The DNC: America's Most Notorious Hate Group


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Who's in charge, a commie and a black radical islamist...

Now we're told that some racism and supremacism is perfectly okay.
August 24, 2017

John Perazzo


In August 2015, for instance, the DNC issued a formal resolution officially endorsing Black Lives Matter (BLM), a black supremacist movement founded in 2013 by a coterie of revolutionary Marxists. Numerous BLM activists have openly called for the murder of white police officers — and in some cases white people generally. Moreover, the demonstrators at all BLM events invoke a famous call-to-arms by the Marxist revolutionary, former Black Panther, convicted cop-killer, and longtime fugitive Assata Shakur, in which Shakur quotes a passage from her beloved Communist Manifesto.

Notwithstanding BLM's racist and violent (and Marxist) track record, the movement's leaders were frequent guests at the White House during President Obama's second term in office. One of those occasions was September 16, 2015, when BLM activist Brittany Packnett — making her seventh White House visit — proudly told reporters that the president had offered her and her comrades “a lot of encouragement” while exhorting them to “keep speaking truth to power.” The following month, the DNC invited BLM activists to organize and host a town hall forum where the Democratic Party’s presidential candidates could discuss “racial justice.” In December 2015, President Obama lauded BLM for shining “sunlight” on the problem of racist policing in America, and on a subsequent occasion he likened BLM to the abolition and suffrage movements, which he said were also “contentious and messy” but ultimately noble. And on July 13, 2016 – a mere six days after a BLM supporter in Dallas had shot and killed five police officers and wounded seven others – Obama hosted three BLM leaders at a lengthy White House meeting along with the legendary racist anti-Semite, Al Sharpton.

By then, Sharpton was well-established as “Obama's go-to man on race.” Indeed, Obama had addressed Sharpton's National Action Network on multiple occasions, lauding the organization for its “commitment to fight injustice and inequality,” and for doing work that was “so important to change America.” He had also characterized Sharpton as “a voice for the voiceless and ... dispossessed,” and had praised Sharpton's “dedication to the righteous cause of perfecting our union.” From January 2009 through December 2014, Al Sharpton – the most visible racist anti-Semite of the past generationvisited the Obama White House on 72 separate occasions, including 5 one-on-one meetings with the president and 20 meetings with staff members or senior advisers.

And the DNC had no problem with any of this.


It is nothing short of astonishing that the DNC can so shamelessly turn a blind eye to all this ugliness — to all this very obvious endorsement of racism and supremacism by the very people to whom it is closest — while feigning outrage over the “white supremacy” that has supposedly infiltrated the Trump White House. More than any other organization in America, the DNC itself reigns supreme over the “Empire of Lies” that George Orwell identified as the place where “truth is treason.”

The DNC: America's Most Notorious Hate Group

The Democrat Coalition of Hate: Nation of Islam, Klan, La Raza, Black Panthers, LULAC, Muslim Brotherhood, Antifa, BLM, CAIR, Aztlan Nationalist....
Who's in charge, a commie and a black radical islamist...

Now we're told that some racism and supremacism is perfectly okay.
August 24, 2017

John Perazzo


In August 2015, for instance, the DNC issued a formal resolution officially endorsing Black Lives Matter (BLM), a black supremacist movement founded in 2013 by a coterie of revolutionary Marxists. Numerous BLM activists have openly called for the murder of white police officers — and in some cases white people generally. Moreover, the demonstrators at all BLM events invoke a famous call-to-arms by the Marxist revolutionary, former Black Panther, convicted cop-killer, and longtime fugitive Assata Shakur, in which Shakur quotes a passage from her beloved Communist Manifesto.

Notwithstanding BLM's racist and violent (and Marxist) track record, the movement's leaders were frequent guests at the White House during President Obama's second term in office. One of those occasions was September 16, 2015, when BLM activist Brittany Packnett — making her seventh White House visit — proudly told reporters that the president had offered her and her comrades “a lot of encouragement” while exhorting them to “keep speaking truth to power.” The following month, the DNC invited BLM activists to organize and host a town hall forum where the Democratic Party’s presidential candidates could discuss “racial justice.” In December 2015, President Obama lauded BLM for shining “sunlight” on the problem of racist policing in America, and on a subsequent occasion he likened BLM to the abolition and suffrage movements, which he said were also “contentious and messy” but ultimately noble. And on July 13, 2016 – a mere six days after a BLM supporter in Dallas had shot and killed five police officers and wounded seven others – Obama hosted three BLM leaders at a lengthy White House meeting along with the legendary racist anti-Semite, Al Sharpton.

By then, Sharpton was well-established as “Obama's go-to man on race.” Indeed, Obama had addressed Sharpton's National Action Network on multiple occasions, lauding the organization for its “commitment to fight injustice and inequality,” and for doing work that was “so important to change America.” He had also characterized Sharpton as “a voice for the voiceless and ... dispossessed,” and had praised Sharpton's “dedication to the righteous cause of perfecting our union.” From January 2009 through December 2014, Al Sharpton – the most visible racist anti-Semite of the past generationvisited the Obama White House on 72 separate occasions, including 5 one-on-one meetings with the president and 20 meetings with staff members or senior advisers.

And the DNC had no problem with any of this.


It is nothing short of astonishing that the DNC can so shamelessly turn a blind eye to all this ugliness — to all this very obvious endorsement of racism and supremacism by the very people to whom it is closest — while feigning outrage over the “white supremacy” that has supposedly infiltrated the Trump White House. More than any other organization in America, the DNC itself reigns supreme over the “Empire of Lies” that George Orwell identified as the place where “truth is treason.”

The DNC: America's Most Notorious Hate Group
the media falls into this category too. they are vicious with a democrat agenda.
sounds as if the aclu will not be defending the kkk anymore.
Why the Left hates the president and the nation he heads.
August 25, 2017

David Horowitz

Let’s start by noticing the obvious. The biggest hate group in America - by a wide margin - is the anti-Trump chorus, which has advanced from calling him “unfit to be president” to accusing him (in the words of CNN’s Ana Navarro) of being “unfit to be human.” In between are malignant accusations that he is a “neo-Nazi,” a “white nationalist” and a “white supremacist” – all revelations about Trump’s character that somehow remained hidden during the thirty years he was a public figure and before he ran against Hillary Clinton. Nor is the hate confined to Trump alone but includes his aides and supporters. Congressman Jerrold Nadler and other House Democrats have even attacked Trump’s policy adviser Stephen Miller as a “white supremacist” for defending a merit-based immigration reform. The attacks from the anti-Trump left also include the charge that America itself is a “white supremacist” country.

In a nation which for eight years was headed by a black president, had two chief law enforcement officers who were black, has recently had two black secretaries of state and three black national security advisers, and has elected more than 10,000 black government officials; in a nation that has been governed for fifty years by statutes that outlaw discrimination by race and whose national culture is saturated with non-white heroes and icons – in such a nation, people who refer to America as “white supremacist” would normally be dismissed as an oddball fringe, members of a fraternity that includes people who think Elvis is still alive and on the moon. Unfortunately, we live in times that are not normal.


The malicious charge that Trump and his supporters are white racists is the central meme of a concerted effort to overthrow the Trump presidency before it has run its course – or before it had even gotten started. The accusation is made despite the fact that Republicans who elected Trump also voted for Barack Obama, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Bobby Jindahl, and that Democrats – not Republicans - were the principal resistors to the Civil Rights Acts. Reality aside, just 12 days after Trump’s inauguration Democrat leader Nancy Pelosi was already denouncing Trump’s chief strategist, Steve Bannon, as a “white supremacist,” while Rep. Maxine Waters was revving up the call to impeach him with her colleagues not far behind. Six months later, the lead headline at, was proclaiming, “White Supremacy Week at the White House.” Not to be outdone, The Week, whose commentators include the Atlantic’s David Frum, and Kerry adviser, Robert Shrum, ran a piece titled, “It’s White Nationalism Week at the White House.” Really.


An American patriotism – which is precisely not about blood and soil, which is the antithesis of racism and collectivism - is what drives Trump and his presidency. If we are loyal to our country we will be loyal to each other; if we have patriotism in our hearts there will be no room for prejudice; we are black and brown and white but we all bleed patriot red. This is the mantra of Trump’s inaugural address; it was the mantra of his announcement of a new strategy to fight the terrorists in Afghanistan; and it is the mantra behind the call to “make America great again.” Patriotism – a specifically American patriotism – is the loyalty that unites us and makes us equal. It is this patriotism with which the political left is at war, and the reason they hate this president and are determined to destroy him.

The Racist Attacks on America and Trump

The Corrupt Democratic Party is based upon hate and that is why it has so many hate groups, like the
racist Nation of Islam Democrats, racist Klan Democrats, racist La Raza Democrats, racist BLM Democrats, racist Muslim Brotherhood Democrats, racist LULAC Democrats, racist CAIR Democrats, racist Aztlan Nationalist Democrats, racist Affirmative Action advocate Democrats, racist Sanctuary City Democrats, racist Antifa Rioter Democrats………
The Corrupt Democratic Party is based upon hate and that is why it has so many hate groups, like the
racist Nation of Islam Democrats, racist Klan Democrats, racist La Raza Democrats, racist BLM Democrats, racist Muslim Brotherhood Democrats, racist LULAC Democrats, racist CAIR Democrats, racist Aztlan Nationalist Democrats, racist Affirmative Action advocate Democrats, racist Sanctuary City Democrats, racist Antifa Rioter Democrats………

I demand that the DNC disband immediately. Take it down.

Since they are worse than any of the southern rebels that are currently under attack, I say we take down anything that represents the Dem party. Isn't that what we are supposed to do when we are offended? And where the hell are the safe spaces for the victims of liberal rhetoric?
I demand that the DNC disband immediately. Take it down.

Since they are worse than any of the southern rebels that are currently under attack, I say we take down anything that represents the Dem party. Isn't that what we are supposed to do when we are offended? And where the hell are the safe spaces for the victims of liberal rhetoric?
We can start with planned parenthood and the carbon banks...
Look at the love, what a face, she expresses and soul the Democratic Party...

A true representative of the "anti-fascist" movement.
August 29, 2017

John Perazzo

Yvette Felarca has been posing as a social studies teacher at a public school in Berkeley, California for the past eleven years. But her true calling in life,⸺ what really makes her happy,⸺ is to be a violent revolutionary who helps tear America's social fabric to shreds. In pursuit of that goal, Felarca serves as a national organizer for By Any Means Necessary(BAMN), a self-described “militant anti-facist group.” Obviously, being “anti-fascist” sounds pretty unobjectionable at first blush. But to put things in their proper context, BAMN grew out of the Revolutionary Workers League, a Trotskyite entity that favors worldwide socialist revolution and was once the largest black Marxist organization in the New Communist Movement, which openly endorsed violence. Interesting affiliations for a devoted “anti-fascist,” huh?

Moreover, Felarca has been an activist in the anti-capitalist, pro-socialist Occupy Wall Streetmovement, and a participant in Black Lives Matter protests in California. Black Lives Matter is a black supremacist movement that was founded by Marxist revolutionaries who uniformly revere Assata Shakur, the former Black Panther and convicted cop-killer who has spent decades as a fugitive in Communist Cuba. Again, a curious choice of friends for an “anti-fascist,” huh?

Felarca hates America to its core, because she views it as a nation steeped in toxic white racism. And she's determined to indoctrinate her students with this very same hatred, no matter what the cost. When her school district docked her pay because she had repeatedly violated district rules by using her leave time to attend “immigrant-rights” marches in support of open borders and amnesty, Felarca nevertheless continued to play by her own rules. When the school district eventually scheduled a private meeting to discuss Felarca's insubordination, a gang of young rabble rousers assembled outside the district office to denounce the “harassment” of their “anti-fascist” icon. After that meeting, Felarca posted a Facebook message urging her supporters to sign a petition characterizing her as a heroic role model who should be allowed to use her personal leave time for whatever political purposes she damn well pleased.


Yvette Felarca loves violence. She loves rage. She loves fire. She loves blood. Her face is the very, very, very fascistic face of “anti-fascism.” Nor is this a contradiction in any way. By no means are communism and fascism polar opposites. As author Jonah Goldberg explains, they are “closely related” systems whose “differences are minimal” in terms of “their theory and practice.” Yvette Felarca is living proof of this.

Yvette Felarca: Fascistic Warrior of the Left

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