The Fact of Black Genetic Dominace and Racial superiority.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
We all know that Black Genes are dominate. If a Black person and a White person produce a child the Child will have Black Dominate features.Weather
the Black person is male or female.

Does this transfer into racial superiority?. How can whites argue for racial superiority, with degenerative genes?.

I say white superiority is a big lie. It is all false.

Black people and black genes are dominate throughout nature, and everyday life.
We all know that Black Genes are dominate. If a Black person and a White person produce a child the Child will have Black Dominate features.Weather
the Black person is male or female.

Does this transfer into racial superiority?. How can whites argue for racial superiority, with degenerative genes?.

I say white superiority is a big lie. It is all false.

Black people and black genes are dominate throughout nature, and everyday life.

That convinces me--Blacks are obviously superior to whites---thanks 52nd !
I say white superiority is a big lie. It is all false.

We could test this assertion pretty easily. Take 10,000 blacks and put them on an island. Take 10,000 whites and put them on another island, thousands of miles away. Make sure both islands are of equal size and have the same natural resources. Don't allow blacks on the white island, and vice versa.

Come back 100 years later.

What do you think you'll find on each island?
We could test this assertion pretty easily. Take 10,000 blacks and put them on an island. Take 10,000 whites and put them on another island, thousands of miles away. Make sure both islands are of equal size and have the same natural resources. Don't allow blacks on the white island, and vice versa.

Come back 100 years later.

Then what took whites so long to come out of the caves of Europe? Then again, biologically speaking, the white "race" doesn't exist and if it did whites would be a mongrel race, since they are genetically a mix of 2/3 Asian and 1/3 African.
We could test this assertion pretty easily. Take 10,000 blacks and put them on an island. Take 10,000 whites and put them on another island, thousands of miles away. Make sure both islands are of equal size and have the same natural resources. Don't allow blacks on the white island, and vice versa.

Come back 100 years later.

What do you think you'll find on each island?

We all know what you think would happen.

It only proves that your are a loser who cant deal with your own self hate so you have to create in your mind a world were you are superior.

We are all Africans in the begining and we are no different now as science tells us.
If you trust the genetic sciences that are used to prove paternity and identity at the scene of a crime, you are then forced to accept the genetic fact that any 2 humans are less than 2,000 generations away from common parents, and the family tree of man has its roots in Africa.

You are also forced to accept the genetic fact that white evolved from dark to compensate for less sunlight and the processing of vitamin D.

If a population of whites were isolated on a tropical island, 10,000 years later the population would be dark...

If a population of blacks were isolated on an arctic island, 10,000 years later they would be much lighter...

Go on now, people... kiss your cousin and have a cookie. No sense in bustin' a cap on family over this stupid shit.

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Why don't we go a bit further with this island experiment. We let them stay on the island
for 100,000.00 years. ?What woudl happen to the Whites and the Blacks.
In a hot tropical climate. Where the temperature can rise to 120 degrees Farenhiet
If a population of whites were isolated on a tropical island, 10,000 years later the population would be dark...

If a population of blacks were isolated on an arctic island, 10,000 years later they would be much lighter...

That's plausible, but then races would simply reverse, and the attendant intelligence would likely follow. The reason whites are smarter than blacks is because of these cold climates, which forced them to think over longer ranges of time. But for the purposes of public policy today, assuming an equality of racial intelligence and behavior is a deadly game. One that whites lose.
That's plausible, but then races would simply reverse, and the attendant intelligence would likely follow. The reason whites are smarter than blacks is because of these cold climates, which forced them to think over longer ranges of time. But for the purposes of public policy today, assuming an equality of racial intelligence and behavior is a deadly game. One that whites lose.

All that cold climates added to the human population, besides clothing and lighter skin tones to compensate for less sunlight exposure, was technology. Technology, like language, is a survival tool. Where not needed for survival, technology didn't develop as quickly.

Don't mistake technology for intelligence... Who is smarter, the population who learned how to make more efficient war, or the population who learned how to feed everyone and get along?

Racism is a shallow and stupid argument for the greed behind war.

If you can learn grammer why cant you learn science?

perhaps you need to realize that joyce isn't the only racist motherfucker posting goofy shit in this thread. the original premise of the very first post is dumb as shit and, in relation to that, I think joyce makes a valid point. Since we all came from Africa, show me 10 cities from Africa that compare with 10 cities from europe.
perhaps you need to realize that joyce isn't the only racist motherfucker posting goofy shit in this thread. the original premise of the very first post is dumb as shit and, in relation to that, I think joyce makes a valid point. Since we all came from Africa, show me 10 cities from Africa that compare with 10 cities from europe.

It's apples to oranges, dude. Not to mention the colossal damage that the Europeans did to Africa as Western 'Civilization' used their war technology to expand across the globe like a viral plague.

no, it's really not apples to oranges. Especially if we all accept that we ALL came from Africa in the first place. One would THINK that the earliest civilizations would have stuck around of have some lasting African presence.. Where was the cradle of civ? NOT africa. Indeed, where has the greatest exponential advancement of cultures happened? NOT africa. Right this very day where can you be sure that someone is being killed over tribal bullshit worthy of an Arthyr C. Clark monolith? Europe? America? Oh, and Let's not forget that white people in europe didn't INVENT slavery.
I can't dribble, I can't shoot and I can't jump.

Don't even try to tell me I'm a member of a genetically superior race.

I come from a long line of armchair brainiacs whose basic superior skill is our ability to do basic math in our heads faster than most people can do on paper.

A very useful skill that was, too, until about 50 years ago.
no, it's really not apples to oranges. Especially if we all accept that we ALL came from Africa in the first place. One would THINK that the earliest civilizations would have stuck around of have some lasting African presence.. Where was the cradle of civ? NOT africa. Indeed, where has the greatest exponential advancement of cultures happened? NOT africa. Right this very day where can you be sure that someone is being killed over tribal bullshit worthy of an Arthyr C. Clark monolith? Europe? America? Oh, and Let's not forget that white people in europe didn't INVENT slavery.

They did however, perfect the industry of slavery.

Most, if not all, of the current turmoil in Africa was directly caused by European intervention in African politics during the slave trade years.

The reason the comparison is 'apples and oranges' is that survival in Europe 10,000 years ago was a hell of a lot more dependent on community cooperation, by choice or by force, and the development of technology than survival in Africa did. That technology development, and the power that created the wealth that developed the technology that was used to consolidate the power was what led to the greed that continues to define Western 'Civilization'.

How different this world would be if the Europeans had not taken by force what they 'discovered'...

I can't dribble, I can't shoot and I can't jump.

Don't even try to tell me I'm a member of a genetically superior race.

I come from a long line of armchair brainiacs whose basic superior skill is our ability to do basic math in our heads faster than most people can do on paper.

A very useful skill that was, too, until about 50 years ago.

That's because racial superiority is a myth. Every race can claim a superior individual in one category or another... More proof that we are more closely related to each other than many would care to admit.

I'm very inclined to think that there are vastly superior cultures, depending on how you define superior or inferior.

But let's assume that we define superior culture as that which provides the best qaulity of life to the most people.

That means that every epoch's superior culture has changed and changed and changed again in the last 6,000 years or so.

Fate has a way of making what was once the superior culture the inferior one over time. Sometime the change comes from environmental catastophies, sometimes climatic changes occur, sometimes the cultures greatest strength is also turns out to be its long term weakness, too.

Islam, arguable was once a far superior culture to Chistendom's, say roguhtly in the 10th-13th century. Thiers was the vast unified culture of arts and science, math and astronomy back them while the west was basically not much better than warlordism fragmented into petty fiefdoms

China's was clearly the superior culture to anyone's if we apply the most material goods to the most people yardstick. But they so isolated themsevles from the world that they calcified their society into something that, when confronted by a aggressive West, basically fell apart for a century or so.

For those of you for whom these sorts of questions are of interest, let me suggest the following book for your amusment:

William McNeil's Rise of the West.

A wonderful exploration of why, in the last five centuries, the WEST has come to dominate so much of the earth.

I do not believe that the dominance of the Western culture was entirely written in our genetic code, but one of the more interesting things that helped us to win this hemisphere us was White Man's ability to stave off diseases that many other cultures (most notably the AmerIndians) could not.

Upon such seemingly minor things as one people's ability to survive measels and chickenpox, does history often take dramatic swings.

We seem to be living in one world now, and one where such cultural differences might not make such a difference as they once clearly did.

As we become increasingly homogenized technically, and as there really are no isolated cultures like there was until about the 19th century, I think that basically mankind is rapidly approaching that time where we all share essantially the same fate.
They did however, perfect the industry of slavery.

Most, if not all, of the current turmoil in Africa was directly caused by European intervention in African politics during the slave trade years.

The reason the comparison is 'apples and oranges' is that survival in Europe 10,000 years ago was a hell of a lot more dependent on community cooperation, by choice or by force, and the development of technology than survival in Africa did. That technology development, and the power that created the wealth that developed the technology that was used to consolidate the power was what led to the greed that continues to define Western 'Civilization'.

How different this world would be if the Europeans had not taken by force what they 'discovered'...


Perfect? Are you kidding me? You think Europe had anything on EGYPT?

And give me a break, dude.. It's not white dudes running around africa teaching blacks how to enslave each other. You do realize that black people DID sell other black people TO white people, right?

As to colonialism and conquistadors, these things don't insinuate that Africa would be a fucking metropolis were it not for white people. Whites also dominated the shit out of South America too. Tell me where is the Rio of Africa? Mexico City of Africa?

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