophets of JHVH would fume and fret over the Children of Israel "whoring" after "foreign Gods," but in reality it was more often foreign Goddesses, like Astarte or Ishtar or, later on, Diana or the Magna Mater.

All forms of God, all images or ideas of God, are human creations and the only truth in them is metaphor, because God is far too big to be encompassed by any mere human mind. So when you speak of something like "the one true God," you are elevating your own idea -- the creation of your own mind, or the mind of another -- to a position that should only be occupied by God/dess Him/Her/Itself. This is a form of idolatry.

It is also putting the heart, soul, and mind of man into prison. The Goddess is a liberator, though, and She cannot be denied, whine about it though you will. Even you feel the pull of Her love, even though you reject Her, preferring your abusive and co-dependent relationship with a divine image that denies freedom and condemns passion. Even so, there is a part of even you that longs to be free, to love and lust, and to live. Which side will win in the end? In your particular case, I can't pretend to know. But in the larger world, it's a foregone conclusion.
Interestingly enough, in Judaic theology, they DO acknowledge women. Matter of fact, they believe that God is both male AND female, which is why God said "let US create man in OUR own image".
No, he said let us create man in our image because it was God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost that he was talking about.

Might wanna check the Judaic theology on that one. And, fwiw........Yeshua is Jewish.
The Charge of the Goddess:

Listen to the words of the Great Mother, Who of old was called Artemis, Astarte, Dione, Melusine, Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Diana, Arionrhod, Brigid, and by many other names:

Whenever you have need of anything, once a month, and better it be when the moon is full, you shall assemble in some secret place and adore the spirit of Me Who is Queen of all the Wise.

You shall be free from slavery, and as a sign that you be free you shall be naked in your rites.

Sing, feast, dance, make music and love, all in My Presence, for Mine is the ecstasy of the spirit and Mine also is joy on earth.

For My law is love is unto all beings. Mine is the secret that opens the door of youth, and Mine is the cup of wine of life that is the cauldron of Cerridwen, that is the holy grail of immortality.

I give the knowledge of the spirit eternal, and beyond death I give peace and freedom and reunion with those that have gone before.

Nor do I demand aught of sacrifice, for behold, I am the Mother of all things and My love is poured out upon the earth.

Hear the words of the Star Goddess, the dust of Whose feet are the hosts of Heaven, whose body encircles the universe:

I Who am the beauty of the green earth and the white moon among the stars and the mysteries of the waters,

I call upon your soul to arise and come unto me.

For I am the soul of nature that gives life to the universe.

From Me all things proceed and unto Me they must return.

Let My worship be in the heart that rejoices, for behold, all acts of love and pleasure are My rituals.

Let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you.

And you who seek to know Me, know that the seeking and yearning will avail you not, unless you know the Mystery: for if that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it without.

For behold, I have been with you from the beginning, and I am That which is attained at the end of desire.
Your goddess is the same as all the others but Jehova God, from satan. It is funny how people who hate the one true God love to make up their own false ones.

You're playing right into my game here.

Actually the Goddess is far, far older than JHVH, and the ancient Jews certainly understood Her appeal. From time to time, gray-faced, killjoy, authoritarian prophets of JHVH would fume and fret over the Children of Israel "whoring" after "foreign Gods," but in reality it was more often foreign Goddesses, like Astarte or Ishtar or, later on, Diana or the Magna Mater.

All forms of God, all images or ideas of God, are human creations and the only truth in them is metaphor, because God is far too big to be encompassed by any mere human mind. So when you speak of something like "the one true God," you are elevating your own idea -- the creation of your own mind, or the mind of another -- to a position that should only be occupied by God/dess Him/Her/Itself. This is a form of idolatry.

It is also putting the heart, soul, and mind of man into prison. The Goddess is a liberator, though, and She cannot be denied, whine about it though you will. Even you feel the pull of Her love, even though you reject Her, preferring your abusive and co-dependent relationship with a divine image that denies freedom and condemns passion. Even so, there is a part of even you that longs to be free, to love and lust, and to live. Which side will win in the end? In your particular case, I can't pretend to know. But in the larger world, it's a foregone conclusion.
Wrong as usual. Keep believing your bull. No false god or goddess is older than Jehova GOD, if you think so you are lost.
Interestingly enough, in Judaic theology, they DO acknowledge women. Matter of fact, they believe that God is both male AND female, which is why God said "let US create man in OUR own image".
No, he said let us create man in our image because it was God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost that he was talking about.

Might wanna check the Judaic theology on that one. And, fwiw........Yeshua is Jewish.
I don't need to read judaic theology, I read the Bible, Gods word.
Wrong as usual. Keep believing your bull. No false god or goddess is older than Jehova GOD, if you think so you are lost.

Well, let's put it this way. I can be "lost" to an authoritarian myth designed to put my mind and heart into shackles, just as a slave can be "lost" to its master . . .

Or I can be "lost" to my own heart, and to the love of the cosmos, something felt in the heart and not merely believed on someone else's say-so. I can be "lost" to all joy, all love, all passion, all freedom. I can shake and quake and shrink into the shadows in terror of a fictitious Hell, denying myself all hope and all happiness.

I'll take the first. Let me be "lost" to the slaver-God, forever and ever, and free in the loving arms of the Goddess and Her Consort.
I don't need to read judaic theology, I read the Bible, Gods word.

There can never be such a thing as "God's word." It's impossible. This is not a limitation of God, but a limitation of human language. God's truth cannot be expressed in any language developed by human beings.

Human language can hint, it can use metaphor, it can inspire through poetry, and in the poet's trance it can come closest to expressing divine truths, but never very close even so.

You cannot find God in a dusty old book. You can only find Him/Her/It in your own heart, and then only if your heart is free, forgetful of itself, and filled with love.
Wrong as usual. Keep believing your bull. No false god or goddess is older than Jehova GOD, if you think so you are lost.

Well, let's put it this way. I can be "lost" to an authoritarian myth designed to put my mind and heart into shackles, just as a slave can be "lost" to its master . . .

Or I can be "lost" to my own heart, and to the love of the cosmos, something felt in the heart and not merely believed on someone else's say-so. I can be "lost" to all joy, all love, all passion, all freedom. I can shake and quake and shrink into the shadows in terror of a fictitious Hell, denying myself all hope and all happiness.

I'll take the first. Let me be "lost" to the slaver-God, forever and ever, and free in the loving arms of the Goddess and Her Consort.
Okay, but remember this, hell is real and not fiction. Believe what you want, but you are still wrong, period.
I don't need to read judaic theology, I read the Bible, Gods word.

There can never be such a thing as "God's word." It's impossible. This is not a limitation of God, but a limitation of human language. God's truth cannot be expressed in any language developed by human beings.

Human language can hint, it can use metaphor, it can inspire through poetry, and in the poet's trance it can come closest to expressing divine truths, but never very close even so.

You cannot find God in a dusty old book. You can only find Him/Her/It in your own heart, and then only if your heart is free, forgetful of itself, and filled with love.
You should not try and preach considering you do not know the truth.
No, he said let us create man in our image because it was God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost that he was talking about.

Might wanna check the Judaic theology on that one. And, fwiw........Yeshua is Jewish.
I don't need to read judaic theology, I read the Bible, Gods word.

Actually, the first 5 books of the OT IS God's word in the form of the Torah. And, since Yeshua (Jesus) is Jewish, wouldn't it help to understand Judaic theology so you can understand what He was really talking about? you prefer to stay in your own little cocoon and ignore a vast wealth of knowledge about who God really is?

BTW, in the original Hebrew, the first line of the Bible isn't "in THE beginning", it's "in A beginning".

And, the commandment about killing isn't "thou shalt not KILL", it's actually "thou shalt not MURDER".

You Christians have mixed and edited things quite a bit.
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Might wanna check the Judaic theology on that one. And, fwiw........Yeshua is Jewish.
I don't need to read judaic theology, I read the Bible, Gods word.

Actually, the first 5 books of the OT IS God's word in the form of the Torah. And, since Yeshua (Jesus) is Jewish, wouldn't it help to understand Judaic theology so you can understand what He was really talking about? you prefer to stay in your own little cocoon and ignore a vast wealth of knowledge about who God really is?

BTW, in the original Hebrew, the first line of the Bible isn't "in THE beginning", it's "in A beginning".

And, the commandment about killing isn't "thou shalt not KILL", it's actually "thou shalt not MURDER".

You Christians have mixed and edited things quite a bit.
At least us Christians understand the Bible as the Word of God and the truth. You on the other hand try to prove something you can't. Keep trying though, it is quite entertaining.
A singular consciousness could have never bore fruit without another entity- or "polar other", even if that entity was created by that same original singular consciousness (which it was).

The conceptual popularity known as Adam and Eve was a singular event. At the moment the original conscioius entity became self-aware was the same moment that it became self "other-aware". This is only logical.

And thus happened the expulsion from the "Garden of Eden". This concurrent event of multiple awareness resulted in what we describe as the "Big Bang"- the creation of the universe.

The female is not necessarily the antithesis of the male- it could very well be the opposite. Female may have originally begat the male.

But, in nature- most predominantly speaking- it is this female of nature that procreates yet more nature.

And for that we should pay homage.
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I don't need to read judaic theology, I read the Bible, Gods word.

Actually, the first 5 books of the OT IS God's word in the form of the Torah. And, since Yeshua (Jesus) is Jewish, wouldn't it help to understand Judaic theology so you can understand what He was really talking about? you prefer to stay in your own little cocoon and ignore a vast wealth of knowledge about who God really is?

BTW, in the original Hebrew, the first line of the Bible isn't "in THE beginning", it's "in A beginning".

And, the commandment about killing isn't "thou shalt not KILL", it's actually "thou shalt not MURDER".

You Christians have mixed and edited things quite a bit.
At least us Christians understand the Bible as the Word of God and the truth. You on the other hand try to prove something you can't. Keep trying though, it is quite entertaining.


Especially since it was translated from Hebrew to Greek, then to Latin and finally to English.

Ever play "telephone"?

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