The essence of the facts

Toty---you do not DISCUSS-----you DIVERT and continually post up
fatuous pre-cooked propaganda
19. Islam impose harsh punishments for sex outside marriage
Punishment in Islam has a social purpose, which is to dissuade others from committing the same crime. The nature of the punishment depends on the seriousness of the crime in question. Nowadays, some are opposed to the Islamic punishment for fornication and adultery because they see it as disproportionate or too harsh a punishment. The basic problem here is the different standards by which the severity of the crime is measured.

Islam views adultery as a very serious crime, because it undermines the very foundation of the family system upon which the whole superstructure of the society is built. Illicit relationships destabilize the family and bring about the breakdown of the system. Family breakdown imperils the physical and mental health of future

generations, which in turn leads to a vicious circle of decadence, dissipation, and dissolution. Therefore, it is imperative that all measures must be taken to protect the family. That is why Islam emphasizes protection of the family by imposing severe punishments for activities that threaten the family foundation. These punishments are the same for men and women alike.

There is no overstating of the fact that Islamic punishments are only a part of a vastly larger integrated whole. There are essential conditions for the application of prescribed punishments in Islam:
First, Muslims are strongly encouraged to marry whenever possible, providing a lawful means of gratification. Prophet Muhammad said:
“O youths, whoever of you can afford marriage (financially and physically) let him get married; for indeed it lowers the gaze, and keeps one chaste; whoever cannot get married, he should fast, for it safeguards him.”

A man may legally take as many as four wives as long as he treats each of them equitably and justly. In cases of confirmed incompatibility or dissatisfaction, a wife has the right to request the dissolution of the marriage.

Second, Muslims, whether married or unmarried, must adhere to proper dress and behavior guidelines at all times. Privacy is to be respected and compromising situations strictly avoided as a matter of obedience to Allah.

Third, only a legitimate Islamic government has the right to implement these punishments. Such an Islamic government must establish justice as its core value in all affairs so that the social and cultural environment of the country is congenial for the moral life of its citizens. It is only after the above two conditions have been fulfilled that a government is entitled to implement Islamic punishments on its land, and only then does the court gain the authority to judge a case according to its provisions.

And finally, any case that comes before the court for judgment must be investigated thoroughly and proper evidence brought before the court to satisfy all the requirements of Islamic law. Conviction is subject to strict conditions, which are most difficult to fulfill. This means that, in reality, the punishments are seldom carried out without the connivance of the criminal, and serve primarily as deterrents.

The calendar year of Islam begins not with the birthday of our prophet (peace be on him), not from the time that the revelation came to him (Bethat) nor from the time of his ascension to heaven, but with the migration (Hijra) from an undesirable environment into a desirable place to fulfill Allah's command. It was migration from a plot that was set by the leaders of the Quraysh who were plotting to kill prophet Muhammad, and to destroy the truth that today is being conveyed to mankind everywhere against tyranny and injustice. Their purpose was to destroy the foundation of the Islamic state, the Sunnah of the tradition of the prophet, and to prevent the revelation being delivered by Allah's messenger to mankind.

The Islamic calendar is reckoned from the time of migration (Hijra) of Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) from Mecca to Madina. The Prophet's decision to migrate from Mecca came after several years of inhuman treatment of the faithful by the powerful tribes who were united despite all their feuds to stop the spread of Islam.

Prophet Mohammad's decision to leave Mecca coincided with the infidel's plan to assassinate him. In 622 AD, the Quresh tribesmen held a meeting and decided that a band of young men, one from each tribe, should assassinate Prophet Mohammad collectively so that their responsibility for the murder could not be placed on any particular tribe.

On the eventful night, the Prophet asked his cousin Ali Ben Abutalib to take his place in bed to make the Meccans think that he was asleep. The Prophet himself slipped out unobserved alongwith his loyal follower Abu Bakr (who was chosen as the first C aliph after the death of the prophet). They secretly made their way to a cave named Thawr, not far from Mecca and lay in hiding there for a day or two until Abu Bakr's son reported that the search for him had been given up. Then the two set out from Madina on camel back. They reached Quba, on the edge of the Madina oasis, on 12th Rabiul Awwal. With Mohammad's arrival in Quba a new phase of his career and glory of Islam started.

This migration has a special significance in the history of Islam. It ended the Meccan period of humiliation and torture and began the era of success. His own people to whom he preached Islam for 13 years neglected the Prophet of Islam. But he was cordially received in Madina as an honored chief.

In Madina his power enhanced day by day. Here he was not only the religious leader but took the role of a politician and statesman too. Prophet Mohammad expired ten years after his migration to Madina but only in one decade he changed the course of human history.

In view of this special significance of the Prophet's migration the consultative body advised the Second Islamic Caliph, Omar ben Khattab, to start the Islamic year from the date of migration of the Prophet from Mecca to Madina.

According to early Moslem scholars, Abu Musa Al Shari drew attention of Omar to an improperly dated debenture or IOU which was payable in the month of Shaban but it was not clear which Shaban was actually meant, the present one or the coming one. Omar called the dignitaries for consultation who made several suggestions to begin the Islamic calendar.

Ali (who later became the fourth caliph) suggested the Hijra as the beginning of the Islamic year with Moharram as its first month. Consequently, Caliph Omar in 21 A.H. or 641 A.D introduced the Islamic calendar in its present form.


The guidance about the Islamic calendar is taken from the following verses from the Holy Quran: (In the name of GOD most gracious and most merciful)

"Lo the number of the months with God is twelve months." IX:36.

"They ask thee, of new moons. Say: They are fixed seasons for mankind and for the pilgrimage." II:189.

"He it is who appointed the sun a splendor and the moon a light, and measured for her stages, that ye might know the number of the years, and the reckoning." X:5

The Islamic Calendar of 12 Lunar Months is determined by observation of the new moon with no effort by intercalation (addition) or other means to synchronize the Lunar year with the Solar year.

Seerah of Prophet Muhammed 27 - The Hijrah - Emigration to Madinah - Yasir Qadhi

"Prophet Mohammad's decision to leave Mecca coincided with the infidel's plan to assassinate him. In 622 AD, the Quresh tribesmen held a meeting and decided that a band of young men, one from each tribe, should assassinate Prophet Mohammad collectively so that their responsibility for the murder could not be placed on any particular tribe."

Long ago---when I was young, a Pakistani surgeon explained the logic of airplane and airport terrorism to me. It was almost 50 years ago during the time of airplane hijackings and shortly thereafter, airport shoot ups. The shooters and hijackers, he explained---wear no uniforms of make any claims as to being a member of this or
that organization. They just terrorize and murder and then either disappear or just die in the act. He happily noted that no matter
how much blood they spill for the cause of islam----NO ONE COULD
BE BLAMED. It is a perfect plan------unbeatable and RESISTENCE IS FUTILE. Thanks OP, for revealing to us----
THE BEAUTY OF THE KORAN and the logic that served in the
genocide of hundreds of millions over the past 1400 years. -----
No uniform, WHO YA GONNA BLAME, kaffir?????

This is what the non-Muslims say read, and think about it, if you follow the scientific method of thinking is, get this result ....

You may have heard of the book, wrote a researcher from the West on "The one hundred most influential people in history," The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History, and what I noticed is that this classification itself surprised the author, before anyone else!

This author has to stay away great effort from this classification, made, and in particular, because the image of Islam has been distorted in the West bad, and because it could hurt the book, but he was able to escape this truth that Muhammad "peace and blessings of Allah upon Him was the most influential man "in the history of mankind is!

Michael H. Hart, author of the book says:

Dear readers, they may wonder why I have the name "Mohammed" is placed on the top of the list in this book, but there are compelling arguments that Muhammad is the only man who succeeded on both levels, religious and secular is. The influence of Muhammad's still as strak despite the passage of 14 centuries, and Muhammad is the only political leader who has managed to create a sovereign, who was very religious and scientifically successful, so he deserves the single most influential person in history to be:

It is this unparalleled combination of secular and religious influence which i feel entitles Muhammad to be Considered the most influential single figure in human history.

The author of this research laid the foundation for the scientific work that is not of religion or faith, fame, or otherwise affected, but the method in the book is a selection of a person who is most influential in the course of centuries. Therefore, the scientific method led him to the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him to put on the top of the list, because he was the biggest political, military and social person. This means that everyone who looks to the Prophet of Islam through scientific perspective, see him as the best inspiration.

This also means that those who represent Islam and its prophet as a terrorist religion, or assert that Islam violence, backwardness and ignorance support, they build their image or their views on conjecture, passion and ignorance. The Holy Prophet's view of itself as a servant of Allah, and the Messenger of Allah, and that he is just as human as we are, and this is a proof of its truth, because no one like him in the history of mankind a great book (the Koran) , Blessed Embassy and innovative ideas has made, and established a strong state, and did so much .... and then says, all of this is not mine, but from The Almighty Allah!

If we look at the writers, poets and inventors through the centuries, we find that none of them, the new invention or creation has made, and it has attributed to someone else! Just as it is with an illiterate man who lived in a society that prizes and bragging very loved, and came with all these achievements, and led her back to the Almighty Allah ... Why? The logic requires us to say: He is the Messenger of Allah.

Why is a non-Muslim scholars like Michael H. Hart, who did not convert to Islam, and then says: Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the only political leader who succeeded on both the religious and the secular level? ! The answer is very simple, Muhammad (peace be upon him) is breits good! I'm going to ask this question to anyone who doubts the sincerity of the Prophet: Is there a man in all of history that has made something great, and then attributed to someone else?

Yes, there are the prophets of Allah peace be upon them, including the Prophet Mohammad, who had been the last of the prophets, and Allah said about him ("Say," "O people, I am a messenger of Allah to you all, enabling the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth. there is no god but Him. He gives life and causes death. So believe in Allah and His Messenger, the Prophet who is illiterate, of Allah and His words believes, and follows him, that ye may be guided "") [Al-Araf: 158]..

MashaAllah what a wonderful role model for all humanity we have in our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)


Someone told me

I find little to argue with about this. Mohammed was one of the most influential figures in history not only because he inspired a religion, but because that religion swept across the world. During the Dark Ages, Islam led the world in science and technology, and for that reason is entitled to respect. It’s truly a tragedy that certain hateful and war-like factions are giving it such a bad name today.
lots of words in support of an untenable theory. The untenable theory is < in sum---
the founder of the ideology which has led to the murder of hundreds of millions and genocides of whole cultures AND COUNTING was "good" and his ideology was "good" because so many people were and continue to be influenced and involved>
The tolerance of Islam is another factor in the spread of Islam. The British historian Toynbee praises this tolerance towards the People of the Book after comparing it with the attitude of the Christians towards Muslims and Jews in their lands. (A Historian's Approach to Religion, p.246) T. Link attributes the spread of Islam to the credibility of its principles together with its tolerance, persuasion and other kinds of attractions. (A History of Religion) Makarios, Orthodox Patriorch of Antioch in the seventeenth century, compared the harsh treatment received by the Russians of the Orthodox Church at the hands of the Roman Catholic Poles with the tolerant attitude towards Orthodox Christians shown by the Ottoman Government and prayed for the Sultans. (T. Link, A History of Religion)

This is not the only example of preference by the followers of the religions for Muslim rule over that of their own co-religionists. The Orthodox Christians of Byzantium openly expressed their preference for the Ottoman turban in Istanbul to the hats of the Catholic cardinals. Elisee Reclus, the French traveler of the nineteenth century, wrote that the Muslim Turks allowed all the followers of different religions to perform their religious duties and rituals, and that the Christian subjects of the Ottoman Sultan were more free to live their own lives than the Christians who lived in the lands under the rule of any rival Christian sect. (Nouvelle Geographie Universelle, Vol. IX) Popescu Ciocanel pays tribute to the Muslim Turks by stating that it was luck for the Romanian people that they lived under the government of the Turks rather than the domination of the Russians and Austrians. Otherwise, he points out, "no trace of the Romanian nation would have remained." (La Crise de L'Orient)

How did Muslims behave towards the people of the conquered lands?

The Muslim's attitude towards the people of the conquered lands is quite clear in the instructions given by the rightly-guided Caliphs may Allaah be pleased with them:

Always keep fear of God in your mind; remember that you cannot afford to do anything without His grace. Do not forget that Islam is a mission of peace and love. Keep the Noble Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) before you as a model of bravery and piety. Do not destroy fruit-trees nor fertile fields in your paths. Be just, and spare the feelings of the vanquished. Respect all religious persons who live in hermitages or convents and spare their edifices. Do not kill civilians. Do not outrage the chastity of women and the honor of the conquered. Do not harm old people and children. Do not accept any gifts from the civil population of any place. Do not billet your soldiers or officers in the houses of civilians. Do not forget to perform your daily prayers. Fear God. Remember that death will inevitably come to everyone of you some time or other, even if you are thousands of miles away from a battle field; therefore be always ready to face death. (Andrew Miller, Church History)

A historical episode which Balazuri, a famous Muslim historian, tells about how pleased the native people were with their Muslim conquerors is of great significance:

When Heraclius massed his troops against the Muslims, and the Muslims heard that they were coming to meet them, they refunded the inhabitants of Hims the tribute they had taken from them, saying: "We are too busy to support and protect you. Take care of yourselves." But the people of Hims replied: "We like your rule and justice far better than the state of oppression and tyranny in which we were. The army of Heraclius we shall indeed, with your help, repulse from the city." The Jews rose and said: "We swear by the Torah, no governor of Heraclius shall enter the city of Hims unless we are first vanquished and exhausted." Saying this, they closed the gates of the city and guarded them. The inhabitants of other cities - Christians and Jews- that had been capitulated did the same. When, by God's help, the unbelievers were defeated and Muslims won, they opened the gates of their cities, went out with the singers and players of music, and paid the tribute. (Futuh al-Buldan)

Islamic History of Europe
Islamic History Of Europe - BBC Documentary
An Islamic History of Europe - BBC Documentary - Veoh

Few in Europe today Realize how much they owe to Muslim Spain for that great dawn of enlightenment called the Renaissance. Many outstanding philosophers, mathematicians, scientists, astronomers and physicians from Andalusia are but obliterated memories for Europe, the forlorn buried in graveyards or oblivion.

On the contrary
All of them are safe under the rule of Islam
Despite the different beliefs
A Muslim declares only Islam
Do not force people to convert to Islam
there is no compulsion in religion
no destroy churches or silos
They have rights
all Muslim Respect for that

By God's command
And the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him
When the Muslims ruled Europe - BBC Documentary

20. A woman’s share of inherited wealth half that of a man’s, unfair!
Islam abolished the former practice whereby inheritance went only to the oldest male heir. According to the Quran, a woman automatically inherits from her father, her husband, her son and her childless brother. The Quran contains specific guidance regarding the division of the inherited wealth among the rightful beneficiaries.

The three verses that broadly describe the share of close relatives are found in chapter 4, verses 11, 12 and 176. In these verses, Allah establishes the right of children, parents and spouses to inherit a specific share without leaving the matter to human judgment and emotions. In the absence of certain close relatives a share is apportioned to more distant ones. The system of inheritance is a perfectly balanced product of the Creator's knowledge of human need and takes into account His imposition of greater responsibility upon particular members of the family in varying situations.

In most cases, the female inherits a share that is half that of the male. However, this is not always so. There are certain instances when they inherit equal shares, and in some cases, a female can inherit a share that is more than that of the male. But even when the male is given a larger share there is a perfectly logical reason behind it. In Islam a woman has no financial obligations towards her family, even if she is wealthy or has her own source of income; the economic responsibility always lies upon the man. As long as a woman remains unmarried, it is the legal obligation of her father, brother or other guardian to provide her food, clothing, medication, housing and other financial needs. After she is married, it is the duty of her husband or adult son. Islam holds the man financially responsible for fulfilling all the needs of his family.

So the difference in shares does not mean that one sex is preferred over the other. It represents a just balance between the roles and responsibilities of family members according to their natural, physical and emotional makeup. In general, the woman is in charge of running the household and taking care of the needs of those within it, so she is alleviated from financial obligations. Despite this, she receives a share of inheritance which becomes her own property to save or use as she pleases. No other person has claim to any portion of her share. In contrast, the man's share becomes a part of his property from which he is obligated to maintain his children and all female members of the household, so it is constantly being consumed.

Suppose someone died leaving a son and a daughter. The son's share of inheritance will be depleted when he gives a dowry to his wife and supports his family, including his sister until she marries. Any additional income will have to be earned through his work. However, his sister's share remains untouched, or might even increase if she invests it. When she marries, she will receive a dowry from her husband and will be maintained by him, having no financial responsibilities whatsoever. Thus, a man might conclude that Islam has favored women over men!

In addition, the Muslim may make a bequest at his own discretion, in which he can will up to one third of his property to anyone who would not inherit otherwise. The bequest can be a means of assistance to other relatives and people in need, both men and women. One may also allocate this portion or part of it toward charities and good works of his choice.

Ahmed Deedat and Samuel Green

Ahmed Deedat Answer - Mystery of the Godhead or is God Purely One?

Did you Read bible Properly..?

20. A woman’s share of inherited wealth half that of a man’s, unfair!
Islam abolished the former practice whereby inheritance went only to the oldest male heir. According to the Quran, a woman automatically inherits from her father, her husband, her son and her childless brother. The Quran contains specific guidance regarding the division of the inherited wealth among the rightful beneficiaries.

The three verses that broadly describe the share of close relatives are found in chapter 4, verses 11, 12 and 176. In these verses, Allah establishes the right of children, parents and spouses to inherit a specific share without leaving the matter to human judgment and emotions. In the absence of certain close relatives a share is apportioned to more distant ones. The system of inheritance is a perfectly balanced product of the Creator's knowledge of human need and takes into account His imposition of greater responsibility upon particular members of the family in varying situations.

In most cases, the female inherits a share that is half that of the male. However, this is not always so. There are certain instances when they inherit equal shares, and in some cases, a female can inherit a share that is more than that of the male. But even when the male is given a larger share there is a perfectly logical reason behind it. In Islam a woman has no financial obligations towards her family, even if she is wealthy or has her own source of income; the economic responsibility always lies upon the man. As long as a woman remains unmarried, it is the legal obligation of her father, brother or other guardian to provide her food, clothing, medication, housing and other financial needs. After she is married, it is the duty of her husband or adult son. Islam holds the man financially responsible for fulfilling all the needs of his family.

So the difference in shares does not mean that one sex is preferred over the other. It represents a just balance between the roles and responsibilities of family members according to their natural, physical and emotional makeup. In general, the woman is in charge of running the household and taking care of the needs of those within it, so she is alleviated from financial obligations. Despite this, she receives a share of inheritance which becomes her own property to save or use as she pleases. No other person has claim to any portion of her share. In contrast, the man's share becomes a part of his property from which he is obligated to maintain his children and all female members of the household, so it is constantly being consumed.

Suppose someone died leaving a son and a daughter. The son's share of inheritance will be depleted when he gives a dowry to his wife and supports his family, including his sister until she marries. Any additional income will have to be earned through his work. However, his sister's share remains untouched, or might even increase if she invests it. When she marries, she will receive a dowry from her husband and will be maintained by him, having no financial responsibilities whatsoever. Thus, a man might conclude that Islam has favored women over men!

In addition, the Muslim may make a bequest at his own discretion, in which he can will up to one third of his property to anyone who would not inherit otherwise. The bequest can be a means of assistance to other relatives and people in need, both men and women. One may also allocate this portion or part of it toward charities and good works of his choice.

Ahmed Deedat and Samuel Green

Ahmed Deedat Answer - Mystery of the Godhead or is God Purely One?

Did you Read bible Properly..?

Yea, everyone must be just misunderstanding Muslims who regularly mass murder innocent people. eyeroll
The truth is that Islam is a hateful, oppressive, intolerant, violent, primitive, backwards, brainwashed cult.
It's the opposite of enlightenment, happiness, peace and freedom.
[QUOTE="irosie91, post: 20809942,

piled higher and higher[/QUOTE]

TRAG laughs and agrees

Trag----my experience with this BS is---sorta singular. US born----
naïve type girl------I came into contact with LOTS AND LOTS of muzzies
during a little college time job in a big hospital with lots of Pakistani and Iranian
and Indian and even Afghani young docs----LONG AGO---way back when Sri
Lanka was Ceylon and East Pakistan was not yet Bangladesh and Bombay
never heard of "MUMBAI". The crap presented above is STANDARD FARE
drummed into the heads of those poor people from the cradle. Fast forward
----a decade------and my marriage to a person BORN A DHIMMI in a shariah
shit hole-----which brought me ---actually, HUNDREDS OF RELATIVES -----
carrying the legacy of having been stuck under "MUSLIM RULE" Feel free
to ask questions--------hubby went out momentarily ----but will be back. In any
case-----I know the real story
Last edited:
Few in Europe today Realize how much they owe to Muslim Spain for that great dawn of enlightenment called the Renaissance. Many outstanding philosophers, mathematicians, scientists, astronomers and physicians from Andalusia are but obliterated memories for Europe, the forlorn buried in graveyards or oblivion

^^^^^^^^^^^ TRUE BS !!!!!! not only are the writings of people of Andalusia
preserved (ie those that ever existed) ------nothing much of note came out of the
MUSLIM communities. Fortunately the writings of jewish witnesses are still available--------my all time fave intro to the muslim mindset came from a young
Pakistani surgeon who told me (about 50 years ago) ---"there was a great doctor
in muslim spain-----born a jew ---he converted to islam and then became a great
doctor"-------I asked "what was his name?" ----are you ready? the answer was
"MAIMONIDES" Maimonides wrote a simple book ----a kind of thing for dummies------"GUIDE FOR THE PERPLEXED"-----I read it ---in translation of course. He was educated in Moorish spain---CORDOBA-----his comment----
his medical books in Arabic and most of his work-----commentary on Talmud--etc --
in Hebrew. Muslim kids are taught that he "converted to islam" along with lots
of other persons of note------Even today----muslims are claiming that a famous poet of the 18th century----SHALEM SHABAZZI (make that rabbi shalem shabazzi)
was SOMEHOW ---"muslim" When the Christians and the Jews and the
Zoroastrians were evicted from Arabia------the literacy rate plummeted to
Y as Y approaches ZERO
. Actually I have heard many lies about Islam
Ignorance and hatred of Islam
Spread and increase the number of converts to Islam

Increase the numbers of adherents of Islam

Of not less

Christians Scientists
And players and famous of Hollywood stars
The world's rich

And Yusuf Estes

Sister's Wife of Tony Blair
converted to Islam?

Kaka (Brazil) - Ribeirah (France)

liam nison\\ Log daughter of US President Bush in Islam

Lawyers -Engineers- sued - an officer of the police and the army - the general public

-So when he discovers that the real Holy Qur'an
And discover the greatness and mercy of Islam
Makes sure that the attempts to distort Islam, a liar and deceiver
calm down and use your mind in the research and understanding
And prepare to convert to Islam constantly increasing

I hope that you be honest with yourself before others
ROFLMAO that is not "HEARD ABOUT" is the conversions of muslims to
Christianity and Judaism. -------they are undercover because muslims MURDER
such people.

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