The Fix For Climate Change Is Here! And Nobody Cares!


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
As a former engineer, I found it interesting to read about a new fuel easy to produce, can be made locally without a major distribution infrastructure, can replace gasoline and diesel, the byproducts of which are only harmless nitrogen and water, and costs only 85¢ a gallon, and whose inventor isn’t at all surprised despite all the clamor about a green Earth and climate change that there is almost zero interest in it or support to produce it.

He's Creating a New Fuel Out of Thin Air — for 85 Cents per Gallon
As a former engineer, I found it interesting to read about a new fuel easy to produce, can be made locally without a major distribution infrastructure, can replace gasoline and diesel, the byproducts of which are only harmless nitrogen and water, and costs only 85¢ a gallon, and whose inventor isn’t at all surprised despite all the clamor about a green Earth and climate change that there is almost zero interest in it or support to produce it.

He's Creating a New Fuel Out of Thin Air — for 85 Cents per Gallon

What politicians see are lower fuel taxes and less employment in the oil patch.
As a former engineer, I found it interesting to read about a new fuel easy to produce, can be made locally without a major distribution infrastructure, can replace gasoline and diesel, the byproducts of which are only harmless nitrogen and water, and costs only 85¢ a gallon, and whose inventor isn’t at all surprised despite all the clamor about a green Earth and climate change that there is almost zero interest in it or support to produce it.

He's Creating a New Fuel Out of Thin Air — for 85 Cents per Gallon
It's just ammonia as a carrier for hydrogen. We still need the whole hydrogen fuel cell infrastructure.

It is definitely a step in the right direction though, if you can get it past the fossil fuel lobby.
CO2 is necessary for photosynthesis, which is what produces the oxygen liberals steal. The rest of us need it too. It's best not to allow leftist agitprop to influence anything we do on a grand scale because it ALWAYS LEADS TO DISASTER.
As a former engineer, I found it interesting to read about a new fuel easy to produce, can be made locally without a major distribution infrastructure, can replace gasoline and diesel, the byproducts of which are only harmless nitrogen and water, and costs only 85¢ a gallon, and whose inventor isn’t at all surprised despite all the clamor about a green Earth and climate change that there is almost zero interest in it or support to produce it.

He's Creating a New Fuel Out of Thin Air — for 85 Cents per Gallon
Finding solutions isn't what Democrats are about. If it were they wouldn't be living their lives of excess. Flying and traveling like rock stars at the same time they're trying to institute constraints on our lives that they will never apply to themselves.

Did you know that Congress usually only works 3 days a week? Monday and Friday are considered travel days.
CO2 is necessary for photosynthesis, which is what produces the oxygen liberals steal. The rest of us need it too. It's best not to allow leftist agitprop to influence anything we do on a grand scale because it ALWAYS LEADS TO DISASTER.
You know that the left doesn't know the difference between carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide? You figured that out didn't you?
As a former engineer, I found it interesting to read about a new fuel easy to produce,

How did you manage to pooch this so badly? Did you fail to understand because you're not very bright, or was it because you just read a headline from a conspiracy blog?

and costs only 85¢ a gallon,

No. The article didn't say it could make gasoline for 85 cents a gallon. It didn't say it could make ammonia for that price. It said that's how much ammonia _sells_ for. Do you understand the difference between a selling price and a production price?

A competent engineer would understand that there's no free lunch, energy-wise. If you're making a fuel that contains energy, that requires an energy input. A catalyst can make the process happen faster or at a lower temperature, but it doesn't change the required energy input.

So, your miracle process, if done on a large scale, would require grid energy to work, which comes mainly from fossil fuel, so you'd be burning fossil fuel to make new fuel. But since there are losses in the process, it would be a big net loss in terms of money and CO2 emissions. In some utopian future where fusion power gives us unlimited clean electricity, the process would be useful, but we are not in such a utopia.

Liberals understand such basic concepts, because such understanding is based on science, engineering and common sense, and people possessing such qualities are almost always liberal.
As a former engineer, I found it interesting to read about a new fuel easy to produce,

How did you manage to pooch this so badly? Did you fail to understand because you're not very bright, or was it because you just read a headline from a conspiracy blog?

and costs only 85¢ a gallon,

No. The article didn't say it could make gasoline for 85 cents a gallon. It didn't say it could make ammonia for that price. It said that's how much ammonia _sells_ for. Do you understand the difference between a selling price and a production price?

A competent engineer would understand that there's no free lunch, energy-wise. If you're making a fuel that contains energy, that requires an energy input. A catalyst can make the process happen faster or at a lower temperature, but it doesn't change the required energy input.

So, your miracle process, if done on a large scale, would require grid energy to work, which comes mainly from fossil fuel, so you'd be burning fossil fuel to make new fuel. But since there are losses in the process, it would be a big net loss in terms of money and CO2 emissions. In some utopian future where fusion power gives us unlimited clean electricity, the process would be useful, but we are not in such a utopia.

Liberals understand such basic concepts, because such understanding is based on science, engineering and common sense, and people possessing such qualities are almost always liberal.

Tell us again how atmospheric CO2 heats the deep ocean
It is interesting that the same group of people who argue so passionately about science when it comes to climate change are willing to ignore it when it comes to LGBT issues.

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