The Future of Energy: Earth, Wind, Water


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

geothermal energy map

Strip our biggest sources of energy to their most elemental, and you are left with fire—the burning of fossil fuels. To build a sustainable energy future, we will have to start relying a lot more on the other three classical elements: water, wind, and earth. This year, discover teamed up with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (ieee), and the National Science Foundation to bring leading energy experts to Capitol Hill, where they briefed Washington insiders and charted the scientific, technological, and political challenges that lie ahead on the road to a new energy economy.

1 EARTH: Tap Into the Heat Beneath Your Feet
THE CHALLENGE Geothermal energy has been around so long that it hardly deserves to be called “alternative”; people have been tapping hot water below the Earth’s surface to generate electricity for a century. But geothermal accounts for only about 16 terawatt-hours a year in the United States, less than half of 1 percent of total electricity consumption. As with wind energy, geothermal is simple in principle but hard to do successfully in practice. Too often, drilling results in wells that are hot but have no water or wells that are simply not hot enough. A symptom of the industry’s woes is that federal funding for geothermal energy has fallen from about $450 million in 1979 (in 2011 dollars) to below $50 million this year.

THE NEW ENERGY ECONOMY Geophysicist David Blackwell of Southern Methodist University says that lack of attention is a mistake. He estimates that there are 100 to 500 gigawatts of potential geothermal energy locked beneath the United States. What is needed to successfully exploit all that energy, according to Nevada geologist James Faulds, is investment in more detailed geologic mapping, three-dimensional modeling of underground water flows, and 
testing of water chemistry that can indicate the temperature of subsurface waters. More surveys of ancient hot springs, which can point to the locations of still-active geothermal systems, would help too.

Such support for geothermal energy is suddenly looking more likely due to an unlikely ally: the natural gas industry, which is in the midst of a giddy boom driven by the widespread adoption of the controversial drilling technique known as fracking. “We’re discovering that many of the gas wells that have already been drilled produce significant amounts of hot water,” says Karl Gawell, executive director of the Geothermal Energy Association. Many of those fracked wells could be reengineered to have a second life as sources of geothermal energy...

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Aborigines learned to use this stuff millennium ago, so why is it taking us so long? :confused:
Part of the cold shoulder on Geothermal energy is the realization that it's NOT REALLY clean and green. The impact of mining a geothermal generator site is DOZENS of times more dangerous to the enviro than a nat gas well or oil well. It's actually a dirty mining operation.. It's NOT LIKED by the mature enviro orgs because these sites can BLOW out and kill everything in a mile radius. They ROT the piping and equipment with toxic and caustic materials. And the individual drill sites have to be periodically redone because they do "cool out" after awhile..

All that said ---- I've got no real problem with using it carefully. MUCH MORE carefully than fracking or oil drilling.. But just be aware -- it's actually dirty as hell...

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