The evil Koch brothers

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
I just love this post.

The KOCH brothers must be stopped. They gave $40K to Scott Walker, the MAX allowed by state law. That's small potatoes compared to the $100+ million they give to other organizations. These organizations will terrify you. If the anti-union thing weren't enough, here are bigger and better reasons to stop the evil Kochs. They are trying to:
  1. decriminalize drugs,
  2. legalize gay marriage,
  3. repeal the Patriot Act,
  4. end the police state,
  5. cut defense spending.
Who hates the police? Only the criminals using drugs, amirite? We need the Patriot Act to allow government to go through our emails and tap our phones to catch people who smoke marijuana and put them in prison. Oh, it's also good for terrorists.
Wikipedia shows Koch Family Foundations supporting causes like:

  1. CATO Institute
  2. Reason Foundation
  3. cancer research ($150 million to M.I.T. - STOP THEM! KEEP CANCER ALIVE!)
  4. ballet (because seriously: FUCK. THAT. SHIT.)
STOP THE KOCH BROTHERS. They are trying to end the War on Drugs and increase civil liberties. : politics

This guy did a lot of research and has all the info about those evil Koch brothers and their conservative conspiracy to take over America.

The thing is, after reading it, and checking the facts, it seems I owe the Koch brothers an apology. I assumed that the stuff posted about them by the left was more or less accurate, and never bothered checking the facts because I did not see anything wrong with what they were accused of doing.

What I do not understand is why the Democrats is afraid of these guys. They actually work harder against Republican positions than most Democrats. What the fuck is wrong with you guys?

These people are spending money to repeal DOMA, DADT, and overturn Prop 8, yet you demonize them as conservatives and right wingers. No wonder the Democrats had the worst showing in any election in history last year, they are all complete idiots.
They seem to be more libetarian/fiscal conservative then social conservative according to this article.

The main beef the democrats have with them is thier belief in smaller goverment, shown by thier support of what walker is doing. I need to look up thier stance on private sector unions.
I will take the idiot liberals a little more seriously when thay complain and investigate Soros.

The hypocracy is GLARING!
The difference between the Kochs and Soros.... The Kochs have never destroyed the economies of entire countries for profit.
The difference between the Kochs and Soros.... The Kochs have never destroyed the economies of entire countries for profit.

Repeating a lie over and over doesn't make it true.

Which nations had their economies destroyed by George Soros?

It's not a lie. And I am not gonna keep proving it time and again for the terminally stupid. Go read up on it yourself.
The difference between the Kochs and Soros.... The Kochs have never destroyed the economies of entire countries for profit.

Repeating a lie over and over doesn't make it true.

Which nations had their economies destroyed by George Soros?

It's not a lie. And I am not gonna keep proving it time and again for the terminally stupid. Go read up on it yourself.

Every time you make that statement, you run away like a two year old when asked to justify it.

There's a reason for that: It's complete bullshit.
The difference between the Kochs and Soros.... The Kochs have never destroyed the economies of entire countries for profit.

Repeating a lie over and over doesn't make it true.

Which nations had their economies destroyed by George Soros?

Ask and you shall receive:

broke the bank of England George Soros, the man who broke the Bank, sees a global meltdown - Times Online

screwed with the Russian Rouble and caused a meltdown Soros `meltdown' warning sparks turmoil in markets - News - The Independent

the Asian Monetary Crisis MetaTrader: Soros and the Asian Monetary Crisis

admitsto "Subversive Activity" and "Turning their attention to the United States" when talking about the problems of sovereignty of countries
‘Puppet Master’ Soros Has ‘Fun’ Subversively & Adversely Affecting Societies; Lays Out His Plan For America | The Blaze
Repeating a lie over and over doesn't make it true.

Which nations had their economies destroyed by George Soros?

It's not a lie. And I am not gonna keep proving it time and again for the terminally stupid. Go read up on it yourself.

Every time you make that statement, you run away like a two year old when asked to justify it.

There's a reason for that: It's complete bullshit.

She is probably more tired than I am of proving you idiots wrong.

Before you call out someone for lying or spewing bullshit, you might want to check your facts, just to make sure.
The difference between the Kochs and Soros.... The Kochs have never destroyed the economies of entire countries for profit.

Repeating a lie over and over doesn't make it true.

Which nations had their economies destroyed by George Soros?

Ask and you shall receive:

broke the bank of England George Soros, the man who broke the Bank, sees a global meltdown - Times Online

screwed with the Russian Rouble and caused a meltdown Soros `meltdown' warning sparks turmoil in markets - News - The Independent

the Asian Monetary Crisis MetaTrader: Soros and the Asian Monetary Crisis

admitsto "Subversive Activity" and "Turning their attention to the United States" when talking about the problems of sovereignty of countries
‘Puppet Master’ Soros Has ‘Fun’ Subversively & Adversely Affecting Societies; Lays Out His Plan For America | The Blaze

Can you do me a favor and explain how betting against a currency in the midst of the Maastricht approval can constitute "destroying an economy".

It's not a lie. And I am not gonna keep proving it time and again for the terminally stupid. Go read up on it yourself.

Every time you make that statement, you run away like a two year old when asked to justify it.

There's a reason for that: It's complete bullshit.

She is probably more tired than I am of proving you idiots wrong.

Before you call out someone for lying or spewing bullshit, you might want to check your facts, just to make sure.

Before you make such a fucking jackass out of yourself, you might want to explain how betting against a currency = destroying a nation's economy.

Are you aware that the Bank of England wanted out of Maastricht?
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Repeating a lie over and over doesn't make it true.

Which nations had their economies destroyed by George Soros?

Ask and you shall receive:

broke the bank of England George Soros, the man who broke the Bank, sees a global meltdown - Times Online

screwed with the Russian Rouble and caused a meltdown Soros `meltdown' warning sparks turmoil in markets - News - The Independent

the Asian Monetary Crisis MetaTrader: Soros and the Asian Monetary Crisis

admitsto "Subversive Activity" and "Turning their attention to the United States" when talking about the problems of sovereignty of countries
‘Puppet Master’ Soros Has ‘Fun’ Subversively & Adversely Affecting Societies; Lays Out His Plan For America | The Blaze

Can you do me a favor and explain how betting against a currency in the midst of the Maastricht approval can constitute "destroying an economy".

Well...he is Jewish, and you know how crafty Jews can be. :lol: Rumor has it that they control the world!!!
Ask and you shall receive:

broke the bank of England George Soros, the man who broke the Bank, sees a global meltdown - Times Online

screwed with the Russian Rouble and caused a meltdown Soros `meltdown' warning sparks turmoil in markets - News - The Independent

the Asian Monetary Crisis MetaTrader: Soros and the Asian Monetary Crisis

admitsto "Subversive Activity" and "Turning their attention to the United States" when talking about the problems of sovereignty of countries
‘Puppet Master’ Soros Has ‘Fun’ Subversively & Adversely Affecting Societies; Lays Out His Plan For America | The Blaze

Can you do me a favor and explain how betting against a currency in the midst of the Maastricht approval can constitute "destroying an economy".

Well...he is Jewish, and you know how crafty Jews can be. :lol: Rumor has it that they control the world!!!

He's apparently able to convince the Bank of England to vote against itself as well! Amazing powers that little man has.
Repeating a lie over and over doesn't make it true.

Which nations had their economies destroyed by George Soros?

It's not a lie. And I am not gonna keep proving it time and again for the terminally stupid. Go read up on it yourself.

Every time you make that statement, you run away like a two year old when asked to justify it.

There's a reason for that: It's complete bullshit.

No, it isn't. I'm just bored with providing idiots with information. Your pathetic denial about who he is.... it's laughable. I suggest you research the man before you call bullshit.
So now instead of denying that he did it, you idiots now justify it.

Just wait until it happens here.
So now instead of denying that he did it, you idiots now justify it.

Just wait until it happens here.

He didn't "do" anything. He bet against a currency.

George Soros can't be held responsible for the Bank of England, which in any case did not "destroy" it's own economy - it had one of the lighter recessions worldwide in that year.
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