THE FACTS: obama's Socialist and Communist Past and Present

Pale Rider and his compatriots cannot face the fact that President Obama has far more respect from the our citizens, and foreign nations, than George W. Bush will ever have. They kissed the butt of an incompetant failure for eight years, and now have to face that President Obama is a definate plus for this nation.

So they resort to the typical hyperbolic statements of freiken' fools.
You have been challenged to indicate errors, or in the liberals favorite term, 'lies,' in the OP.

Whenever I argue a point, I support it with documentation. Some on the other side will consider it, and find counter documentation, or possible explain why they still do not agree, or, best, modify their original position to absorb the new information.

Then there are the banausic talkers whose amanuensis requires servile support of left-wing talking points, and who will ignore proof of the inadequacy of their ideas, or- as in this case, ignore the demand to support their position, and then slink away like the foetid, merdivorous gasbag that they are.

It remains to be seen to which group you belong.

So, how about it friend, put your dinaro where you put your dinner.

Quit making yourself look ridiculous. That piece of crap you are referring to has no references or facts. It was just copied from a right wing site. I should challenge you to prove all the bull it contained is true. Can you?? I doubt it. Actually, I know it.

So, it seems that you are self-identified as one of the "banausic talkers whose amanuensis requires servile support of left-wing talking points, and who will ignore proof of the inadequacy of their ideas, or- as in this case, ignore the demand to support their position, and then slink away like the foetid, merdivorous gasbag that they are."

Asked repeatedly to identify what you have claimed to be 'lies,' you have been both unable to do so, and have lacked the honesty to retract the statement.

Based on your juvenile response, you are the left-wing gasbag that I suspected you to be, and bring nothing to the table, to the marketplace of ideas. You are an embarrassment to your side.

To review,

1. All of the left-wing, socialist, and communist associations identified in the OP are true.

2. Logic and evidence shows our President to be 'joined at the hip' with individuals whose input is deleterious to our country.

3. You are an ignorant lap-dog who lacks the discrimination necessary to compose an adult or liberty-based world view.

4. Or- you either lack the ability or the initiative to research the various elements up for discussion.

5. Found to be wanting, you are not deserving of my time.

Sure, sure. And ol' Tail Gunner Joe was an upstanding truth telling non-drinking family man. LOL. You wingnut fruitcakes are desperate as hell.
No way. Not true.
It's true, but please keep your head in the sand because you sure don't want to hear facts. It's OK, I get it, Rinata, don't want to ruin a good story with facts.

There was ZERO criticisms from Fox. Have you ever heard of Hannity ever ONCE ever saying anything.....ANYTHING negative about Bush? EVER?

Do a youtube search, you will find NONE.

Your an idiot, and you don't comprehend what you read well. We were talking about "the right", not Hannity, you dope.
No way. Not true.
It's true, but please keep your head in the sand because you sure don't want to hear facts. It's OK, I get it, Rinata, don't want to ruin a good story with facts.

It is not true. There was zero criticizing of Bush from the right. When are you people going to learn that lies do not make it so??

Rinata, I've tried to have an honest conversation with you, and no name calling, you make it so difficult, because you are so partisan. There were plenty on the right criticizing Bush, I for one, and there were way more than me. I criticized him for his out of control spending, I criticized him for not vetoing squat while he was in office, I criticized him for going into Iraq, I didn't think he should. These are just a few examples, where I and others on the right criticized him
Can you please show me where the left has done nothing but put their heads up Obama's butt (that's including you)? Your wrong Rinata...pure and simply wrong, because your either a fool, or just another partisan hack.
Quit making yourself look ridiculous. That piece of crap you are referring to has no references or facts. It was just copied from a right wing site. I should challenge you to prove all the bull it contained is true. Can you?? I doubt it. Actually, I know it.

So, it seems that you are self-identified as one of the "banausic talkers whose amanuensis requires servile support of left-wing talking points, and who will ignore proof of the inadequacy of their ideas, or- as in this case, ignore the demand to support their position, and then slink away like the foetid, merdivorous gasbag that they are."

Asked repeatedly to identify what you have claimed to be 'lies,' you have been both unable to do so, and have lacked the honesty to retract the statement.

Based on your juvenile response, you are the left-wing gasbag that I suspected you to be, and bring nothing to the table, to the marketplace of ideas. You are an embarrassment to your side.

To review,

1. All of the left-wing, socialist, and communist associations identified in the OP are true.

2. Logic and evidence shows our President to be 'joined at the hip' with individuals whose input is deleterious to our country.

3. You are an ignorant lap-dog who lacks the discrimination necessary to compose an adult or liberty-based world view.

4. Or- you either lack the ability or the initiative to research the various elements up for discussion.

5. Found to be wanting, you are not deserving of my time.

Sure, sure. And ol' Tail Gunner Joe was an upstanding truth telling non-drinking family man. LOL. You wingnut fruitcakes are desperate as hell.

1. Left wing historians writings filled with righteous indignation and emotional abhorrence toward Joseph McCarthy and cool aloofness toward Joseph Stalin

2. …claim that McCarthyism was the most disgraceful episode in twentieth-century American life, but show a fading memory of the Communist threat.

3. Those who ‘suffered’ were chiefly Communists…hiding behind the smokescreen that they were innocent liberals falsely accused.

4. The thrust is that it was McCarthyism, more than Soviet espionage or Communism infiltration of government, that was – in the words of the October 23, 1998, NYTimes editorial, “a lethal threat to American democracy.” This, in the same editorial that admitted that the evidence against Julius Rosenberg, and “most likely” Alger Hiss, was clear.

5. The deciphered Venona messages document the CPUSA’s integral role in the Soviet Union’s massive espionage against the US.

6. The federally funded “National History Standards” for elementary schools were released in 1994, cemented a revisionist view of American Communism for schoolteachers, as the guide mentions McCarthy over twenty times, while Edison and the Wright Brothers got no mention. “It …repeatedly condemns McCarthyism as an unmitigated evil…[but] the Hiss-Chambers and Rosenberg cases, the two dominant controversies of the anticommunist era, are described with bland, neutral language crafted to keep from implying guilt while not being quite so foolhardy as to actually assert innocence..’National Standards’…implies that the cases are part and parcel of the McCartyite horror.” From “In Denial,” by Haynes and Klehr, pg. 151

7. Revisionist views are found, for example, in the work of Ellen Wolf Schrecker, Ph.D., a professor of American history at Yeshiva University, who states “ whatever threat to the United States such espionage [by US citizens working for Soviet intelligence] may have posed, it was gone by the time the main justification for the McCarthy-era purges.” The revisionists claim that the greater sin was not the betrayal of the country by American Communists, but anticommunists using that betrayal as “a rationalization for the most widespread and the longest-lasting episode of political repression in our nation’s history.”

8. The Professor’s view is based on the relatively small number of prosecutions and convictions, but this overlooks the objectives of the FBI, which weighed exposing sources vs. prosecutions. The aim in counterespionage is always to disrupt the cells and prosecutions are secondary. The ongoing decryption of the Venona cables severely damaged and disruptions of Soviet espionage rings (over 300 Soviet agents active in the US Government during WWII and thereafter) in the last half of the ‘40’s and ‘50’s, and, while only a few spies were prosecuted, scores of others were identified, removed from their government posts and neutralized. Others who functioned as support personnel for Soviet espionage networks (couriers, recruiters, hosts of safe houses, and providers of false identities and sham jobs) were identified, questioned and frightened into inactivity. The Cold War and Korea reduced government and public toleration for Communists and Communist sympathizers. Truman’s legal assault on communism, including the Smith Act, prosecuted leaders and included removing security risks from government. (see “In Denial,” Haynes and Klehr)

9. Senator Joe McCarthy confronted government officials concealing communist involvement and excessively lax security with regards to Communists in sensitive U.S. Government posts. In many cases he was on target, with over 81 of the names he gave the Tydings committee resulting in resignations or movement of security risks. Given that over 200 of the spies uncovered in the Venona decrypts were never identified, we can only speculate as to the national security impact of removing Communists from key DoD and State Dept posts. Arthur Herman, author of "Joseph McCarthy: Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America's Most Hated Senator," says that the accuracy of McCarthy's charges "was no longer a matter of debate," that they are "now accepted as fact." And The New York Post's Eric Fettmann has noted: "growing historical evidence underscores that, whatever his rhetorical and investigative excesses - and they were substantial - McCarthy was a lot closer to the truth about Communism than were his foes."

10. Whittaker Chambers wrote in his book WITNESS that liberals are/were incapable of ever effectively fighting Communism because they did not see anything in Communism that was antithetical to their own beliefs. In short, Liberals are Communists and Communists are Liberals. The revisionist is aware of the horrors of Communism; the tortures, the Gulags, the over 100 million persons done to death. She is even aware that the American Communists were taking their orders from Moscow and were attempting to impose the Red Utopia upon the United States. If successful, this would have led to millions tortured, enslaved, starved and murdered. It would have led to the death of human freedom for untold years. As the US was the bulwarked of freedom and Democracy, it's communization would have turned the entire world into an abatoir.

And, you are welcome for the education.
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Fact: 9 out of 10 "Conservatives" on a message board wouldnt recognise either a Marxist, Communist or Socialist even if said Marxist, Communist or Socialist is hammering a sickle into their Anus while singing the International.

Seriously, equating Obama with Communism or Marxism makes my old pal Karl Marx spin so quickly in his grave that an enterprising Bioengeneer could build a windmill out of him.
Fact: 9 out of 10 "Conservatives" on a message board wouldnt recognise either a Marxist, Communist or Socialist even if said Marxist, Communist or Socialist is hammering a sickle into their Anus while singing the International.

Seriously, equating Obama with Communism or Marxism makes my old pal Karl Marx spin so quickly in his grave that an enterprising Bioengeneer could build a windmill out of him.

suggested reading material for you...
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I know so. Everything on that chart has been checked, double checked and validated as the truth.

I know it pisses you off to expose your messiah in that way, but that's why I post it. Just to piss you fucking pathetic obama worshipers off.

You are a certified lunatic. All of you right wing nuts accuse us of adoring and worshiping Obama. Do you know why?? I do. It's because that is exactly how you all felt about George Bush. You see, we like our president and have faith in him. That's it. We do not see him as the second coming, as you did with Bush. Got it??

None of you criticized anything that man did. Yet he was the worst president of our time. So please don't compare us Obama supportes to you and your fellow nutcases, okay??

Now go ahead and cuss me out and be insulting. I don't want to deprive you of what you do best, you friggin moron.

I do NOT like bush... but I have an idea what YOU look like... here ya go skank... and why do I call you that? Because you come here as a cherry to the board and do nothing but talk SHIT.... so here you are... SKANK... when you decide you talk sense instead of BULL SHIT... this won't be YOU anymore. But for now... THIS IS YOU...


Oh, is that supposed to bother me?? Well, it doesn't. Only the dumbest, most unintelligent person would have sent this post. Oh, yeah. They did.

I would bet any amount of money that there is not even one post that you have ever done on this site that contains any useful information. I dare you to find one and let me see it.

But that won't happen. I'll just get another post from you with all of the cuss words you have learned. Because I know that's the only kind you know how to send. :lol:

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