The DNC: A collusal failure in the making


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
First off, look at the keynote speakers:

- Some no-name ass clown mayor from Texas gave the closing keynote on night one. His speech got slammed by factcheckers__ hits DNC keynote speaker Julian Castro, others for

BTW, I personally slammed Republicans for shamelessly trumping their local star, Mia Love. Apparently, Dems are even more shameless. They made their non-national player a keynote speaker.

Also, it's worth noting that this guy is only speaking b/c Hillary gave Obama the finger and jetted out of the country! :lmao

- Michelle Obama who gave such a fluffy speech that she should consider getting a job as a fluffer (though to be fair, it's probably the one speech that is largely viewed as positive in many circles).

- The DNC prance out Elizabeth Warren on night two as the first keynote. It doesn't matter if she's been shamed and disgraced for lies as long as she's a former elementary school teacher and a woman. She ultimately gave an uninspired speech.

- Then the night ends with Bill Clinton bloviating for 52 minutes; mostly trumping himself and his alleged accomplishment; and at the climax of his speech he says, 'if you re-elect Obama, you'll feel it. Oh yea, you'll feel it!" Another backhanded endorsement :lmao: Then Obama eventually comes out and they just look like water and oil. Obama's trying to pull him towards him and Clinton's trying to pull away. CLASSIC.

And it's funny, because the DNC gave really the second most important keynote speech to Bill, a guy who hates Obama. That's how little faith they have in Biden :lmao:

Wow, and it was said that the only topic that Clinton didn't touch was Osama (partly b/c he f'd that up). We know it's so that the autistic Biden needs something to spout when he's on stage. "GM's alive, Osama's dead." You know how the song goes already. Like the Seals said, they knew Obama would try to get elected off of their accomplishment.


And it's funny b/c Obama realized, oh shit__ activists hijacked our platform and took God out of our platform and officially said F You to Israel. So he tries to get it reversed, so they can get back to their standard lip service politics.

Only one problem, 2/3 of the convention hall doesn't vote for it. It's only half and half! But in their true AUTHORITARIAN FASHION, VIllaregosa declares the amendment passed! :lmao:

It's pathetic too, b/c they had zoomed in on some crusading atheists and they were just shitting their pants and throwing a tantrum! Don't worry though Dems. We know what you believe even if your party platform tells you otherwise.


Oh man, and it got so bad that they bumped Sandra Flook into primetime. She just came out and gave a total dingbat speech too.

Oh man, it is a train wreck! Thanks for exposing yourself for what you are Dumbocrats!
I forgot to mention the debacle of Obama's stadium speech getting canceled b/c they couldn't bus enough sheep there!

Not to mention the former Ohio governor trumping Kasich's accomplishments as his own and the current Mass governor trying to call out Romeny. Then the next day, the fact check reports show that employment, debt, poverty all improved under Romney and all got much worse under the asshole whose name I don't even recall. Dems, if you're going to lie at least don't make them so blatant that they can be so easily disproved. I know that Obama has taught you that if you say it then it must be true; but the rest of the world isn't fooled.
Blogging the DNC headlines with weaselzippers. I believe someone quoted Will Rogers yesterday "I belong to the most disorganized party ever, the Democrats" Zip has the evidence not much has changed since Will Rogers' time. Then the Democrats want a ban on a company's profitability on top of it all. Another four more of 'Bam and what will the unemployment rate be then, 16% by 2016.

Death Threat From DNC Delegate: “Mitt Romney… I Would Like To Kill Him!”.. | Weasel Zippers

Sandra Fluke At DNC: Paul Ryan

Mother of DNC Convention Star Called Alamo Defenders

DNC Gives Planned Parenthood President A Standing Ovation, Says Abortion Business Has Obama “On Our Side”… | Weasel Zippers

Picture: Teleprompter Already Affirmed Two-Thirds Majority Before Jerusalem And God Platform Vote Was Taken… | Weasel Zippers

Video: Pelosi Refuses To Talk About Platform Controversy, “It’s Over”… | Weasel Zippers

Politico: Obama Had Approved Dem Platform With Jerusalem And God Omissions Prior To Convention, “Did Not Seek To Change It”… | Weasel Zippers

Florida DNC Boss: “Christians Want Jews Slaughtered”… | Weasel Zippers

Arab DNC Delegate Outraged Jerusalem Was Restored To Party Platform… | Weasel Zippers

Wasserman Schultz Cancels Interviews After Disastrous CNN Appearance Where She Denied “Discord” On Convention Floor After Jerusalem Vote… | Weasel Zippers

DNC Says Jerusalem Was Deleted From Democratic Platform To Reflect Obama’s Policy | Weasel Zippers

DWS: There Was No Booing Or Discord On Convention Floor When Jerusalem And God Were Added To Platform,

With an Obama presidency till 2016, people won't even remember Israel ever existed, but people will also be wondering in 2016 where America went.
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And I've watched exactly *NONE* of it. Listening to the left and their lies makes me ill, and I'd rather not be ill.
First off, look at the keynote speakers:

- Some no-name ass clown mayor from Texas gave the closing keynote on night one. His speech got slammed by factcheckers__ hits DNC keynote speaker Julian Castro, others for

BTW, I personally slammed Republicans for shamelessly trumping their local star, Mia Love. Apparently, Dems are even more shameless. They made their non-national player a keynote speaker.

Also, it's worth noting that this guy is only speaking b/c Hillary gave Obama the finger and jetted out of the country! :lmao

- Michelle Obama who gave such a fluffy speech that she should consider getting a job as a fluffer (though to be fair, it's probably the one speech that is largely viewed as positive in many circles).

- The DNC prance out Elizabeth Warren on night two as the first keynote. It doesn't matter if she's been shamed and disgraced for lies as long as she's a former elementary school teacher and a woman. She ultimately gave an uninspired speech.

- Then the night ends with Bill Clinton bloviating for 52 minutes; mostly trumping himself and his alleged accomplishment; and at the climax of his speech he says, 'if you re-elect Obama, you'll feel it. Oh yea, you'll feel it!" Another backhanded endorsement :lmao: Then Obama eventually comes out and they just look like water and oil. Obama's trying to pull him towards him and Clinton's trying to pull away. CLASSIC.

And it's funny, because the DNC gave really the second most important keynote speech to Bill, a guy who hates Obama. That's how little faith they have in Biden :lmao:

Wow, and it was said that the only topic that Clinton didn't touch was Osama (partly b/c he f'd that up). We know it's so that the autistic Biden needs something to spout when he's on stage. "GM's alive, Osama's dead." You know how the song goes already. Like the Seals said, they knew Obama would try to get elected off of their accomplishment.


And it's funny b/c Obama realized, oh shit__ activists hijacked our platform and took God out of our platform and officially said F You to Israel. So he tries to get it reversed, so they can get back to their standard lip service politics.

Only one problem, 2/3 of the convention hall doesn't vote for it. It's only half and half! But in their true AUTHORITARIAN FASHION, VIllaregosa declares the amendment passed! :lmao:

It's pathetic too, b/c they had zoomed in on some crusading atheists and they were just shitting their pants and throwing a tantrum! Don't worry though Dems. We know what you believe even if your party platform tells you otherwise.


Oh man, and it got so bad that they bumped Sandra Flook into primetime. She just came out and gave a total dingbat speech too.

Oh man, it is a train wreck! Thanks for exposing yourself for what you are Dumbocrats!

Sooo, other than your one link to the "liberal"... The rest of your post is just a bunch of meaningless derogatory opinions about people you don't agree with?

Conceal your hate, it's shameful.
We must keep reminding the democrats this election is about the economy.

Bubba addressed that in detail.

“If you want a future of shared prosperity, where the middle class is growing and poverty is declining, where the American dream is alive and well and where the United States maintains its leadership as a force for peace, and justice, and prosperity, in this highly competitive world, you have to vote for Barack Obama.”

“We left a mess. He has not cleaned it up fast enough, so put us back in.”

“We could see the policies were working, that the economy was growing, but most people did not feel it yet,” he said. The only difference, he said, was that Obama started with “a much weaker economy.”

“No president — no president — not me, not any of my predecessors, no one could have fully repaired all the damage that he found in just four years,” Clinton said. “He has laid the foundations for a new modern successful economy, a shared prosperity, and if you will renew the president’s contract, you will feel it.”

“The Romney plan fails the first test of fiscal responsibility: The numbers do not add up.”

“We simply cannot afford to give the reins of government to someone who will double down on trickle-down.”​

There's lots more in that speech that addresses the economy. I doubt you'd ever be honest about it. I doubt you even listened to that speech, or the one given by the former Costco CEO. Yes, it's still the economy, stupid. Yes, Romney wants to bring us back to the failed policies that got us here.
“No president — no president — not me, not any of my predecessors, no one could have fully repaired all the damage that he found in just four years,” Clinton said. “He has laid the foundations for a new modern successful economy, a shared prosperity, and if you will renew the president’s contract, you will feel it.”

Dems really lowered the bar. All of the sudden a four year presidential term isn't long enough to get results.

“The Romney plan fails the first test of fiscal responsibility: The numbers do not add up.”

The political version of NUH UH.

“We simply cannot afford to give the reins of government to someone who will double down on trickle-down.”

Yea, cos the 80's were so bad.

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