The Elements and Traditions of the Passover Seder Point to Christ


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
All Christians should attend a Seder meal, preferably held by a completed Jew who can explain the symbolism as I outline below. It is a meal that Jesus would have conducted every year.

A little background first. The Passover is when the Jewish slaves of Egypt put the blood of a lamb over their door so that death passed over the house that night as the final plague on Egypt so they would free the Jews.

The Passover Seder is a Jewish ritual feast that marks the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover. The elements are symbols of events with the purpose allowing each generation to remember what occurred in the time of Moses. The Hebrew word Seder means “order.” The Passover meal has a specific order in which food is eaten, prayers are recited, and songs are sung. Each item on the Passover plate has a specific historical meaning related to the exodus of the Jews from Egypt and their freedom from slavery. Most of the elements are historical, and some are messianic.

Passover is also the day Jesus was crucified.

One of the elements is the shank bone of a lamb to symbolize the placement of blood over the doors in Egypt. John 1:29, Jesus is the lamb of God. His blood saves all who accept Him.

The instructions for the original Passover specified that the lamb’s bones could not be broken, another foreshadowing of Christ’s death as the prophecy of the death of Jesus would not have his bones broken. (Crucifixion requires the use of the legs to fill the lungs with air. If they wanted to speed things along the legs of the person being crucified were broken. The two crucified with Jesus had their legs broken, Jesus was dead when they got to him. Then his side was pierced to make sure.)


Matzoh is unleavened bread to remember when the fleeing Jews did not have time to let the bread rise. It is flat, pierced, and striped as an end product.

Isaiah 53:5

But He was pierced for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed.


Jesus was bruised, whipped and pierced.

Three matzoh are placed in a linen bag. Jews do not know why they place three in the bag. Christians recognize this as Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

There are three pouches in the bag, one for each matzoh. The middle matzoh is broken in half. One half remains inside the bag, the other is wrapped in linin and hidden until the end of the meal. As stated earlier, no one knows why three. Some Jews believe they represent Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. But they cannot explain why Isaac is broken. Christians recognize this as the broken body of Christ. The other half removed is wrapped in a linen cloth and hidden. Christians recognize this as the linen wrapped body placed into a tomb.

There are also four cups of wine used at various points during the Seder. Each of these glasses of wine has a name: the first glass is the “cup of sanctification.” The second is the “cup of judgment.” The third is the “cup of redemption.” And the fourth is the “cup of praise.” At the Last Supper Jesus took the first cup and promised His disciples that the next time He drank the fruit of the vine with them would be in the kingdom. Later in the Seder, Jesus took the third cup—the cup of redemption—and used that cup as a symbol of the New Covenant in His blood. Thus Jesus fulfilled the Passover symbolism and infused the whole feast with a new meaning.

At the end of the meal tradition has the children go and find the hidden half of matzoh. When it is found it is removed from the linen and the festivities can begin. Christians see this as the resurrection.
All Christians should attend a Seder meal, preferably held by a completed Jew who can explain the symbolism as I outline below. It is a meal that Jesus would have conducted every year.

A little background first. The Passover is when the Jewish slaves of Egypt put the blood of a lamb over their door so that death passed over the house that night as the final plague on Egypt so they would free the Jews.

The Passover Seder is a Jewish ritual feast that marks the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover. The elements are symbols of events with the purpose allowing each generation to remember what occurred in the time of Moses. The Hebrew word Seder means “order.” The Passover meal has a specific order in which food is eaten, prayers are recited, and songs are sung. Each item on the Passover plate has a specific historical meaning related to the exodus of the Jews from Egypt and their freedom from slavery. Most of the elements are historical, and some are messianic.

Passover is also the day Jesus was crucified.

One of the elements is the shank bone of a lamb to symbolize the placement of blood over the doors in Egypt. John 1:29, Jesus is the lamb of God. His blood saves all who accept Him.

The instructions for the original Passover specified that the lamb’s bones could not be broken, another foreshadowing of Christ’s death as the prophecy of the death of Jesus would not have his bones broken. (Crucifixion requires the use of the legs to fill the lungs with air. If they wanted to speed things along the legs of the person being crucified were broken. The two crucified with Jesus had their legs broken, Jesus was dead when they got to him. Then his side was pierced to make sure.)


Matzoh is unleavened bread to remember when the fleeing Jews did not have time to let the bread rise. It is flat, pierced, and striped as an end product.

Isaiah 53:5

But He was pierced for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed.


Jesus was bruised, whipped and pierced.

Three matzoh are placed in a linen bag. Jews do not know why they place three in the bag. Christians recognize this as Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

There are three pouches in the bag, one for each matzoh. The middle matzoh is broken in half. One half remains inside the bag, the other is wrapped in linin and hidden until the end of the meal. As stated earlier, no one knows why three. Some Jews believe they represent Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. But they cannot explain why Isaac is broken. Christians recognize this as the broken body of Christ. The other half removed is wrapped in a linen cloth and hidden. Christians recognize this as the linen wrapped body placed into a tomb.

There are also four cups of wine used at various points during the Seder. Each of these glasses of wine has a name: the first glass is the “cup of sanctification.” The second is the “cup of judgment.” The third is the “cup of redemption.” And the fourth is the “cup of praise.” At the Last Supper Jesus took the first cup and promised His disciples that the next time He drank the fruit of the vine with them would be in the kingdom. Later in the Seder, Jesus took the third cup—the cup of redemption—and used that cup as a symbol of the New Covenant in His blood. Thus Jesus fulfilled the Passover symbolism and infused the whole feast with a new meaning.

At the end of the meal tradition has the children go and find the hidden half of matzoh. When it is found it is removed from the linen and the festivities can begin. Christians see this as the resurrection.


I've always wondered, do you guys actually realize how insulting this sort of proselytization is?

I've heard "Jews for Jesus" try to make this argument before.
All Christians should attend a Seder meal, preferably held by a completed Jew who can explain the symbolism as I outline below. It is a meal that Jesus would have conducted every year.

A little background first. The Passover is when the Jewish slaves of Egypt put the blood of a lamb over their door so that death passed over the house that night as the final plague on Egypt so they would free the Jews.

The Passover Seder is a Jewish ritual feast that marks the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover. The elements are symbols of events with the purpose allowing each generation to remember what occurred in the time of Moses. The Hebrew word Seder means “order.” The Passover meal has a specific order in which food is eaten, prayers are recited, and songs are sung. Each item on the Passover plate has a specific historical meaning related to the exodus of the Jews from Egypt and their freedom from slavery. Most of the elements are historical, and some are messianic.

Passover is also the day Jesus was crucified.

One of the elements is the shank bone of a lamb to symbolize the placement of blood over the doors in Egypt. John 1:29, Jesus is the lamb of God. His blood saves all who accept Him.

The instructions for the original Passover specified that the lamb’s bones could not be broken, another foreshadowing of Christ’s death as the prophecy of the death of Jesus would not have his bones broken. (Crucifixion requires the use of the legs to fill the lungs with air. If they wanted to speed things along the legs of the person being crucified were broken. The two crucified with Jesus had their legs broken, Jesus was dead when they got to him. Then his side was pierced to make sure.)


Matzoh is unleavened bread to remember when the fleeing Jews did not have time to let the bread rise. It is flat, pierced, and striped as an end product.

Isaiah 53:5

But He was pierced for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed.


Jesus was bruised, whipped and pierced.

Three matzoh are placed in a linen bag. Jews do not know why they place three in the bag. Christians recognize this as Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

There are three pouches in the bag, one for each matzoh. The middle matzoh is broken in half. One half remains inside the bag, the other is wrapped in linin and hidden until the end of the meal. As stated earlier, no one knows why three. Some Jews believe they represent Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. But they cannot explain why Isaac is broken. Christians recognize this as the broken body of Christ. The other half removed is wrapped in a linen cloth and hidden. Christians recognize this as the linen wrapped body placed into a tomb.

There are also four cups of wine used at various points during the Seder. Each of these glasses of wine has a name: the first glass is the “cup of sanctification.” The second is the “cup of judgment.” The third is the “cup of redemption.” And the fourth is the “cup of praise.” At the Last Supper Jesus took the first cup and promised His disciples that the next time He drank the fruit of the vine with them would be in the kingdom. Later in the Seder, Jesus took the third cup—the cup of redemption—and used that cup as a symbol of the New Covenant in His blood. Thus Jesus fulfilled the Passover symbolism and infused the whole feast with a new meaning.

At the end of the meal tradition has the children go and find the hidden half of matzoh. When it is found it is removed from the linen and the festivities can begin. Christians see this as the resurrection.


I've always wondered, do you guys actually realize how insulting this sort of proselytization is?

I've heard "Jews for Jesus" try to make this argument before.
All Christians should attend a Seder meal, preferably held by a completed Jew who can explain the symbolism as I outline below. It is a meal that Jesus would have conducted every year.

A little background first. The Passover is when the Jewish slaves of Egypt put the blood of a lamb over their door so that death passed over the house that night as the final plague on Egypt so they would free the Jews.

The Passover Seder is a Jewish ritual feast that marks the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover. The elements are symbols of events with the purpose allowing each generation to remember what occurred in the time of Moses. The Hebrew word Seder means “order.” The Passover meal has a specific order in which food is eaten, prayers are recited, and songs are sung. Each item on the Passover plate has a specific historical meaning related to the exodus of the Jews from Egypt and their freedom from slavery. Most of the elements are historical, and some are messianic.

Passover is also the day Jesus was crucified.

One of the elements is the shank bone of a lamb to symbolize the placement of blood over the doors in Egypt. John 1:29, Jesus is the lamb of God. His blood saves all who accept Him.

The instructions for the original Passover specified that the lamb’s bones could not be broken, another foreshadowing of Christ’s death as the prophecy of the death of Jesus would not have his bones broken. (Crucifixion requires the use of the legs to fill the lungs with air. If they wanted to speed things along the legs of the person being crucified were broken. The two crucified with Jesus had their legs broken, Jesus was dead when they got to him. Then his side was pierced to make sure.)


Matzoh is unleavened bread to remember when the fleeing Jews did not have time to let the bread rise. It is flat, pierced, and striped as an end product.

Isaiah 53:5

But He was pierced for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed.


Jesus was bruised, whipped and pierced.

Three matzoh are placed in a linen bag. Jews do not know why they place three in the bag. Christians recognize this as Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

There are three pouches in the bag, one for each matzoh. The middle matzoh is broken in half. One half remains inside the bag, the other is wrapped in linin and hidden until the end of the meal. As stated earlier, no one knows why three. Some Jews believe they represent Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. But they cannot explain why Isaac is broken. Christians recognize this as the broken body of Christ. The other half removed is wrapped in a linen cloth and hidden. Christians recognize this as the linen wrapped body placed into a tomb.

There are also four cups of wine used at various points during the Seder. Each of these glasses of wine has a name: the first glass is the “cup of sanctification.” The second is the “cup of judgment.” The third is the “cup of redemption.” And the fourth is the “cup of praise.” At the Last Supper Jesus took the first cup and promised His disciples that the next time He drank the fruit of the vine with them would be in the kingdom. Later in the Seder, Jesus took the third cup—the cup of redemption—and used that cup as a symbol of the New Covenant in His blood. Thus Jesus fulfilled the Passover symbolism and infused the whole feast with a new meaning.

At the end of the meal tradition has the children go and find the hidden half of matzoh. When it is found it is removed from the linen and the festivities can begin. Christians see this as the resurrection.


I've always wondered, do you guys actually realize how insulting this sort of proselytization is?

I've heard "Jews for Jesus" try to make this argument before.
View attachment 185247


So you do know how insulting it is, yet you do it anyway.

Is that what Jesus told you to do?

"Thou shall go out and troll those who believe otherwise, for only assholes shall inherit the Kingdom of Heaven"
All Christians should attend a Seder meal, preferably held by a completed Jew who can explain the symbolism as I outline below. It is a meal that Jesus would have conducted every year.

A little background first. The Passover is when the Jewish slaves of Egypt put the blood of a lamb over their door so that death passed over the house that night as the final plague on Egypt so they would free the Jews.

The Passover Seder is a Jewish ritual feast that marks the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover. The elements are symbols of events with the purpose allowing each generation to remember what occurred in the time of Moses. The Hebrew word Seder means “order.” The Passover meal has a specific order in which food is eaten, prayers are recited, and songs are sung. Each item on the Passover plate has a specific historical meaning related to the exodus of the Jews from Egypt and their freedom from slavery. Most of the elements are historical, and some are messianic.

Passover is also the day Jesus was crucified.

One of the elements is the shank bone of a lamb to symbolize the placement of blood over the doors in Egypt. John 1:29, Jesus is the lamb of God. His blood saves all who accept Him.

The instructions for the original Passover specified that the lamb’s bones could not be broken, another foreshadowing of Christ’s death as the prophecy of the death of Jesus would not have his bones broken. (Crucifixion requires the use of the legs to fill the lungs with air. If they wanted to speed things along the legs of the person being crucified were broken. The two crucified with Jesus had their legs broken, Jesus was dead when they got to him. Then his side was pierced to make sure.)


Matzoh is unleavened bread to remember when the fleeing Jews did not have time to let the bread rise. It is flat, pierced, and striped as an end product.

Isaiah 53:5

But He was pierced for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed.


Jesus was bruised, whipped and pierced.

Three matzoh are placed in a linen bag. Jews do not know why they place three in the bag. Christians recognize this as Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

There are three pouches in the bag, one for each matzoh. The middle matzoh is broken in half. One half remains inside the bag, the other is wrapped in linin and hidden until the end of the meal. As stated earlier, no one knows why three. Some Jews believe they represent Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. But they cannot explain why Isaac is broken. Christians recognize this as the broken body of Christ. The other half removed is wrapped in a linen cloth and hidden. Christians recognize this as the linen wrapped body placed into a tomb.

There are also four cups of wine used at various points during the Seder. Each of these glasses of wine has a name: the first glass is the “cup of sanctification.” The second is the “cup of judgment.” The third is the “cup of redemption.” And the fourth is the “cup of praise.” At the Last Supper Jesus took the first cup and promised His disciples that the next time He drank the fruit of the vine with them would be in the kingdom. Later in the Seder, Jesus took the third cup—the cup of redemption—and used that cup as a symbol of the New Covenant in His blood. Thus Jesus fulfilled the Passover symbolism and infused the whole feast with a new meaning.

At the end of the meal tradition has the children go and find the hidden half of matzoh. When it is found it is removed from the linen and the festivities can begin. Christians see this as the resurrection.


I've always wondered, do you guys actually realize how insulting this sort of proselytization is?

I've heard "Jews for Jesus" try to make this argument before.
View attachment 185247


So you do know how insulting it is, yet you do it anyway.

Is that what Jesus told you to do?

"Thou shall go out and troll those who believe otherwise, for only assholes shall inherit the Kingdom of Heaven"
Facts are facts, dufus.
If you melt because of facts, that is your problem.
Now go suck your pacifier.
All Christians should attend a Seder meal, preferably held by a completed Jew who can explain the symbolism as I outline below. It is a meal that Jesus would have conducted every year.

A little background first. The Passover is when the Jewish slaves of Egypt put the blood of a lamb over their door so that death passed over the house that night as the final plague on Egypt so they would free the Jews.

The Passover Seder is a Jewish ritual feast that marks the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover. The elements are symbols of events with the purpose allowing each generation to remember what occurred in the time of Moses. The Hebrew word Seder means “order.” The Passover meal has a specific order in which food is eaten, prayers are recited, and songs are sung. Each item on the Passover plate has a specific historical meaning related to the exodus of the Jews from Egypt and their freedom from slavery. Most of the elements are historical, and some are messianic.

Passover is also the day Jesus was crucified.

One of the elements is the shank bone of a lamb to symbolize the placement of blood over the doors in Egypt. John 1:29, Jesus is the lamb of God. His blood saves all who accept Him.

The instructions for the original Passover specified that the lamb’s bones could not be broken, another foreshadowing of Christ’s death as the prophecy of the death of Jesus would not have his bones broken. (Crucifixion requires the use of the legs to fill the lungs with air. If they wanted to speed things along the legs of the person being crucified were broken. The two crucified with Jesus had their legs broken, Jesus was dead when they got to him. Then his side was pierced to make sure.)


Matzoh is unleavened bread to remember when the fleeing Jews did not have time to let the bread rise. It is flat, pierced, and striped as an end product.

Isaiah 53:5

But He was pierced for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed.


Jesus was bruised, whipped and pierced.

Three matzoh are placed in a linen bag. Jews do not know why they place three in the bag. Christians recognize this as Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

There are three pouches in the bag, one for each matzoh. The middle matzoh is broken in half. One half remains inside the bag, the other is wrapped in linin and hidden until the end of the meal. As stated earlier, no one knows why three. Some Jews believe they represent Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. But they cannot explain why Isaac is broken. Christians recognize this as the broken body of Christ. The other half removed is wrapped in a linen cloth and hidden. Christians recognize this as the linen wrapped body placed into a tomb.

There are also four cups of wine used at various points during the Seder. Each of these glasses of wine has a name: the first glass is the “cup of sanctification.” The second is the “cup of judgment.” The third is the “cup of redemption.” And the fourth is the “cup of praise.” At the Last Supper Jesus took the first cup and promised His disciples that the next time He drank the fruit of the vine with them would be in the kingdom. Later in the Seder, Jesus took the third cup—the cup of redemption—and used that cup as a symbol of the New Covenant in His blood. Thus Jesus fulfilled the Passover symbolism and infused the whole feast with a new meaning.

At the end of the meal tradition has the children go and find the hidden half of matzoh. When it is found it is removed from the linen and the festivities can begin. Christians see this as the resurrection.
Pretty bland, primitive meal
All Christians should attend a Seder meal, preferably held by a completed Jew who can explain the symbolism as I outline below. It is a meal that Jesus would have conducted every year.

A little background first. The Passover is when the Jewish slaves of Egypt put the blood of a lamb over their door so that death passed over the house that night as the final plague on Egypt so they would free the Jews.

The Passover Seder is a Jewish ritual feast that marks the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover. The elements are symbols of events with the purpose allowing each generation to remember what occurred in the time of Moses. The Hebrew word Seder means “order.” The Passover meal has a specific order in which food is eaten, prayers are recited, and songs are sung. Each item on the Passover plate has a specific historical meaning related to the exodus of the Jews from Egypt and their freedom from slavery. Most of the elements are historical, and some are messianic.

Passover is also the day Jesus was crucified.

One of the elements is the shank bone of a lamb to symbolize the placement of blood over the doors in Egypt. John 1:29, Jesus is the lamb of God. His blood saves all who accept Him.

The instructions for the original Passover specified that the lamb’s bones could not be broken, another foreshadowing of Christ’s death as the prophecy of the death of Jesus would not have his bones broken. (Crucifixion requires the use of the legs to fill the lungs with air. If they wanted to speed things along the legs of the person being crucified were broken. The two crucified with Jesus had their legs broken, Jesus was dead when they got to him. Then his side was pierced to make sure.)


Matzoh is unleavened bread to remember when the fleeing Jews did not have time to let the bread rise. It is flat, pierced, and striped as an end product.

Isaiah 53:5

But He was pierced for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed.


Jesus was bruised, whipped and pierced.

Three matzoh are placed in a linen bag. Jews do not know why they place three in the bag. Christians recognize this as Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

There are three pouches in the bag, one for each matzoh. The middle matzoh is broken in half. One half remains inside the bag, the other is wrapped in linin and hidden until the end of the meal. As stated earlier, no one knows why three. Some Jews believe they represent Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. But they cannot explain why Isaac is broken. Christians recognize this as the broken body of Christ. The other half removed is wrapped in a linen cloth and hidden. Christians recognize this as the linen wrapped body placed into a tomb.

There are also four cups of wine used at various points during the Seder. Each of these glasses of wine has a name: the first glass is the “cup of sanctification.” The second is the “cup of judgment.” The third is the “cup of redemption.” And the fourth is the “cup of praise.” At the Last Supper Jesus took the first cup and promised His disciples that the next time He drank the fruit of the vine with them would be in the kingdom. Later in the Seder, Jesus took the third cup—the cup of redemption—and used that cup as a symbol of the New Covenant in His blood. Thus Jesus fulfilled the Passover symbolism and infused the whole feast with a new meaning.

At the end of the meal tradition has the children go and find the hidden half of matzoh. When it is found it is removed from the linen and the festivities can begin. Christians see this as the resurrection.


I've always wondered, do you guys actually realize how insulting this sort of proselytization is?

I've heard "Jews for Jesus" try to make this argument before.
View attachment 185247


So you do know how insulting it is, yet you do it anyway.

Is that what Jesus told you to do?

"Thou shall go out and troll those who believe otherwise, for only assholes shall inherit the Kingdom of Heaven"
Facts are facts, dufus.
If you melt because of facts, that is your problem.
Now go suck your pacifier.


You seem upset.

Are you really so delusional as to believe that your "interpretation" of the Passover Seder is a "fact"?

Thou shall lie on message boards and pretend that thy blather is the law, and thee shall be rewarded, for only the internet trolls are worthy of My Kingdom.
All Christians should attend a Seder meal, preferably held by a completed Jew who can explain the symbolism as I outline below. It is a meal that Jesus would have conducted every year.

A little background first. The Passover is when the Jewish slaves of Egypt put the blood of a lamb over their door so that death passed over the house that night as the final plague on Egypt so they would free the Jews.

The Passover Seder is a Jewish ritual feast that marks the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover. The elements are symbols of events with the purpose allowing each generation to remember what occurred in the time of Moses. The Hebrew word Seder means “order.” The Passover meal has a specific order in which food is eaten, prayers are recited, and songs are sung. Each item on the Passover plate has a specific historical meaning related to the exodus of the Jews from Egypt and their freedom from slavery. Most of the elements are historical, and some are messianic.

Passover is also the day Jesus was crucified.

One of the elements is the shank bone of a lamb to symbolize the placement of blood over the doors in Egypt. John 1:29, Jesus is the lamb of God. His blood saves all who accept Him.

The instructions for the original Passover specified that the lamb’s bones could not be broken, another foreshadowing of Christ’s death as the prophecy of the death of Jesus would not have his bones broken. (Crucifixion requires the use of the legs to fill the lungs with air. If they wanted to speed things along the legs of the person being crucified were broken. The two crucified with Jesus had their legs broken, Jesus was dead when they got to him. Then his side was pierced to make sure.)


Matzoh is unleavened bread to remember when the fleeing Jews did not have time to let the bread rise. It is flat, pierced, and striped as an end product.

Isaiah 53:5

But He was pierced for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed.


Jesus was bruised, whipped and pierced.

Three matzoh are placed in a linen bag. Jews do not know why they place three in the bag. Christians recognize this as Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

There are three pouches in the bag, one for each matzoh. The middle matzoh is broken in half. One half remains inside the bag, the other is wrapped in linin and hidden until the end of the meal. As stated earlier, no one knows why three. Some Jews believe they represent Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. But they cannot explain why Isaac is broken. Christians recognize this as the broken body of Christ. The other half removed is wrapped in a linen cloth and hidden. Christians recognize this as the linen wrapped body placed into a tomb.

There are also four cups of wine used at various points during the Seder. Each of these glasses of wine has a name: the first glass is the “cup of sanctification.” The second is the “cup of judgment.” The third is the “cup of redemption.” And the fourth is the “cup of praise.” At the Last Supper Jesus took the first cup and promised His disciples that the next time He drank the fruit of the vine with them would be in the kingdom. Later in the Seder, Jesus took the third cup—the cup of redemption—and used that cup as a symbol of the New Covenant in His blood. Thus Jesus fulfilled the Passover symbolism and infused the whole feast with a new meaning.

At the end of the meal tradition has the children go and find the hidden half of matzoh. When it is found it is removed from the linen and the festivities can begin. Christians see this as the resurrection.
Are we even sure the Israelites were slaves in Egypt? Archeological digs in Palestine show that, except for the absence of pig bones, there are no obvious differences between them and other Canaanites and no evidence of destruction of cities, as mentioned in the Bible, found in the correct time period. I also noticed that the description of Haroset mentions the pyramids, despite the fact that they were already a thousand years old when the Israelites were supposed to have resided in Egypt.
All Christians should attend a Seder meal, preferably held by a completed Jew who can explain the symbolism as I outline below. It is a meal that Jesus would have conducted every year.

A little background first. The Passover is when the Jewish slaves of Egypt put the blood of a lamb over their door so that death passed over the house that night as the final plague on Egypt so they would free the Jews.

The Passover Seder is a Jewish ritual feast that marks the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover. The elements are symbols of events with the purpose allowing each generation to remember what occurred in the time of Moses. The Hebrew word Seder means “order.” The Passover meal has a specific order in which food is eaten, prayers are recited, and songs are sung. Each item on the Passover plate has a specific historical meaning related to the exodus of the Jews from Egypt and their freedom from slavery. Most of the elements are historical, and some are messianic.

Passover is also the day Jesus was crucified.

One of the elements is the shank bone of a lamb to symbolize the placement of blood over the doors in Egypt. John 1:29, Jesus is the lamb of God. His blood saves all who accept Him.

The instructions for the original Passover specified that the lamb’s bones could not be broken, another foreshadowing of Christ’s death as the prophecy of the death of Jesus would not have his bones broken. (Crucifixion requires the use of the legs to fill the lungs with air. If they wanted to speed things along the legs of the person being crucified were broken. The two crucified with Jesus had their legs broken, Jesus was dead when they got to him. Then his side was pierced to make sure.)


Matzoh is unleavened bread to remember when the fleeing Jews did not have time to let the bread rise. It is flat, pierced, and striped as an end product.

Isaiah 53:5

But He was pierced for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed.


Jesus was bruised, whipped and pierced.

Three matzoh are placed in a linen bag. Jews do not know why they place three in the bag. Christians recognize this as Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

There are three pouches in the bag, one for each matzoh. The middle matzoh is broken in half. One half remains inside the bag, the other is wrapped in linin and hidden until the end of the meal. As stated earlier, no one knows why three. Some Jews believe they represent Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. But they cannot explain why Isaac is broken. Christians recognize this as the broken body of Christ. The other half removed is wrapped in a linen cloth and hidden. Christians recognize this as the linen wrapped body placed into a tomb.

There are also four cups of wine used at various points during the Seder. Each of these glasses of wine has a name: the first glass is the “cup of sanctification.” The second is the “cup of judgment.” The third is the “cup of redemption.” And the fourth is the “cup of praise.” At the Last Supper Jesus took the first cup and promised His disciples that the next time He drank the fruit of the vine with them would be in the kingdom. Later in the Seder, Jesus took the third cup—the cup of redemption—and used that cup as a symbol of the New Covenant in His blood. Thus Jesus fulfilled the Passover symbolism and infused the whole feast with a new meaning.

At the end of the meal tradition has the children go and find the hidden half of matzoh. When it is found it is removed from the linen and the festivities can begin. Christians see this as the resurrection.
Are we even sure the Israelites were slaves in Egypt? Archeological digs in Palestine show that, except for the absence of pig bones, there are no obvious differences between them and other Canaanites and no evidence of destruction of cities, as mentioned in the Bible, found in the correct time period. I also noticed that the description of Haroset mentions the pyramids, despite the fact that they were already a thousand years old when the Israelites were supposed to have resided in Egypt.

Whether or not the stories are factually correct is irrelevant, for the most part.

There's no physical evidence that a man named Jesus ever existed, either.
All Christians should attend a Seder meal, preferably held by a completed Jew who can explain the symbolism as I outline below. It is a meal that Jesus would have conducted every year.

A little background first. The Passover is when the Jewish slaves of Egypt put the blood of a lamb over their door so that death passed over the house that night as the final plague on Egypt so they would free the Jews.

The Passover Seder is a Jewish ritual feast that marks the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover. The elements are symbols of events with the purpose allowing each generation to remember what occurred in the time of Moses. The Hebrew word Seder means “order.” The Passover meal has a specific order in which food is eaten, prayers are recited, and songs are sung. Each item on the Passover plate has a specific historical meaning related to the exodus of the Jews from Egypt and their freedom from slavery. Most of the elements are historical, and some are messianic.

Passover is also the day Jesus was crucified.

One of the elements is the shank bone of a lamb to symbolize the placement of blood over the doors in Egypt. John 1:29, Jesus is the lamb of God. His blood saves all who accept Him.

The instructions for the original Passover specified that the lamb’s bones could not be broken, another foreshadowing of Christ’s death as the prophecy of the death of Jesus would not have his bones broken. (Crucifixion requires the use of the legs to fill the lungs with air. If they wanted to speed things along the legs of the person being crucified were broken. The two crucified with Jesus had their legs broken, Jesus was dead when they got to him. Then his side was pierced to make sure.)


Matzoh is unleavened bread to remember when the fleeing Jews did not have time to let the bread rise. It is flat, pierced, and striped as an end product.

Isaiah 53:5

But He was pierced for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed.


Jesus was bruised, whipped and pierced.

Three matzoh are placed in a linen bag. Jews do not know why they place three in the bag. Christians recognize this as Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

There are three pouches in the bag, one for each matzoh. The middle matzoh is broken in half. One half remains inside the bag, the other is wrapped in linin and hidden until the end of the meal. As stated earlier, no one knows why three. Some Jews believe they represent Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. But they cannot explain why Isaac is broken. Christians recognize this as the broken body of Christ. The other half removed is wrapped in a linen cloth and hidden. Christians recognize this as the linen wrapped body placed into a tomb.

There are also four cups of wine used at various points during the Seder. Each of these glasses of wine has a name: the first glass is the “cup of sanctification.” The second is the “cup of judgment.” The third is the “cup of redemption.” And the fourth is the “cup of praise.” At the Last Supper Jesus took the first cup and promised His disciples that the next time He drank the fruit of the vine with them would be in the kingdom. Later in the Seder, Jesus took the third cup—the cup of redemption—and used that cup as a symbol of the New Covenant in His blood. Thus Jesus fulfilled the Passover symbolism and infused the whole feast with a new meaning.

At the end of the meal tradition has the children go and find the hidden half of matzoh. When it is found it is removed from the linen and the festivities can begin. Christians see this as the resurrection.
Are we even sure the Israelites were slaves in Egypt? Archeological digs in Palestine show that, except for the absence of pig bones, there are no obvious differences between them and other Canaanites and no evidence of destruction of cities, as mentioned in the Bible, found in the correct time period. I also noticed that the description of Haroset mentions the pyramids, despite the fact that they were already a thousand years old when the Israelites were supposed to have resided in Egypt.
Whether or not the stories are factually correct is irrelevant, for the most part. There's no physical evidence that a man named Jesus ever existed, either.
Don't recall saying one way or the other that he did.
Isaiah 53:5

But He was pierced for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed.

Isaiah 53 is talking about Israel, the people.

Most respectfully.
All Christians should attend a Seder meal, preferably held by a completed Jew who can explain the symbolism as I outline below. It is a meal that Jesus would have conducted every year.

A little background first. The Passover is when the Jewish slaves of Egypt put the blood of a lamb over their door so that death passed over the house that night as the final plague on Egypt so they would free the Jews.

The Passover Seder is a Jewish ritual feast that marks the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover. The elements are symbols of events with the purpose allowing each generation to remember what occurred in the time of Moses. The Hebrew word Seder means “order.” The Passover meal has a specific order in which food is eaten, prayers are recited, and songs are sung. Each item on the Passover plate has a specific historical meaning related to the exodus of the Jews from Egypt and their freedom from slavery. Most of the elements are historical, and some are messianic.

Passover is also the day Jesus was crucified.

One of the elements is the shank bone of a lamb to symbolize the placement of blood over the doors in Egypt. John 1:29, Jesus is the lamb of God. His blood saves all who accept Him.

The instructions for the original Passover specified that the lamb’s bones could not be broken, another foreshadowing of Christ’s death as the prophecy of the death of Jesus would not have his bones broken. (Crucifixion requires the use of the legs to fill the lungs with air. If they wanted to speed things along the legs of the person being crucified were broken. The two crucified with Jesus had their legs broken, Jesus was dead when they got to him. Then his side was pierced to make sure.)


Matzoh is unleavened bread to remember when the fleeing Jews did not have time to let the bread rise. It is flat, pierced, and striped as an end product.

Isaiah 53:5

But He was pierced for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed.


Jesus was bruised, whipped and pierced.

Three matzoh are placed in a linen bag. Jews do not know why they place three in the bag. Christians recognize this as Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

There are three pouches in the bag, one for each matzoh. The middle matzoh is broken in half. One half remains inside the bag, the other is wrapped in linin and hidden until the end of the meal. As stated earlier, no one knows why three. Some Jews believe they represent Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. But they cannot explain why Isaac is broken. Christians recognize this as the broken body of Christ. The other half removed is wrapped in a linen cloth and hidden. Christians recognize this as the linen wrapped body placed into a tomb.

There are also four cups of wine used at various points during the Seder. Each of these glasses of wine has a name: the first glass is the “cup of sanctification.” The second is the “cup of judgment.” The third is the “cup of redemption.” And the fourth is the “cup of praise.” At the Last Supper Jesus took the first cup and promised His disciples that the next time He drank the fruit of the vine with them would be in the kingdom. Later in the Seder, Jesus took the third cup—the cup of redemption—and used that cup as a symbol of the New Covenant in His blood. Thus Jesus fulfilled the Passover symbolism and infused the whole feast with a new meaning.

At the end of the meal tradition has the children go and find the hidden half of matzoh. When it is found it is removed from the linen and the festivities can begin. Christians see this as the resurrection.
Are we even sure the Israelites were slaves in Egypt? Archeological digs in Palestine show that, except for the absence of pig bones, there are no obvious differences between them and other Canaanites and no evidence of destruction of cities, as mentioned in the Bible, found in the correct time period. I also noticed that the description of Haroset mentions the pyramids, despite the fact that they were already a thousand years old when the Israelites were supposed to have resided in Egypt.
Whether or not the stories are factually correct is irrelevant, for the most part. There's no physical evidence that a man named Jesus ever existed, either.
Don't recall saying one way or the other that he did.

I was not accusing you of anything, I was just pointing out that litigating the historical accuracy of religious traditions is beside the point.
Interesting OP.

Whether or not the racist tribalist Jews who mistakenly think God chose them for any other reason other than grace like it or not is what is irrelevant; the Christians are Jews, and it's that Jewish sect that keeps it alive and on track, not the nasty racist 'Orthodox' types who think they're some sort of 'master race' and entitled to rule the world or something. Those types are not even important in Jewish culture any more, they're around 10% or less at this point.
All Christians should attend a Seder meal, preferably held by a completed Jew who can explain the symbolism as I outline below. It is a meal that Jesus would have conducted every year.

A little background first. The Passover is when the Jewish slaves of Egypt put the blood of a lamb over their door so that death passed over the house that night as the final plague on Egypt so they would free the Jews.

The Passover Seder is a Jewish ritual feast that marks the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover. The elements are symbols of events with the purpose allowing each generation to remember what occurred in the time of Moses. The Hebrew word Seder means “order.” The Passover meal has a specific order in which food is eaten, prayers are recited, and songs are sung. Each item on the Passover plate has a specific historical meaning related to the exodus of the Jews from Egypt and their freedom from slavery. Most of the elements are historical, and some are messianic.

Passover is also the day Jesus was crucified.

One of the elements is the shank bone of a lamb to symbolize the placement of blood over the doors in Egypt. John 1:29, Jesus is the lamb of God. His blood saves all who accept Him.

The instructions for the original Passover specified that the lamb’s bones could not be broken, another foreshadowing of Christ’s death as the prophecy of the death of Jesus would not have his bones broken. (Crucifixion requires the use of the legs to fill the lungs with air. If they wanted to speed things along the legs of the person being crucified were broken. The two crucified with Jesus had their legs broken, Jesus was dead when they got to him. Then his side was pierced to make sure.)


Matzoh is unleavened bread to remember when the fleeing Jews did not have time to let the bread rise. It is flat, pierced, and striped as an end product.

Isaiah 53:5

But He was pierced for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed.


Jesus was bruised, whipped and pierced.

Three matzoh are placed in a linen bag. Jews do not know why they place three in the bag. Christians recognize this as Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

There are three pouches in the bag, one for each matzoh. The middle matzoh is broken in half. One half remains inside the bag, the other is wrapped in linin and hidden until the end of the meal. As stated earlier, no one knows why three. Some Jews believe they represent Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. But they cannot explain why Isaac is broken. Christians recognize this as the broken body of Christ. The other half removed is wrapped in a linen cloth and hidden. Christians recognize this as the linen wrapped body placed into a tomb.

There are also four cups of wine used at various points during the Seder. Each of these glasses of wine has a name: the first glass is the “cup of sanctification.” The second is the “cup of judgment.” The third is the “cup of redemption.” And the fourth is the “cup of praise.” At the Last Supper Jesus took the first cup and promised His disciples that the next time He drank the fruit of the vine with them would be in the kingdom. Later in the Seder, Jesus took the third cup—the cup of redemption—and used that cup as a symbol of the New Covenant in His blood. Thus Jesus fulfilled the Passover symbolism and infused the whole feast with a new meaning.

At the end of the meal tradition has the children go and find the hidden half of matzoh. When it is found it is removed from the linen and the festivities can begin. Christians see this as the resurrection.
Are we even sure the Israelites were slaves in Egypt? Archeological digs in Palestine show that, except for the absence of pig bones, there are no obvious differences between them and other Canaanites and no evidence of destruction of cities, as mentioned in the Bible, found in the correct time period. I also noticed that the description of Haroset mentions the pyramids, despite the fact that they were already a thousand years old when the Israelites were supposed to have resided in Egypt.

Whether or not the stories are factually correct is irrelevant, for the most part.

There's no physical evidence that a man named Jesus ever existed, either.
No evidence other than numerous historical records.
Even Mohamed acknowledged Jesus existed, hate monger troll.
Interesting OP.

Whether or not the racist tribalist Jews who mistakenly think God chose them for any other reason other than grace like it or not is what is irrelevant; the Christians are Jews, and it's that Jewish sect that keeps it alive and on track, not the nasty racist 'Orthodox' types who think they're some sort of 'master race' and entitled to rule the world or something. Those types are not even important in Jewish culture any more, they're around 10% or less at this point.
Jews are the master race, because they are Gods people.
It's why you and your haters spend so much time and energy on such a small fragment of the human race and a tiny strip of sand.
All Christians should attend a Seder meal, preferably held by a completed Jew who can explain the symbolism as I outline below. It is a meal that Jesus would have conducted every year.

A little background first. The Passover is when the Jewish slaves of Egypt put the blood of a lamb over their door so that death passed over the house that night as the final plague on Egypt so they would free the Jews.

The Passover Seder is a Jewish ritual feast that marks the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover. The elements are symbols of events with the purpose allowing each generation to remember what occurred in the time of Moses. The Hebrew word Seder means “order.” The Passover meal has a specific order in which food is eaten, prayers are recited, and songs are sung. Each item on the Passover plate has a specific historical meaning related to the exodus of the Jews from Egypt and their freedom from slavery. Most of the elements are historical, and some are messianic.

Passover is also the day Jesus was crucified.

One of the elements is the shank bone of a lamb to symbolize the placement of blood over the doors in Egypt. John 1:29, Jesus is the lamb of God. His blood saves all who accept Him.

The instructions for the original Passover specified that the lamb’s bones could not be broken, another foreshadowing of Christ’s death as the prophecy of the death of Jesus would not have his bones broken. (Crucifixion requires the use of the legs to fill the lungs with air. If they wanted to speed things along the legs of the person being crucified were broken. The two crucified with Jesus had their legs broken, Jesus was dead when they got to him. Then his side was pierced to make sure.)


Matzoh is unleavened bread to remember when the fleeing Jews did not have time to let the bread rise. It is flat, pierced, and striped as an end product.

Isaiah 53:5

But He was pierced for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed.


Jesus was bruised, whipped and pierced.

Three matzoh are placed in a linen bag. Jews do not know why they place three in the bag. Christians recognize this as Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

There are three pouches in the bag, one for each matzoh. The middle matzoh is broken in half. One half remains inside the bag, the other is wrapped in linin and hidden until the end of the meal. As stated earlier, no one knows why three. Some Jews believe they represent Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. But they cannot explain why Isaac is broken. Christians recognize this as the broken body of Christ. The other half removed is wrapped in a linen cloth and hidden. Christians recognize this as the linen wrapped body placed into a tomb.

There are also four cups of wine used at various points during the Seder. Each of these glasses of wine has a name: the first glass is the “cup of sanctification.” The second is the “cup of judgment.” The third is the “cup of redemption.” And the fourth is the “cup of praise.” At the Last Supper Jesus took the first cup and promised His disciples that the next time He drank the fruit of the vine with them would be in the kingdom. Later in the Seder, Jesus took the third cup—the cup of redemption—and used that cup as a symbol of the New Covenant in His blood. Thus Jesus fulfilled the Passover symbolism and infused the whole feast with a new meaning.

At the end of the meal tradition has the children go and find the hidden half of matzoh. When it is found it is removed from the linen and the festivities can begin. Christians see this as the resurrection.
Are we even sure the Israelites were slaves in Egypt? Archeological digs in Palestine show that, except for the absence of pig bones, there are no obvious differences between them and other Canaanites and no evidence of destruction of cities, as mentioned in the Bible, found in the correct time period. I also noticed that the description of Haroset mentions the pyramids, despite the fact that they were already a thousand years old when the Israelites were supposed to have resided in Egypt.

Whether or not the stories are factually correct is irrelevant, for the most part.

There's no physical evidence that a man named Jesus ever existed, either.
No evidence other than numerous historical records.
Even Mohamed acknowledged Jesus existed, hate monger troll.


So, while you openly and unapologetically enjoy trolling other people's beliefs, criticizing your beliefs is apparently crossing a line.

What other double standards do you have, oh good Christian?

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