The Glenn Beck Channel!


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
It was reported this week that the conservative commentator Glenn Beck may start his own cable channel when his contract with Fox News expires this year. Here’s a preview:

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Pretty funny.

It all seriousness though, his best bet would be to expand his web presence. Alex Jones seems to be doing okay financially, and Beck is basically Jones with a bigger name.
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Beck isn't starting his own channel. Though I am confident it would be quite successful if he did.
Really? It is really interesting to watch the fanatical fascination that those on the left continue to demonstrate when it comes to conservative or libertarian icons such as Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly, et al. You never see them spend anywhere near as much time obsessing over anybody on the left which suggests those leftist media folks are as boring to them as they are to the rest of us. :)

If conservative hosts and commentators are anywhere near as stupid, dumb, hateful, misinformed, dishonest, or irrelevent as some would have them be, it looks like the leftists would be hoping that the opposition would continue to listen and watch and get their information there so that it could be so easily destroyed.

Meanwhile all those conservative guys continue to beat all the rest combined in the ratings and are no doubt laughing at their critics all the way to the bank.
If there are facts in the world and I think there are, anyone who can seriously take Glenn Beck's conspiratorial nonsense serious is in need of an education both in commonsense and history.

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It was reported this week that the conservative commentator Glenn Beck may start his own cable channel when his contract with Fox News expires this year. Here’s a preview:


Kinda dull.

The 3 hours of our Flag waving was funny, but I got bored and didn't make it into prime time.

but hey, thanks for keeping Becks name out there! If it wasn't for the lefts constant hate fest I never would have watched his show.
This must be really, really important.... since this is the fourth thread about it.

Yet, here you are.

Well, you know some liberals and their obsessions....

Is that similar to your obsession with Liberals, jackass? :lol:

Kinda dull.

The 3 hours of our Flag waving was funny, but I got bored and didn't make it into prime time.

but hey, thanks for keeping Becks name out there! If it wasn't for the lefts constant hate fest I never would have watched his show.

It's cute that you want people to believe that.
Beck isn't starting his own channel. Though I am confident it would be quite successful if he did.
Yes. He has successfully been dropped in New York and other major markets!

Yes he wouldn't be as successful in some liberal markets and he also doesn't work as well either on the radio or TV with those who just want sound bites rather than in depth analysis. I don't watch or listen to a lot of Beck because he does go into such detail and brings in so many technical components that you don't get it if you can't spend the time to pay close attention. So WOR did drop him, a station in Connecticutt dropped him, and no doubt some others even as others were glad to take him on when the air space opened up. You will generally only have one station in a market area carrying a program like that.

Glenn continues to be carried by more than 400 stations across the country which puts him on a par with Limbaugh so far as stations go. He doesn't pull the ratings that Limbaugh does, but he does well enough.
Beck isn't starting his own channel. Though I am confident it would be quite successful if he did.
Yes. He has successfully been dropped in New York and other major markets!

Yes he wouldn't be as successful in some liberal markets and he also doesn't work as well either on the radio or TV with those who just want sound bites rather than in depth analysis. I don't watch or listen to a lot of Beck because he does go into such detail and brings in so many technical components that you don't get it if you can't spend the time to pay close attention. So WOR did drop him, a station in Connecticutt dropped him, and no doubt some others even as others were glad to take him on when the air space opened up. You will generally only have one station in a market area carrying a program like that.

Glenn continues to be carried by more than 400 stations across the country which puts him on a par with Limbaugh so far as stations go. He doesn't pull the ratings that Limbaugh does, but he does well enough.

Yes, there's a term for that: "baffling you with bullshit".
Yes. He has successfully been dropped in New York and other major markets!

Yes he wouldn't be as successful in some liberal markets and he also doesn't work as well either on the radio or TV with those who just want sound bites rather than in depth analysis. I don't watch or listen to a lot of Beck because he does go into such detail and brings in so many technical components that you don't get it if you can't spend the time to pay close attention. So WOR did drop him, a station in Connecticutt dropped him, and no doubt some others even as others were glad to take him on when the air space opened up. You will generally only have one station in a market area carrying a program like that.

Glenn continues to be carried by more than 400 stations across the country which puts him on a par with Limbaugh so far as stations go. He doesn't pull the ratings that Limbaugh does, but he does well enough.

Yes, there's a term for that: "baffling you with bullshit".

Frankly sir, I don't think you know what bullshit is or you wouldn't spout so much of it. Or maybe you would. I would bet a good steak dinner that you have NEVER listened to a whole Glenn Beck radio program or sat down to watch his television show. Almost none of his critics ever have which is evident from them eagerly swallowing sound bites out of context and their many misstatements of what he is all about.

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