The downfall of Bush


Senior Member
Oct 20, 2003
North Texas
Seems most people truly do not learn from history.

Here we have the war on terror, an escalating nuclear crisis with North Korea and Iran, more attacks on westerners in Saudi Arabia, Abu Ghraib and Gitmo prisoner abuse, and deepening domestic issues and we still have administrations that think keeping things secret and hidden from the american people is the best policy.

What hasn't been learned over the last 100 years is that with all the political scheming and gaming that goes on in election years is that when you try to keep secrets or downplay, misquote, misspeak, and otherwise try to deflect the truth the only thing you really do is cause more distrust in the people.

If the current administration continues to try to keep quiet or close the doors to the public they will not survive this election.
DK I agree with some of what you are saying. I've always felt it best that the administration tell what it can, cause it's all going to come out anyways. Reagan survived and overcame Iran Contra problem just because of that.

At the same time, it IS an election year. By the very nature of that, things are being blown out of proportion, fogging what could be very serious problems or successes. It seems that whenever they try to get something 'out there' it is twisted, which is the nature of our electoral system-it's adversarial.

I wouldn't trade the system for anything else I know of, but it's not the most effecient in a time of crisis. I think Bush wants to win the election, but he's willing to go down, to do what he thinks is right about the war. Just my take.
an escalating nuclear crisis with North Korea and Iran


(sigh)...where to begin?

Strongest growing economy in a decade? Unemployment rates dropping? A 'safer' world than 4 years ago? Pay Raises for Government employees? What's not to like?


This country has it right - a Bush and a Dick...just like God intended.

Originally posted by -=d=-

(sigh)...where to begin?

Strongest growing economy in a decade? Unemployment rates dropping? A 'safer' world than 4 years ago? Pay Raises for Government employees? What's not to like?


This country has it right - a Bush and a Dick...just like God intended.


Yes, but never underestimate how uninformed and stupid people can be, that's how Billiary got the White House.
Originally posted by Gop guy
Yes, but never unestimate how uninformed and stupid people can be, that's how Billiary got the White House.

I agree. Those that care have to go and work this at the grassroots level. I have been.:D

Benefits: GW has better chance of reelection; comp dinner and rally tickets :cool: ; nice class of guys to date :p:
Originally posted by Gop guy
Yes, but never unestimate how uninformed and stupid people can be, that's how Billiary got the White House.

I hope you aren't insulting DK by this comment; for whatever our political differences, I believe him to be far from stupid; I'd wager he's not only intelligent, but generally a good man.
Originally posted by Sir Evil
He is extremely Inetelligent, as well as a good man!

Yes he is, though his better half is better. :p: Just kidding DK, not KL.
Preach on DK, Bush has most likely lost this upcoming election.

Even old conservative texans i've been talking to lately are for his ouster. They know that he lied to the people one to many times. The reasons for invading Iraq have turned to dust. The admins best source for WMDs was an Iraqi-exile/arch-criminal working for the Iranian government.

Bush is over. His reign is finished.
Originally posted by menewa
Preach on DK, Bush has most likely lost this upcoming election.

Even old conservative texans i've been talking to lately are for his ouster. They know that he lied to the people one to many times. The reasons for invading Iraq have turned to dust. The admins best source for WMDs was an Iraqi-exile/arch-criminal working for the Iranian government.

Bush is over. His reign is finished.

Jus don't have a loaded gun or rope with you on Nov 3rd. I fear for your safety after Bush wins handily.
Originally posted by menewa
Preach on DK, Bush has most likely lost this upcoming election.

Even old conservative texans i've been talking to lately are for his ouster. They know that he lied to the people one to many times. The reasons for invading Iraq have turned to dust. The admins best source for WMDs was an Iraqi-exile/arch-criminal working for the Iranian government.

Bush is over. His reign is finished.

And these Texan old timers are going to vote for Kerry?? You guys gotta realize that there are only 2 viable options here. The sources that you refer to may have differences with Bush but they have MANY more with Kerry and will not vote FOR him. This is of no help to Kerry.
Originally posted by dilloduck
And these Texan old timers are going to vote for Kerry?? You guys gotta realize that there are only 2 viable options here. The sources that you refer to may have differences with Bush but they have MANY more with Kerry and will not vote FOR him. This is of no help to Kerry.

Besides, Texas is a lost cause to the Dems anyway. whats 2 or 3 more votes in Texas gonna do? they love bush there.
The admins best source for WMDs was an Iraqi-exile/arch-criminal working for the Iranian government.
And all the Democrats and world leaders who said Iraq had them. Of course, they weren't lying when they said that.

And these Texan old timers are going to vote for Kerry?? You guys gotta realize that there are only 2 viable options here. The sources that you refer to may have differences with Bush but they have MANY more with Kerry and will not vote FOR him. This is of no help to Kerry.
Exactly. Regardless of what they think of Bush, they sure as hell won't vote for Kerry.
Yes, but never unestimate how uninformed and stupid people can be, that's how Billiary got the White House.

IF you were regarding your 'intimation' towards DK, let me stop you right there.

His IQ is right along with mine and Im a friggin genius. I was skipped several grades in school, graduated HS at 16 (and in my sr. year I completed freshman AND sophomore college courses). I graduated my 4 year college before 18. I completed a doctorate in a very intense field (quantum metaphysics WITH a double minor in theology and theosophy). For me to be with someone that cannot at least match (preferably surpass) my intelligence and intellect would be like pulling my brain out of my ear. I couldnt do it.

Make sure you know of what you speak before you do so.
You dont to get on my bad side. Trust me.
Originally posted by KLSuddeth
IF you were regarding your 'intimation' towards DK, let me stop you right there.

His IQ is right along with mine and Im a friggin genius. I was skipped several grades in school, graduated HS at 16 (and in my sr. year I completed freshman AND sophomore college courses). I graduated my 4 year college before 18. I completed a doctorate in a very intense field (quantum metaphysics WITH a double minor in theology and theosophy). For me to be with someone that cannot at least match (preferably surpass) my intelligence and intellect would be like pulling my brain out of my ear. I couldnt do it.

Make sure you know of what you speak before you do so.
You dont to get on my bad side. Trust me.

I know guy makes rash statements but im pretty sure this wasnt one of them. I think he was simply referring to the masses who follow the piper and not DK. So cut him some slack.
Originally posted by KLSuddeth

IF you were regarding your 'intimation' towards DK, let me stop you right there. His IQ is right along with mine and Im a friggin genius. I was skipped several grades in school, graduated HS at 16 (and in my sr. year I completed freshman AND sophomore college courses). I graduated my 4 year college before 18. I completed a doctorate in a very intense field (quantum metaphysics WITH a double minor in theology and theosophy). For me to be with someone that cannot at least match (preferably surpass) my intelligence and intellect would be like pulling my brain out of my ear. I couldnt do it. Make sure you know of what you speak before you do so. You dont to get on my bad side. Trust me.

KL really intelligent people do not need to brag about accomplishments or their own perceived IQ. Einstein himself admitted that he was not any more intelligent than anyone else but simply had an extraordinary amount of curiosity.

KL is the field of quantum metaphysics anything like the following definition?

The term "quantum" taken out of its original scientific context has become the mantra of a new metaphysics which purports to find a convergence between the picture of reality presented by physics and the world view of traditional Eastern mysticism.
blah blah blah

oh how you hurt my little feelings - i shall never recover.

I'll brag if I want - I earned it and am proud of it.

DK hold me - the big mean dr said mean things - :rolleyes:

Please. Learn to play if you want to stay in the game, little man.

I IMd GOP guy and apologized for my remarks soon after I made them. Not that its any of your business, however, seems that you like paying attention to others' concerns when you ought to mind your own - you have enough to keep you busy there.
Originally posted by KLSuddeth

I IMd GOP guy and apologized for my remarks soon after I made them. Not that its any of your business, however, seems that you like paying attention to others' concerns when you ought to mind your own - you have enough to keep you busy there.

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