The Falsification And Death Of History


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
Who among us here are fans of George Orwell? Recently I reread Nineteen-Eighty-Four and viewed again that infamous and controversial title's big-screen treatment. The problem I have personally with both the novel and movie is twofold. One, the story told in both mediums is difficult to consume, to get through and the time when I could sit back and enjoy Orwell's imagination clutched in edge of my seat suspense while grounded in the relative solid reality and safety of our real world compared to the sickly pale horror of his "future" fictional one seems to be long gone. That scene where poor Winston begs O'Brian to let the rats eat Julia's face first well, still gets to me, as does that one in the end where Winston professes his true love to Big Brother, thinking he's about to be shot any moment.

Moving on to more modern fiction, I sat down the other night to re-watch the recent film Overlord, which on its surface seemed to be a badass WWII horror film dripping with Nazi zombie killing awesomeness. We'd originally gone to see it at the theater, but do to a sudden emergency had to bail right after the opening few minutes. About five minutes into the Blu-ray version I stopped it, couldn't stand to watch one more second. Not because the film was that terrifying, suspenseful or low budget cheese-fest. I wish. We turned it off because the main character is so out of place in the historical context of the film's setting as to be a major deal breaker. Further, his presence in the film does a great injustice to those men of courage who were actually there. Yes, the writers wrote a young black paratrooper onto a C-47 about to jump into France on D-Day eve.

Now to the topic of the thread. I have very personal connections to the US Army Airborne Regiments through my grandfather who served during WWII with the 82nd, and my own service with one training regiment and two regular Army PIRs. With those connections also comes deep knowledge of Army Airborne history. Despite what Google might tell you, there were no soldiers of color aboard those C-47s as depicted in the film Overlord.

So why should all Americans of all skin tones and cultures care about the revision of history (addition of a black soldier for example where black soldiers never were) in a horror movie, a piece of popcorn fiction? Well, lets jump back to Orwell's Nineteen-Eighty-Four for a few moments. Main character Winston's job in both the novel and movie was falsifying or revising history to fit 'The Party's' ideology. Sometimes one almost has to wonder if the modern Democratic Party/Global Leftism hired Orwell Scholars to recreate his seminal work on modern Western Civilization in our real world.

That's high-wire hyperbole you might charge. However, over the last decade in particular there's been a rapid rise in instances of American and European Historical Revisionism wherein people of color are falsely inserted into historical dramas, documentaries, TV series and textbooks. I'm not gonna Google each instance for you, however, there arises another serious threat to true history--perhaps the greatest threat. Will a day come, or has it arrived already, where both sides of the modern political ideological spectrum resort to Googling for evidence to prove the opposing side wrong only for one side to be unable to find any true history to support their sides arguments? Because one side's history has been completely revised to support one Party's meta-narrative?

Now, why should those who benefit most from historical revisionism also be deeply worried about its recent success? Well, what's to stop a future political regime from cutting people of color completely out of their rightful places in their own history? What's to stop some future historian from making Zulu Kings Hispanic, or dramas about American Slavery where the slaves who suffer most are white? See where this is going? If any of us care about our collective, true histories respectively, be they European, African, Native American or Asian or whatever then we need to band to together to say, "No!" to falsification any history. Good thing some of us kept those sets of Encyclopedias, huh?
History has many perspectives and only a fool would take a hollywood movie as a true representation of any of them.
The racial tantrum that I recall being both loud and pathetic was over the movie Dunkirk. There were no depictions of black people. There were no black people there. Yet the race hustlers want history to be changed to reflect diversity and inclusion.

Over and over you see the ministry of truth changing history or at least squealing over It. We see black Roman senators, black knights of England. One unfortunate movie had St. George depicted as a Chinese man. The bastardization of history isn't limited to us. France recently had an event where Joan of arc is a woman of color.

1984 was not an instruction manual.
Who among us here are fans of George Orwell? Recently I reread Nineteen-Eighty-Four and viewed again that infamous and controversial title's big-screen treatment. The problem I have personally with both the novel and movie is twofold. One, the story told in both mediums is difficult to consume, to get through and the time when I could sit back and enjoy Orwell's imagination clutched in edge of my seat suspense while grounded in the relative solid reality and safety of our real world compared to the sickly pale horror of his "future" fictional one seems to be long gone. That scene where poor Winston begs O'Brian to let the rats eat Julia's face first well, still gets to me, as does that one in the end where Winston professes his true love to Big Brother, thinking he's about to be shot any moment.

Moving on to more modern fiction, I sat down the other night to re-watch the recent film Overlord, which on its surface seemed to be a badass WWII horror film dripping with Nazi zombie killing awesomeness. We'd originally gone to see it at the theater, but do to a sudden emergency had to bail right after the opening few minutes. About five minutes into the Blu-ray version I stopped it, couldn't stand to watch one more second. Not because the film was that terrifying, suspenseful or low budget cheese-fest. I wish. We turned it off because the main character is so out of place in the historical context of the film's setting as to be a major deal breaker. Further, his presence in the film does a great injustice to those men of courage who were actually there. Yes, the writers wrote a young black paratrooper onto a C-47 about to jump into France on D-Day eve.

Now to the topic of the thread. I have very personal connections to the US Army Airborne Regiments through my grandfather who served during WWII with the 82nd, and my own service with one training regiment and two regular Army PIRs. With those connections also comes deep knowledge of Army Airborne history. Despite what Google might tell you, there were no soldiers of color aboard those C-47s as depicted in the film Overlord.

So why should all Americans of all skin tones and cultures care about the revision of history (addition of a black soldier for example where black soldiers never were) in a horror movie, a piece of popcorn fiction? Well, lets jump back to Orwell's Nineteen-Eighty-Four for a few moments. Main character Winston's job in both the novel and movie was falsifying or revising history to fit 'The Party's' ideology. Sometimes one almost has to wonder if the modern Democratic Party/Global Leftism hired Orwell Scholars to recreate his seminal work on modern Western Civilization in our real world.

That's high-wire hyperbole you might charge. However, over the last decade in particular there's been a rapid rise in instances of American and European Historical Revisionism wherein people of color are falsely inserted into historical dramas, documentaries, TV series and textbooks. I'm not gonna Google each instance for you, however, there arises another serious threat to true history--perhaps the greatest threat. Will a day come, or has it arrived already, where both sides of the modern political ideological spectrum resort to Googling for evidence to prove the opposing side wrong only for one side to be unable to find any true history to support their sides arguments? Because one side's history has been completely revised to support one Party's meta-narrative?

Now, why should those who benefit most from historical revisionism also be deeply worried about its recent success? Well, what's to stop a future political regime from cutting people of color completely out of their rightful places in their own history? What's to stop some future historian from making Zulu Kings Hispanic, or dramas about American Slavery where the slaves who suffer most are white? See where this is going? If any of us care about our collective, true histories respectively, be they European, African, Native American or Asian or whatever then we need to band to together to say, "No!" to falsification any history. Good thing some of us kept those sets of Encyclopedias, huh?
No one thinks Overlord is an historical movie. There are zombies and shit.
I'm sure Hollywood put in a black actor to attract the black audience and to make sure they didn't get their ass chewed by the Academy for not putting any blacks in leading roles this year (remember that a few years ago?)
I'm pretty sure that no one (except you) is going to lose sleep over putting a black guy in the plane.
The racial tantrum that I recall being both loud and pathetic was over the movie Dunkirk. There were no depictions of black people. There were no black people there. Yet the race hustlers want history to be changed to reflect diversity and inclusion.

Over and over you see the ministry of truth changing history or at least squealing over It. We see black Roman senators, black knights of England. One unfortunate movie had St. George depicted as a Chinese man. The bastardization of history isn't limited to us. France recently had an event where Joan of arc is a woman of color.

1984 was not an instruction manual.

The Democrats have adopted it as such. Consider the infancy now of politically-correct Newspeak and the increasingly surveillant society. Alexa and related devices as forerunners of the telescreen.

Social media as Two Minutes Hate.
Who among us here are fans of George Orwell? Recently I reread Nineteen-Eighty-Four and viewed again that infamous and controversial title's big-screen treatment. The problem I have personally with both the novel and movie is twofold. One, the story told in both mediums is difficult to consume, to get through and the time when I could sit back and enjoy Orwell's imagination clutched in edge of my seat suspense while grounded in the relative solid reality and safety of our real world compared to the sickly pale horror of his "future" fictional one seems to be long gone. That scene where poor Winston begs O'Brian to let the rats eat Julia's face first well, still gets to me, as does that one in the end where Winston professes his true love to Big Brother, thinking he's about to be shot any moment.

Moving on to more modern fiction, I sat down the other night to re-watch the recent film Overlord, which on its surface seemed to be a badass WWII horror film dripping with Nazi zombie killing awesomeness. We'd originally gone to see it at the theater, but do to a sudden emergency had to bail right after the opening few minutes. About five minutes into the Blu-ray version I stopped it, couldn't stand to watch one more second. Not because the film was that terrifying, suspenseful or low budget cheese-fest. I wish. We turned it off because the main character is so out of place in the historical context of the film's setting as to be a major deal breaker. Further, his presence in the film does a great injustice to those men of courage who were actually there. Yes, the writers wrote a young black paratrooper onto a C-47 about to jump into France on D-Day eve.

Now to the topic of the thread. I have very personal connections to the US Army Airborne Regiments through my grandfather who served during WWII with the 82nd, and my own service with one training regiment and two regular Army PIRs. With those connections also comes deep knowledge of Army Airborne history. Despite what Google might tell you, there were no soldiers of color aboard those C-47s as depicted in the film Overlord.

So why should all Americans of all skin tones and cultures care about the revision of history (addition of a black soldier for example where black soldiers never were) in a horror movie, a piece of popcorn fiction? Well, lets jump back to Orwell's Nineteen-Eighty-Four for a few moments. Main character Winston's job in both the novel and movie was falsifying or revising history to fit 'The Party's' ideology. Sometimes one almost has to wonder if the modern Democratic Party/Global Leftism hired Orwell Scholars to recreate his seminal work on modern Western Civilization in our real world.

That's high-wire hyperbole you might charge. However, over the last decade in particular there's been a rapid rise in instances of American and European Historical Revisionism wherein people of color are falsely inserted into historical dramas, documentaries, TV series and textbooks. I'm not gonna Google each instance for you, however, there arises another serious threat to true history--perhaps the greatest threat. Will a day come, or has it arrived already, where both sides of the modern political ideological spectrum resort to Googling for evidence to prove the opposing side wrong only for one side to be unable to find any true history to support their sides arguments? Because one side's history has been completely revised to support one Party's meta-narrative?

Now, why should those who benefit most from historical revisionism also be deeply worried about its recent success? Well, what's to stop a future political regime from cutting people of color completely out of their rightful places in their own history? What's to stop some future historian from making Zulu Kings Hispanic, or dramas about American Slavery where the slaves who suffer most are white? See where this is going? If any of us care about our collective, true histories respectively, be they European, African, Native American or Asian or whatever then we need to band to together to say, "No!" to falsification any history. Good thing some of us kept those sets of Encyclopedias, huh?
No one thinks Overlord is an historical movie. There are zombies and shit.
I'm sure Hollywood put in a black actor to attract the black audience and to make sure they didn't get their ass chewed by the Academy for not putting any blacks in leading roles this year (remember that a few years ago?)
I'm pretty sure that no one (except you) is going to lose sleep over putting a black guy in the plane.

All leads back to the minds of our children. Can they truly differentiate between a documentary and a piece of fiction, a movie? Or will the revisionist history seed planted by fictionalized accounts of such events grow into misunderstanding of what really happened? I'm being quite kind here in not posting links to examples of actual revisionist history injected into actionable educational mediums such as history textbooks. Anyone interested in the topic can do the research for themselves, and while they're at it might also be interested in the correlations between modern historical revisionism and historical revisionism carried out during or immediately after the French and Bolshevik Revolutions.

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