The future of education in America.


Dec 11, 2012
For the past couple of decades, the United States has been declining in education internationally. It has become a devastating factor to the 2007-2011 ressesion and has the potential to become even more devastating in the future. As I see it, their are three reasons why our education system has become completely destroyed. 1. Bullying- Students that do not have a safe and comfortable environment tend to have a tougher time passing than kids with a great work envioremen. Bullies can affect others abilities to work, thus eliminating their safe enviorment and making it uncomfortable. To fix this, laws must be passed to discipline these bullies effectively and to the point where they don't bully again. 2. Teacher responsibility- I have been in situations where the teachers are not properly dealing with situations that arrise in school, and the school administration makes it worse with unexplainable consequences. I think that if teachers where to instead of demoting ones' work they' ll praise, help and actually "go beyond the call of duty" for the students and prepare them for life.
3. College- The biggest reason our education system Is failing is because the cost for a better education is too high, especially for college. Their is only one way to solve this. Let me explain. America needs Intellegent people to work. Most Intellegent people graduate from college and can find a job easily with a degree. Other people, however are still Intellegent but can't afford the rising costs. These people may even be brighter than someone with a degree but companies are so dependent on a degree to decide wheather or not to employee someone. So in conclusion, for Americas' education system to become #1 again, the cost of education has to be drastically reduced or completely eliminated. Comment your views of my very first post!
We pour a ton of money into education.
The NY State Lottery was sold to lawmakers way back when as something great that will benefit
education...Anybody want to look into that angle...

Of course the Libs feel that we don't spend enough money on education...
Wow there's a shock.Libs feeling not enough money is being spent on something.

Looks like maybe a new approach is needed...
Good luck with that with the Teachers unions in place.
You mean this has happened despite a 38+ billion $ funded U.S. Dept. of Education and unionized teachers?
As I see it, their are three reasons why our education system has become completely destroyed.

1. Liberals

2. Progressives

3. Neo-Marxists (aka:Democrats)
I stated that the cost be either reduced or abolished. I never stated how to achieve that goal.
For the past couple of decades, the United States has been declining in education internationally. It has become a devastating factor to the 2007-2011 ressesion and has the potential to become even more devastating in the future. As I see it, their are three reasons why our education system has become completely destroyed. 1. Bullying- Students that do not have a safe and comfortable environment tend to have a tougher time passing than kids with a great work envioremen. Bullies can affect others abilities to work, thus eliminating their safe enviorment and making it uncomfortable. To fix this, laws must be passed to discipline these bullies effectively and to the point where they don't bully again.

Nonsense. We all went to school with bullies. Hell, some of us WERE the bullies and we mostly turned out alright.

2. Teacher responsibility- I have been in situations where the teachers are not properly dealing with situations that arrise in school, and the school administration makes it worse with unexplainable consequences. I think that if teachers where to instead of demoting ones' work they' ll praise, help and actually "go beyond the call of duty" for the students and prepare them for life.

Most of them already do go beyond the call of duty for their students, but you rarely hear about them. What your asking for seems to call for better teacher training and support, which I would agree with.

3. College- The biggest reason our education system Is failing is because the cost for a better education is too high, especially for college. Their is only one way to solve this. Let me explain. America needs Intellegent people to work. Most Intellegent people graduate from college and can find a job easily with a degree. Other people, however are still Intellegent but can't afford the rising costs. These people may even be brighter than someone with a degree but companies are so dependent on a degree to decide wheather or not to employee someone.

Yes, a college education is too high, especially at the top private schools. But, what can be done about it without imposing price controls or the tax payers picking up the tab for everyone's education?

So in conclusion, for Americas' education system to become #1 again, the cost of education has to be drastically reduced or completely eliminated. Comment your views of my very first post!

Reduce the cost? Yes, of course. Completely eliminate it? Huh? How will schools operate, who will pay the salaries?

My suggestion? Get the federal and state governments completely out of the public schools except to provide block grants without any strings attached other than to account for where the money went. Our citizens are more than capable of deciding for themselves what kind of education their local school systems provide.

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