The Earth was made for Human beings. There is no need for space travel.

All this talk about Moonbases and we must travel into outer space , and its our destiney to travel to other planets is pure insanity. If you people really listen to what you are saying, you will realize it is really very illogical and very unsound.You are all trying to send people to their death. Human beings will not be able to exist out in deep space.
I keep telling you people this fact.Wake up from your fantasy, come back to reality and scientific facts. Not speculation, and science fiction movies. Do the scientific analysis on deep space and interplanetary travel.!!

You know, people should have never left their fishing village. There was plenty of fish to go around, and actually the help was needed locally so why should anyone in their right mind want to sail across the horizon? waves get big out there, you could run out of water, get lost... man is not a fish, he was not made to be out on open water miles and miles from his home..... my god! how can we ask people to sail to their deaths!
All this talk about Moonbases and we must travel into outer space , and its our destiney to travel to other planets is pure insanity. If you people really listen to what you are saying, you will realize it is really very illogical and very unsound.You are all trying to send people to their death. Human beings will not be able to exist out in deep space.
I keep telling you people this fact.Wake up from your fantasy, come back to reality and scientific facts. Not speculation, and science fiction movies. Do the scientific analysis on deep space and interplanetary travel.!!

No one is saying its our destiny to go to other planets, but in all reality, the Moon and Mars are well within our technological reach. We have already sent craft to both. Secondly, you don't need to send people to their deaths. People want to go to those places willingly, and actually we can send robots as well to do a lot of the heavy lifting.
I know we are making progress in Artificial Intelligence and at some point, they will become good enough to send up on their own. Dont know how long that may take. It may not be in our lifetimes, but in the future it could be the answer to exploring an entire Planet with no risk to human life at all.




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