The Formidable Islamist Minority in America


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
The Formidable Islamist Minority in America

January 9, 2013
By Ryan Mauro

A summary of polls about the ideological makeup of the Muslim-American community shows that the majority is moderate, but there is a formidable minority influenced by Islamist doctrine. A significant number are refusing to give answers or are still figuring out where they stand on issues like terrorism and Sharia Law.


There is high support for restricting freedom of speech in compliance with Sharia Law.

About 59% feel that criticism of Islam or its founder is not permitted under the First Amendment. Only 41% disagreed. Shockingly, 52% strongly or somewhat support criminal charges against those that criticize or parody Islam, while 33% oppose it. Nearly 15% strongly or somewhat support executing critics of their religion. About 70% strongly oppose it and around 11% only somewhat oppose it.

Only about 30% believe that Americans have the right to encourage Muslims to leave their faith. Around 45% disagree. Note that this question isn’t about whether people should proselytize to Muslims. It’s about whether doing so is a constitutional right.


The Formidable Islamist Minority in America
Got any polls which show how many American Christian's support Christian Nationalism or some of its tenants?

I'll bet you'd find the percentage is much higher and, therefore, constitutes a much greater threat to our liberty....don't you?
Got any polls which show how many American Christian's support Christian Nationalism or some of its tenants?

I'll bet you'd find the percentage is much higher and, therefore, constitutes a much greater threat to our liberty....don't you?


I'm an agnostic ( atheist with no balls) and grew up in the bible belt.

Dealt with many a bible thumper. While they can be annoying you can debate with them about their views and sometimes reach a consensus.

With hard line islamists it's their way or

Got any polls which show how many American Christian's support Christian Nationalism or some of its tenants?

I'll bet you'd find the percentage is much higher and, therefore, constitutes a much greater threat to our liberty....don't you?


I'm an agnostic ( atheist with no balls) and grew up in the bible belt.

Dealt with many a bible thumper. While they can be annoying you can debate with them about their views and sometimes reach a consensus.

With hard line islamists it's their way or


I don't know about that as I've had lots of debates about religion and faith with Muslim's. Have you? If point of fact, how many Muslim's do you actually know?
Got any polls which show how many American Christian's support Christian Nationalism or some of its tenants?

I'll bet you'd find the percentage is much higher and, therefore, constitutes a much greater threat to our liberty....don't you?


I'm an agnostic ( atheist with no balls) and grew up in the bible belt.

Dealt with many a bible thumper. While they can be annoying you can debate with them about their views and sometimes reach a consensus.

With hard line islamists it's their way or


I don't know about that as I've had lots of debates about religion and faith with Muslim's. Have you? If point of fact, how many Muslim's do you actually know?

Really stooping for a response, eh? Why don't you cite an organized Christian denomination (don't give me Foxboro Church) which believes that blasphemy should be a criminal offense? As to your irrelevant question about how many Muslims does one know, I know quite a few and none of them are willing to publicly denounce Muslim terrorism.

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