THE END OF THE WORLD!!! – How prepared are you?


big mouth
Jan 9, 2012
Truth have always be ignored and underrated by many individual due to their believe and myopic life style even in the midst of undeniable proof of truthfulness people try to justify their own believe especially when such a truth will denial them from some privileges, so they will try by all missed to silent the truth to the extent of painting the personality involve negative. Knowing or unknowingly to them that truth can not be hidden for so long even Jesus Christ and its disciple face opposition just for exposing the truth. The hidden truth has lead may to suffer due to ignorant or because they were mislead by their spiritual fathers/mothers. But just as it was in Noah’s day Rejecting Noah prophecy as untrue by the world at that time did not stop God from destroying the world with flood then, so Jesus said it would be in the last days, and in fulfillment of the messiah’s words, There’s another prophecy today that could mean the end of the world, will you wait till you’re outside the ark with the flood waters up your neck before you believe??? What’s this end of the world prophecy all about anyway?Check here for the prophecy that spells doom for the world. And what you should do to be saved before it’s too late. TB Joshua


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Let's see I lived through at least 2 ends of the world

When all the planets lined up on one side of the sun, Y2K. So I don't think 12/2012 will be anything to worry about.
[ame=]Gulliver's Travels Glum - Quiet Glum! Combined 24 clips-TheLawman49 - YouTube[/ame]
you wish? what are you, blind? the signs are all over the place, the world is doomed, the planet is dooooooomeeeed, we're all doooooomed

You sound like a whiny baby with a shitty diaper, wipe your fuckin face and man up bitch.
watch an see bitch. you will see who sound like a baby

Right now its you who sounds like a baby you dumb cock sucker, take your end of the world shit and stick it your pussy and shut the fuck up.

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