The Ebola Crisis Shouldve Taught Us? .....


Senior Member
May 4, 2014
What the ebola crisis taught me was:

What did it teach any of you?

1. Our foreign aid 560 million to Liberia - enriches the corrupt and that the natives only get 3% - made me question our foreign aid policies?

2. That our borders are not only infiltrated by Central America, but we have an immigration issue when it comes to every 3rd world country..

3. That diplomacy was more important than our lives, we need more legal stipulations state by state in the event another health epidemic emerges...

4. That the airlines cared more about money than human safety

5. That once again that the US is at the forefront in solving everyone elses issue. We keep overcommitting our military where it doesnt need to be, and leaving ourselves open when we should close ranks ie Iraq.

6. Ive heard a lot of anti American rhetoric visiting other message boards from ppl that we are helping...made me investigate further, realized that just because ppl have a visa doesnt mean that they are in love with America, should give us pause..but it doesnt.

7. That white help is just as dangerous if not more dangerous than racism. America is being a savior for what? Either Africa is run by inept animals orrr they are civilized and capable? I think the white saviors that trample over those of us that seek individual sovereignty for all...are really not being honest. A clear example was when friedman stated that he was concerned about africas...not health, but...wait: Their economy.
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I have learned that Ebola can drive the cost of gas down. It was $2.69 today.

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