The End is Here! Newsmax and the NYT & Romney Job Creation Overseas

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
The End Is Here! Newsmax and the NYT & Romney Job Creation Overseas

We've all seen it. Newsmax took a NYT story and did a spin job. Okay. Then Newsmax's spin job had a headline that made it appear the NYT said something it didn't in the NYT headline. Confused? So was most ALL of the Whacky World of Right Wing Politics. They ALL went with the story and headline, probably never following the story to the NYT that would have shown Newsmax to just be doing what it always does -- bullshit.

Or, some wingnuts knew Newsmax was playing a game, but it was a thrown bone to a right wing in desperate need of a pick-me-up, no matter how delusional.

Either way...

Now, why would most ALL the right wing (just do a Google search) consider Newsmax a reliable media source? Could it be the fallout from a constant diet of FOX News and Rush Radio over the decades? I think so. I love it when FOX News personalities get upset with the right wingers they fed a steady diet of bullshit over the decades, running around embarrassing the conservatives by spouting birther bullshit and more.

The right wing noise machine is losing control over the wingut mob and it is hurting the usually strong and consistent conservative message/noise.


now, since the NYT is such a wonderful source for the right, I figured they'd love the SFGate.

"Gov. Romney's economic plan would in fact create 800,000 jobs. There's only one problem, the jobs wouldn't be in America."
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What happened, you couldn't argue this in the other thread about it, you had to start a new one about the same thing with your spin on it. Predictable.
What happened, you couldn't argue this in the other thread about it, you had to start a new one about the same thing with your spin on it. Predictable.

This is a thread about the media and the right wing. Now stfu you silly little girlyman/boy.

and take your alarmist bullshit with you...


yeah, and take your 4 days in space. :clap2:
New Obama TV ad suggests Romney may not have paid taxes Gotta love the new media

I wonder if Newsmax will pick up this story? Maybe they are waiting for the NYT to judge the story's validity and credibility?

pssst, the Newsmax link is to the story.
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What happened, you couldn't argue this in the other thread about it, you had to start a new one about the same thing with your spin on it. Predictable.

This is a thread about the media and the right wing. Now stfu you silly little girlyman/boy.

and take your alarmist bullshit with you...


yeah, and take your 4 days in space. :clap2: out, tjvh! He might even neg rep you and send you a nasty message with it.
What happened, you couldn't argue this in the other thread about it, you had to start a new one about the same thing with your spin on it. Predictable.

This is a thread about the media and the right wing. Now stfu you silly little girlyman/boy.

and take your alarmist bullshit with you...


yeah, and take your 4 days in space. :clap2: out, tjvh! He might even neg rep you and send you a nasty message with it.

What happened, you couldn't argue this in the other thread about it, you had to start a new one about the same thing with your spin on it. Predictable.

This is a thread about the media and the right wing. Now stfu you silly little girlyman/boy.

and take your alarmist bullshit with you...


yeah, and take your 4 days in space. :clap2:

When the going gets tough, and you've lost your argument... Start another thread.:lol::lol::lol:
Ever see those old cartoons featuring some ragged deranged person carrying a sign that says "the end is near"? That's the way the left has been acting recently. It's fun to watch.

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