The Failure of Immigration Reform


Diamond Member
Dec 21, 2016
Let's make no mistake. We have an immigration problem. There are 11 million illegal immigrants here.

But we have lost sight of why that is a problem. It is NOT that they are especially violent. They are actually more law abiding than American citizens.
Anti-immigrant types hate the IDEA of them. Their culture. Their skin color.

Those are ANNOYANCES at best.

The PROBLEM is that they work in the "grey economy" Employers exploit them to work for lower wages and that depresses all wages. Of course business loves that and hence THAT part of the discussion is lost...and it's the REAL issue.

We need to enact real immigration reform. We need to enforce and strengthen hiring laws. We need to deal in a positive way with Dreamers. We need to figure a way to make the 11 million here (who are NOT leaving) legal and tax paying and making legal wages

Instead we are stuck talking about how inhumane we can allow ourselves to be to asylum seekers. This is insane but that's how Republicans and Trump deal with serious problems. By making them even more absurd
Let's make no mistake. We have an immigration problem. There are 11 million illegal immigrants here.

But we have lost sight of why that is a problem. It is NOT that they are especially violent. They are actually more law abiding than American citizens.
Anti-immigrant types hate the IDEA of them. Their culture. Their skin color.

Those are ANNOYANCES at best.

The PROBLEM is that they work in the "grey economy" Employers exploit them to work for lower wages and that depresses all wages. Of course business loves that and hence THAT part of the discussion is lost...and it's the REAL issue.

We need to enact real immigration reform. We need to enforce and strengthen hiring laws. We need to deal in a positive way with Dreamers. We need to figure a way to make the 11 million here (who are NOT leaving) legal and tax paying and making legal wages

Instead we are stuck talking about how inhumane we can allow ourselves to be to asylum seekers. This is insane but that's how Republicans and Trump deal with serious problems. By making them even more absurd
The only thing I'm not sure of is how to deal with the Dreamers. Their position seems sympathetic enough, but by giving them a chance to become citizens after entering the country illegally (either by their own intent or not) doesn't it send a huge encouragement to others to try it?
I thought we would have the Wall half completed by now. If the Wall were stopping casual amblers (and swimmers) from coming across, I would be much more confident in dealing "positively" with the Dreamers. Maybe letting them stay is okay, but is it really?
Let's make no mistake. We have an immigration problem. There are 11 million illegal immigrants here.

But we have lost sight of why that is a problem. It is NOT that they are especially violent. They are actually more law abiding than American citizens.
Anti-immigrant types hate the IDEA of them. Their culture. Their skin color.

Those are ANNOYANCES at best.

The PROBLEM is that they work in the "grey economy" Employers exploit them to work for lower wages and that depresses all wages. Of course business loves that and hence THAT part of the discussion is lost...and it's the REAL issue.

We need to enact real immigration reform. We need to enforce and strengthen hiring laws. We need to deal in a positive way with Dreamers. We need to figure a way to make the 11 million here (who are NOT leaving) legal and tax paying and making legal wages

Instead we are stuck talking about how inhumane we can allow ourselves to be to asylum seekers. This is insane but that's how Republicans and Trump deal with serious problems. By making them even more absurd
11 million here my ass... there's that many in California alone. It's more like 30 million.

And they're not more law abiding than American citizens. Every single one of them is a criminal first and foremost for entering our country illegally, and then the 90% that never show up for hearings double up on breaking the law, not to mention all the falsified SS#'s they use.

Every last single one of them should be deported, even the so called dreamers. That's what SHOULD be done.

The solutions are simple...

1) No more asylum seekers
2) End Lottery immigration
3) End Chain migration
4) End Anchor Babies
5) Make E-Verify federal law
6) Fine businesses that hire illegal aliens
You can't say no more asylum seekers, but you can say that asylum seekers cannot come to the US after passing thru a "safe" country.
Let's make no mistake. We have an immigration problem. There are 11 million illegal immigrants here.

But we have lost sight of why that is a problem. It is NOT that they are especially violent. They are actually more law abiding than American citizens.
Anti-immigrant types hate the IDEA of them. Their culture. Their skin color.

Those are ANNOYANCES at best.

The PROBLEM is that they work in the "grey economy" Employers exploit them to work for lower wages and that depresses all wages. Of course business loves that and hence THAT part of the discussion is lost...and it's the REAL issue.

We need to enact real immigration reform. We need to enforce and strengthen hiring laws. We need to deal in a positive way with Dreamers. We need to figure a way to make the 11 million here (who are NOT leaving) legal and tax paying and making legal wages

Instead we are stuck talking about how inhumane we can allow ourselves to be to asylum seekers. This is insane but that's how Republicans and Trump deal with serious problems. By making them even more absurd

Why would you suggest ‘solutions’ favorable for the criminals? Why not offer / suggest solutions that would benefit Americans and penalize the criminals?
Why do you think we owe Mexico a ‘reform’ of our system? Don’t we OWE the American people a resolution?
Wouldn’t it make more sense to simply tweak the laws that have been rendered useless and restore the ‘bite’?
You give this batch amnesty, more will come wanting the same. Tried that already and it didn't work.

Let's make no mistake. We have an immigration problem. There are 11 million illegal immigrants here.

But we have lost sight of why that is a problem. It is NOT that they are especially violent. They are actually more law abiding than American citizens.
Anti-immigrant types hate the IDEA of them. Their culture. Their skin color.

Those are ANNOYANCES at best.

The PROBLEM is that they work in the "grey economy" Employers exploit them to work for lower wages and that depresses all wages. Of course business loves that and hence THAT part of the discussion is lost...and it's the REAL issue.

We need to enact real immigration reform. We need to enforce and strengthen hiring laws. We need to deal in a positive way with Dreamers. We need to figure a way to make the 11 million here (who are NOT leaving) legal and tax paying and making legal wages

Instead we are stuck talking about how inhumane we can allow ourselves to be to asylum seekers. This is insane but that's how Republicans and Trump deal with serious problems. By making them even more absurd

Actually, you (general) had the opportunity to talk to more rational voices about immigration.about 10 years ago and chose not to. It is simply easier to respond to extremists.

You don't need reform. When we talk about reform, it is simply one group of people who want to circumvent the law. Enforce the law.

The only reason that E-verify is not mandated is because the funding would have to come from federal money. It's a ;funding issue.
You can't say no more asylum seekers, but you can say that asylum seekers cannot come to the US after passing thru a "safe" country.
Yes, we can say no more asylum seekers. In fact that would end the vast majority of them coming right now, since they know that if they say they're seeking asylum, that's their golden ticket into America and they'll be released, and just saying they have to seek asylum in the first nation they pass through wouldn't end it, since we'd still have a major problem with Mexicans.
Why bother discussing immigration reform. Both parties would rather use the issue as campaign fodder every two years. Democrats get to demonize the GOP for xenophobia while the GOP gets to do the same to the Democrats for supporting open borders. Neither argument is accurate but when pandering for votes is the priority...
Let's make no mistake. We have an immigration problem. There are 11 million illegal immigrants here.

But we have lost sight of why that is a problem. It is NOT that they are especially violent. They are actually more law abiding than American citizens.
Anti-immigrant types hate the IDEA of them. Their culture. Their skin color.

Those are ANNOYANCES at best.

The PROBLEM is that they work in the "grey economy" Employers exploit them to work for lower wages and that depresses all wages. Of course business loves that and hence THAT part of the discussion is lost...and it's the REAL issue.

We need to enact real immigration reform. We need to enforce and strengthen hiring laws. We need to deal in a positive way with Dreamers. We need to figure a way to make the 11 million here (who are NOT leaving) legal and tax paying and making legal wages

Instead we are stuck talking about how inhumane we can allow ourselves to be to asylum seekers. This is insane but that's how Republicans and Trump deal with serious problems. By making them even more absurd
11 million here my ass... there's that many in California alone. It's more like 30 million.

And they're not more law abiding than American citizens. Every single one of them is a criminal first and foremost for entering our country illegally, and then the 90% that never show up for hearings double up on breaking the law, not to mention all the falsified SS#'s they use.

Every last single one of them should be deported, even the so called dreamers. That's what SHOULD be done.

The solutions are simple...

1) No more asylum seekers
2) End Lottery immigration
3) End Chain migration
4) End Anchor Babies
5) Make E-Verify federal law
6) Fine businesses that hire illegal aliens
Do I hear 45 million?
Let's make no mistake. We have an immigration problem. There are 11 million illegal immigrants here.

But we have lost sight of why that is a problem. It is NOT that they are especially violent. They are actually more law abiding than American citizens.
Anti-immigrant types hate the IDEA of them. Their culture. Their skin color.

Those are ANNOYANCES at best.

The PROBLEM is that they work in the "grey economy" Employers exploit them to work for lower wages and that depresses all wages. Of course business loves that and hence THAT part of the discussion is lost...and it's the REAL issue.

We need to enact real immigration reform. We need to enforce and strengthen hiring laws. We need to deal in a positive way with Dreamers. We need to figure a way to make the 11 million here (who are NOT leaving) legal and tax paying and making legal wages

Instead we are stuck talking about how inhumane we can allow ourselves to be to asylum seekers. This is insane but that's how Republicans and Trump deal with serious problems. By making them even more absurd
11 million here my ass... there's that many in California alone. It's more like 30 million.

And they're not more law abiding than American citizens. Every single one of them is a criminal first and foremost for entering our country illegally, and then the 90% that never show up for hearings double up on breaking the law, not to mention all the falsified SS#'s they use.

Every last single one of them should be deported, even the so called dreamers. That's what SHOULD be done.

The solutions are simple...

1) No more asylum seekers
2) End Lottery immigration
3) End Chain migration
4) End Anchor Babies
5) Make E-Verify federal law
6) Fine businesses that hire illegal aliens
Do I hear 45 million?
You probably hear all kinds of strange things in that whacky skull of your's.

We all know you love the illegal aliens and support open borders.
Let's make no mistake. We have an immigration problem. There are 11 million illegal immigrants here.

But we have lost sight of why that is a problem. It is NOT that they are especially violent. They are actually more law abiding than American citizens.
Anti-immigrant types hate the IDEA of them. Their culture. Their skin color.

Those are ANNOYANCES at best.

The PROBLEM is that they work in the "grey economy" Employers exploit them to work for lower wages and that depresses all wages. Of course business loves that and hence THAT part of the discussion is lost...and it's the REAL issue.

We need to enact real immigration reform. We need to enforce and strengthen hiring laws. We need to deal in a positive way with Dreamers. We need to figure a way to make the 11 million here (who are NOT leaving) legal and tax paying and making legal wages

Instead we are stuck talking about how inhumane we can allow ourselves to be to asylum seekers. This is insane but that's how Republicans and Trump deal with serious problems. By making them even more absurd
You are the dreamer. Illegal immigration has been around for decades, but our corrupt government officials have done nothing about it. This is because the ruling class, charity groups, corporations, billionaires, etc want open borders. The people be damned, but Americans think they live in a democracy. LOL.

Donnie was elected in part, to stop this. He can’t get it done, because powerful forces are arrayed against him. If the elected leader of the people can’t do it, well it ain’t going to happen.
we dont need to throw more money at an inhumane system!

in the 80s, folks were coming across the border, and there were humane conditions for them
Let's make no mistake. We have an immigration problem. There are 11 million illegal immigrants here.

But we have lost sight of why that is a problem. It is NOT that they are especially violent. They are actually more law abiding than American citizens.
Anti-immigrant types hate the IDEA of them. Their culture. Their skin color.

Those are ANNOYANCES at best.

The PROBLEM is that they work in the "grey economy" Employers exploit them to work for lower wages and that depresses all wages. Of course business loves that and hence THAT part of the discussion is lost...and it's the REAL issue.

We need to enact real immigration reform. We need to enforce and strengthen hiring laws. We need to deal in a positive way with Dreamers. We need to figure a way to make the 11 million here (who are NOT leaving) legal and tax paying and making legal wages

Instead we are stuck talking about how inhumane we can allow ourselves to be to asylum seekers. This is insane but that's how Republicans and Trump deal with serious problems. By making them even more absurd
11 million here my ass... there's that many in California alone. It's more like 30 million.

And they're not more law abiding than American citizens. Every single one of them is a criminal first and foremost for entering our country illegally, and then the 90% that never show up for hearings double up on breaking the law, not to mention all the falsified SS#'s they use.

Every last single one of them should be deported, even the so called dreamers. That's what SHOULD be done.

The solutions are simple...

1) No more asylum seekers
2) End Lottery immigration
3) End Chain migration
4) End Anchor Babies
5) Make E-Verify federal law
6) Fine businesses that hire illegal aliens
Do I hear 45 million?
You probably hear all kinds of strange things in that whacky skull of your's.

We all know you love the illegal aliens and support open borders.
No. What I love is facts.
Let's make no mistake. We have an immigration problem. There are 11 million illegal immigrants here.

But we have lost sight of why that is a problem. It is NOT that they are especially violent. They are actually more law abiding than American citizens.
Anti-immigrant types hate the IDEA of them. Their culture. Their skin color.

Those are ANNOYANCES at best.

The PROBLEM is that they work in the "grey economy" Employers exploit them to work for lower wages and that depresses all wages. Of course business loves that and hence THAT part of the discussion is lost...and it's the REAL issue.

We need to enact real immigration reform. We need to enforce and strengthen hiring laws. We need to deal in a positive way with Dreamers. We need to figure a way to make the 11 million here (who are NOT leaving) legal and tax paying and making legal wages

Instead we are stuck talking about how inhumane we can allow ourselves to be to asylum seekers. This is insane but that's how Republicans and Trump deal with serious problems. By making them even more absurd
11 million here my ass... there's that many in California alone. It's more like 30 million.

And they're not more law abiding than American citizens. Every single one of them is a criminal first and foremost for entering our country illegally, and then the 90% that never show up for hearings double up on breaking the law, not to mention all the falsified SS#'s they use.

Every last single one of them should be deported, even the so called dreamers. That's what SHOULD be done.

The solutions are simple...

1) No more asylum seekers
2) End Lottery immigration
3) End Chain migration
4) End Anchor Babies
5) Make E-Verify federal law
6) Fine businesses that hire illegal aliens
Do I hear 45 million?
You probably hear all kinds of strange things in that whacky skull of your's.

We all know you love the illegal aliens and support open borders.
No. What I love is facts.
Yes, you love illegal aliens and open borders. The board is full of your comments proving it.
Let's make no mistake. We have an immigration problem. There are 11 million illegal immigrants here.

But we have lost sight of why that is a problem. It is NOT that they are especially violent. They are actually more law abiding than American citizens.
Anti-immigrant types hate the IDEA of them. Their culture. Their skin color.

Those are ANNOYANCES at best.

The PROBLEM is that they work in the "grey economy" Employers exploit them to work for lower wages and that depresses all wages. Of course business loves that and hence THAT part of the discussion is lost...and it's the REAL issue.

We need to enact real immigration reform. We need to enforce and strengthen hiring laws. We need to deal in a positive way with Dreamers. We need to figure a way to make the 11 million here (who are NOT leaving) legal and tax paying and making legal wages

Instead we are stuck talking about how inhumane we can allow ourselves to be to asylum seekers. This is insane but that's how Republicans and Trump deal with serious problems. By making them even more absurd
11 million here my ass... there's that many in California alone. It's more like 30 million.

And they're not more law abiding than American citizens. Every single one of them is a criminal first and foremost for entering our country illegally, and then the 90% that never show up for hearings double up on breaking the law, not to mention all the falsified SS#'s they use.

Every last single one of them should be deported, even the so called dreamers. That's what SHOULD be done.

The solutions are simple...

1) No more asylum seekers
2) End Lottery immigration
3) End Chain migration
4) End Anchor Babies
5) Make E-Verify federal law
6) Fine businesses that hire illegal aliens
Do I hear 45 million?
You probably hear all kinds of strange things in that whacky skull of your's.

We all know you love the illegal aliens and support open borders.
No. What I love is facts.
Yes, you love illegal aliens and open borders. The board is full of your comments proving it.
Quote me. The search function is back in action. You can't, because you're lying, but I am giving you the chance anyway.
Let's make no mistake. We have an immigration problem. There are 11 million illegal immigrants here.

But we have lost sight of why that is a problem. It is NOT that they are especially violent. They are actually more law abiding than American citizens.
Anti-immigrant types hate the IDEA of them. Their culture. Their skin color.

Those are ANNOYANCES at best.

The PROBLEM is that they work in the "grey economy" Employers exploit them to work for lower wages and that depresses all wages. Of course business loves that and hence THAT part of the discussion is lost...and it's the REAL issue.

We need to enact real immigration reform. We need to enforce and strengthen hiring laws. We need to deal in a positive way with Dreamers. We need to figure a way to make the 11 million here (who are NOT leaving) legal and tax paying and making legal wages

Instead we are stuck talking about how inhumane we can allow ourselves to be to asylum seekers. This is insane but that's how Republicans and Trump deal with serious problems. By making them even more absurd
11 million here my ass... there's that many in California alone. It's more like 30 million.

And they're not more law abiding than American citizens. Every single one of them is a criminal first and foremost for entering our country illegally, and then the 90% that never show up for hearings double up on breaking the law, not to mention all the falsified SS#'s they use.

Every last single one of them should be deported, even the so called dreamers. That's what SHOULD be done.

The solutions are simple...

1) No more asylum seekers
2) End Lottery immigration
3) End Chain migration
4) End Anchor Babies
5) Make E-Verify federal law
6) Fine businesses that hire illegal aliens
That is an excellent list, 007. My deepest kudos. However, another problem that has been going on in the Democrat Party has been at least one Democrat Congresswoman from El Paso has actually made trips down into Mexico to recruit more illegals to carry through a vast series of caravans before the wall is built to further overwhelm the U. S. Border Patrol, and her name is Veronica Escobar. She is an American citizen whose Mexican parents came here long years ago, and were part of the American work force for the duration of their lives. Even so, Escobar is acting like a thorn in the flesh to an already beleaguered border patrol situation, in which false and misleading claims were brought to the table by a careless congresswoman with a mouth bigger than the grand canyon, Ms. AOC, who abused border patrol agents on her short trip to the border, which she preceded with potentially false claims and found "proof" of these calumnies against the Border Patrol agents, but couldn't or didn't divulge her sources, and are in accordance with the communistic/socialist stand that America doesn't deserve to have a border that is closed, even though they have heartlessly destroyed the American education system to serve existing American children in favor of educating border crosser children who've never been in a classroom before in their entire lives, and the school system has 2 years tops of getting them to graduate from elementary school, which takes regular kids 6 years, give or take an additional year of kindergarden readiness schools.
So I would add a couple of more solutions:
(7) Put treasonous congress usurpers in jail for 50 years in solitary confinement
(8) Put their collaborators in jail for 40 years in solitary confinement, so they cannot harm America ever again with their throw-money-at-it propaganda. that takes money out of taxpayer's pockets and puts them in the Congressional pet rock projects fund that does nothing for existing citizens of the United States of America, many of whom are respected Latinos descended from men who fought at the Alamo and other Texican supporters to get the Mexican monkey off America's back. Texas became a state shortly after Texas was incorporated as a country, on the account of the majority of Texicans who wanted to be a part of the country of their immediate family ties in almost all of the existing states in 1836. Both Texas and California have large latino populations due to being border states, but California is tearing away from the USA due to its communistic propensities that will ultimately turn on the USA, and has already in so many ways i can't even count them anymore.
I hope you will look into this and expand your list far better than I could, 007, because you are very objective and not fooled by appearances. I'll see if I can find the link for Mrs. Escobar's traitorous activities on border issues, but be careful--she's a lawyer and can weasel her way out of just about anything due to her advanced skills in language usage.

Reps V. Escobar and Cory Booker:

Democratic congresswoman secretly sending staff into Mexico to coach asylum-seekers (The Washington Examiner, also below:)


Democrats collaborating to commit this type of fraud are likely to include Feinstein, Schumer, Pelosi, Booker, Ocasio-Cortez, and Escobar. There are likely others who are lying about border frauds they are committing. They falsely accused Trump of collusion with foreign government, but all of these people are operating in the same way as their false narratives. Some of the reporters in television, the newspapers and magazines are collaborating with these false narratives if not adding lies to the lies. It is very complex.
we dont need to throw more money at an inhumane system!

in the 80s, folks were coming across the border, and there were humane conditions for them
I think there are more now, but Trump has never been about "reforming" the immigration process. Rather, it's about the gop retaining power even with a minority of voters nationwide. And it's racism too, because the gop can attract latino votes, and Trump may actually get reelected with "just enough."
Let's make no mistake. We have an immigration problem. There are 11 million illegal immigrants here.

But we have lost sight of why that is a problem. It is NOT that they are especially violent. They are actually more law abiding than American citizens.
Anti-immigrant types hate the IDEA of them. Their culture. Their skin color.

Those are ANNOYANCES at best.

The PROBLEM is that they work in the "grey economy" Employers exploit them to work for lower wages and that depresses all wages. Of course business loves that and hence THAT part of the discussion is lost...and it's the REAL issue.

We need to enact real immigration reform. We need to enforce and strengthen hiring laws. We need to deal in a positive way with Dreamers. We need to figure a way to make the 11 million here (who are NOT leaving) legal and tax paying and making legal wages

Instead we are stuck talking about how inhumane we can allow ourselves to be to asylum seekers. This is insane but that's how Republicans and Trump deal with serious problems. By making them even more absurd
11 million here my ass... there's that many in California alone. It's more like 30 million.

And they're not more law abiding than American citizens. Every single one of them is a criminal first and foremost for entering our country illegally, and then the 90% that never show up for hearings double up on breaking the law, not to mention all the falsified SS#'s they use.

Every last single one of them should be deported, even the so called dreamers. That's what SHOULD be done.

The solutions are simple...

1) No more asylum seekers
2) End Lottery immigration
3) End Chain migration
4) End Anchor Babies
5) Make E-Verify federal law
6) Fine businesses that hire illegal aliens
Virtually nothing you state as fact is accurate.

The number is 11 million....but if you are correct that's only worse for YOUR argument. There is no sane way to deport 11 million people let alone 30 million.

And they are guilty of a MISDEMEANOR. FACT...they ARE less likely to commit crimes than citizens...

And while some don't show up for immigration hearings...most do. Wrong again. You're speaking out of hatred and partisanship.

Oh and numbers 5 and 6 are necessary. Too bad you list them as an afterthought. THOSE are the actual solutions

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