The Federal Reserve: Revelations


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
There are many who have a somewhat....pejorative... view of the Federal Reserve, some of which includes the following.

1. "From 1836 until 1913, when the Federal Reserve Act was snuck through Congress, the United States did not have a central bank. It is no coincidence that this period of time marked the greatest real economic growth in the history of our nation. There was sound banking, virtually no inflation and very little unemployment.

2. In July, 1944, a secret meeting of international financiers and politicians was held at Mount Washington Hotel, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. The Bretton Woods conference was officially named the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference, although the United Nations was not yet in existence. Among the leaders were John Maynard Keynes (a Fabian Socialist), Henry Dexter White (communist, CFR member, Asst. Secretary of the Treasury) and Virginius Frank Coe (communist). They created the International Monetary Fund (IMF), a world central bank, and the global counterpart to the Federal Reserve System.

3. They also created the International Bank For Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), commonly called the World Bank, as the lending agency. Its objective was to make un-repayable loans to war-torn and third world nations, secured by real estate, which the bankers would ultimately possess by foreclosure."

4. "The following passage, taken from "Chapter One: The Early 1910s: Post-Panic Creature and Party Posturing," outlines the influence of leading bankers, including J.P. Morgan, during the creation of the Federal Reserve - and the lengths to which government officials went to cover it up.

a. "Their plan called for the establishment of a National Reserve Association.

In keeping with the strategy to create a central bank without calling it such, the moniker omitted the word "bank."

b. The men agreed upon a central structure, with fifteen quasi-independent branches whose policies would be coordinated through a central national committee. It would have the power to create one standard currency that would support the country and the big banks in times of emergency, ensuring their stability.

c. The Treasury was in charge of creating coins and paper currency; its Bureau of Engraving and Printing had been producing all currency for the U.S. government, including silver and gold certificates, since 1877. A central bank would add another dimension to the U.S. banking system. (On October 28, 1914, the bureau began printing paper Federal Reserve notes, as instructed by Federal Reserve members.)....

d. The fact that it really was a means to provide an easier money supply to the big banks would not be part of its publicized benefits."
How Big Bankers Kept Secret Their Role in the Fed s Creation - Bank Think Article - American Banker
d. The fact that it really was a means to provide an easier money supply to the big banks would not be part of its publicized benefits."

It was actually designed two-fold. Ir allowed the federal government the opportunity to begin spending money on federal programs we otherwise would not have been able to afford via tax/spend schemes.

On March 9, 1933, House Joint Resolution No. 192-10 by the 73rd Congress, was voted into law, which is the Emergency Banking Act. This essentially was the point at which the congress sold the entire sovereignty of all citizens, and their property, as collateral for the public debt financing (after all gold was confiscated, of course)

This is tied to the fact that following the civil war, Lincoln's marshal law was all "supposed" to be reversed, but that's not quite what happened. What happened instead, is the congress passed the Organic Act of 1871, which created a government corporation in the District of Colombia called the United States of America.

My point? Your so called government sold you to a private banking system, along with your property, for collateral on what is now The United States of America. A corporation which has career "politicians" which are treated like royalty (check you 13th A.) and run roughshod over the citizens, or more aptly cattle.
5. "The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve has seven members, all appointed by the President of the United States and confirmed by the Senate. They serve a fourteen-year term. From these seven, the President selects a chairman and a vice-chairman.

a. The President can select a chairman from outside the Board of Governors.

6. The Board oversees the twelve district Federal Reserve banks. These banks implement monetary policy as established by the Federal Reserve's Federal Open Market Committee.

7. The Open Market Committee focuses on establishing interest rates and dealing with the nation's money supply. They also oversee the Federal Reserve's purchase and sale of US Treasury securities. And they help regulate the banks in their districts."
From the novel "Hidden Order," by Brad Thor
'Federal Reserve'??

8. "They are not 'Federal'...they are a group of powerful bankers who orchestrated a phony crisis in the early 1900s to convince the American people that the country needed a strong central bank to help regulate the economy and bring Wall Street fat cats to heel. It's one of most successful con jobs in history.

a. The name 'Federal Reserve' was taken to perpetrate the scam on the American people, making it look like the were part of the government. Not only is it not part of the federal government, but they aren't accountable to the citizens! And, they operate in total secrecy and have never undergone a thorough audit.

9. Since the Fed was created back in 1913, the dollar has lost ninety-six percent of its purchasing power."
From the novel "Hidden Order," by Brad Thor
10. " Dissenters in the ranks of the central bank’s governance are “increasingly vocal,” as the New York Times put it in aheadline, over their fears in respect of inflation. .... the theme is labor markets, which fits right in with Chairman Yellen’s priority among the Fed’s mandates, full employment.

a. .... the pattern of unemployment that has come ever more clearly into focus with each passing season of the age of fiat money. Between 1947 and 1971 — that is, in the first generation of the Bretton Woods agreements, under which America defined the dollar as a 35th of an ounce of gold —the unemployment rate in America averaged but 4.7%. Since 1971 —that is, since America’s abandoned Bretton Woods and opened the age of fiat money — unemployment has averaged 6.4%.

b. .... James Grant likes to call the Ph.D.-backed dollar. Let them look, too, to whether the Humphrey Hawkins Full Employment Act of 1978 turns out to have been a good idea. It was the law that gave the Fed its jobs mandate. When President Carter signed that dog’s breakfast, unemployment was 5.8%. It hasn’t been that low in the entire Obama presidency. Despite, of course, thetrillionsof dollars the Federal Reserve has added to its balance sheet.

11. .... there is no joy in the land, even if the Dow Jones Industrial Average is bouncing in and out of record highs. The Obama presidency is nearing the final turn. Savers have been devastated. The market isn’t what it seems. No one wants to lend and no one wants to borrow. Unemployment is still above where it was when Congress gave the Fed a mandate to bring it down. A new Fed chairman has made jobs her signature.

But will anyone at Jackson Hole ask whether it is the fiat nature of our money that got us into this hole in the first place?"
Mystery of Jackson Hole - The New York Sun
12. "[Brad] Thor revealed the agency behind “Hidden Order”: the Federal Reserve.

“I learned about a group of powerful people that snuck out of New York one night in November in the early 1900′s,” he told Beck. “They went down to an island called Jekyll Island and there they cobbled together…a plan for a central bank for the United States of America.”

He noted how two previous attempts to create a centralized bank had been overwhelmingly rejected by the American people, so the individuals had to create an “elaborate smoke screen,” leaving any reference of a centralized bank from the title, instead naming the organization the “Federal Reserve.”

In number one bestselling author’s estimation, the Federal Reserve loves the current scandals surrounding the IRS and the NSA because it’s about to mark it’s 100th year, and despite the fact that they’re “not accountable to the American people,” we’re “not talking about them.”
Chilling: Author Brad Thor Reveals the Extremely Powerful Agency Behind New Book ‘Hidden Order’ |
10. " Dissenters in the ranks of the central bank’s governance are “increasingly vocal,” as the New York Times put it in aheadline, over their fears in respect of inflation. .... the theme is labor markets, which fits right in with Chairman Yellen’s priority among the Fed’s mandates, full employment.

a. .... the pattern of unemployment that has come ever more clearly into focus with each passing season of the age of fiat money. Between 1947 and 1971 — that is, in the first generation of the Bretton Woods agreements, under which America defined the dollar as a 35th of an ounce of gold —the unemployment rate in America averaged but 4.7%. Since 1971 —that is, since America’s abandoned Bretton Woods and opened the age of fiat money — unemployment has averaged 6.4%.

b. .... James Grant likes to call the Ph.D.-backed dollar. Let them look, too, to whether the Humphrey Hawkins Full Employment Act of 1978 turns out to have been a good idea. It was the law that gave the Fed its jobs mandate. When President Carter signed that dog’s breakfast, unemployment was 5.8%. It hasn’t been that low in the entire Obama presidency. Despite, of course, thetrillionsof dollars the Federal Reserve has added to its balance sheet.

11. .... there is no joy in the land, even if the Dow Jones Industrial Average is bouncing in and out of record highs. The Obama presidency is nearing the final turn. Savers have been devastated. The market isn’t what it seems. No one wants to lend and no one wants to borrow. Unemployment is still above where it was when Congress gave the Fed a mandate to bring it down. A new Fed chairman has made jobs her signature.

But will anyone at Jackson Hole ask whether it is the fiat nature of our money that got us into this hole in the first place?"
Mystery of Jackson Hole - The New York Sun

that seems a little simplistic . We had gold during the Great Depression and the Fed had no idea what to do. This time we had fiat and the Fed knew what to do and things worked out much much better. So the issue is not Gold or fiat but rather whether the Fed knows what to do.
There are many who have a somewhat....pejorative... view of the Federal Reserve, some of which includes the following.

1. "From 1836 until 1913, when the Federal Reserve Act was snuck through Congress, the United States did not have a central bank. It is no coincidence that this period of time marked the greatest real economic growth in the history of our nation.

Can you back this claim up?

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There are many who have a somewhat....pejorative... view of the Federal Reserve, some of which includes the following.

1. "From 1836 until 1913, when the Federal Reserve Act was snuck through Congress, the United States did not have a central bank. It is no coincidence that this period of time marked the greatest real economic growth in the history of our nation.

Can you back this claim up?


it may have been true then but even if so it wouldn't work today.

1) They had 2000 different curriencies which would not make sense in todays national and international markets

2) establishing a cause effect between growth and no Fed would be impossible.

Anyway, Fed is here to stay. If they pass Republican Bill to eliminate dual mandate and institute real oversight a Fed is fine.
8. "They are not 'Federal'...they are a group of powerful bankers who orchestrated a phony crisis in the early 1900s to convince the American people that the country needed a strong central bank to help regulate the economy and bring Wall Street fat cats to heel. It's one of most successful con jobs in history.


That's batshit crazy.
8. "They are not 'Federal'...they are a group of powerful bankers who orchestrated a phony crisis in the early 1900s to convince the American people that the country needed a strong central bank to help regulate the economy and bring Wall Street fat cats to heel. It's one of most successful con jobs in history.


That's batshit crazy.

There are many who have a somewhat....pejorative... view of the Federal Reserve, some of which includes the following.

1. "From 1836 until 1913, when the Federal Reserve Act was snuck through Congress, the United States did not have a central bank. It is no coincidence that this period of time marked the greatest real economic growth in the history of our nation.

Can you back this claim up?


I second that.

Data por favor?
I recommend "The Creature from Jekyll Island" - good read about the Fed.
Toro knows the Banking crisis of 1907 was fabricated so he's being disingenuous here.

Just Google "Bank Crisis of 1907".

Just highlight the above text and right click, it'll say "Search Google for" and choose "Bank Crisis of 1907".

That even works in my ChromeBook.
Toro knows the Banking crisis of 1907 was fabricated so he's being disingenuous here.

Just Google "Bank Crisis of 1907".

Just highlight the above text and right click, it'll say "Search Google for" and choose "Bank Crisis of 1907".

That even works in my ChromeBook.

The Panic of 1907 was a result of the gold standard, as were the all panics in the 19th and early 20th century.
Not even close Kimura-san. It was a result of Businessmen trying to rip investors off and corner the Copper Market.
United Copper - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm familiar with United Copper.

The US was on the gold standard during the Panic of 1907. The gold standard, by its very nature, put constraints on the actions taken by the US Treasury to affect the quantity of base $$$$, credit, and the overall financial situation. The Treasury was limited by its reserve balances (in gold) and surpluses. They added like close to $40 million in base $$$$ but they were tapped out by October of 1907 IIRC.
Yeah you know what the constraints are? You're unable to print as much money as you need out of thin air.

Money and Wealth actually had to be EARNED!

What a concept huh?

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