The dismantling of Obamacare


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
WTG President TRUMP...
Trump admin cancels ObamaCare ads

The Hill

Peter Sullivan

The Trump administration has cancelled any remaining ObamaCare advertising and outreach planned for the final days of the sign-up period, according to Politico.

The move could negatively affect enrollment, given that many people wait until close to the Jan. 31 deadline to sign up.

Politico reported that even ads that have already been paid for have been cancelled.

The move is an indication that the Trump administration could be seeking ways to undermine the law even before action from Congress to repeal it.

Some Democrats reacted with anger, saying the Trump administration was simply trying to sabotage the law.


Trump admin cancels ObamaCare ads
Can I Be The Poster Child Against ObamaCare?
Repeal can't come soon enough.
January 26, 2017
Ann Coulter

Republicans all say they want to save the so-called "good parts" of Obamacare. Because who knows better what the American consumer wants than a member of Congress!

I keep imagining Congress designing a "comprehensive hotel reform bill," promising to save the popular parts: "BUT PEOPLE LIKE HAVING TV'S IN THEIR HOTEL ROOMS!" How could we ever get TVs in hotel rooms without Congress writing a law?

It turns out, people running a business have an uncanny ability to figure out what's popular with their customers.

Any "popular" features of Obamacare obviously, manifestly, inevitably will be preserved by the free market. If parents like keeping their useless millennial kids on their plans, guess what? Any insurance company forced to compete with other insurance companies WILL OFFER THAT.

As for covering people with "pre-existing conditions" -- there are pre-existing conditions and pre-existing conditions. Does this mean the unfortunate few with some exorbitantly expensive medical problem? Or does it mean people who have a "pre-existing condition" because they waited to be diagnosed with cancer before buying insurance?


We'd come to Washington and tell you that, but we're working to pay for the pediatric dental care of illegal aliens.

Can I Be The Poster Child Against ObamaCare?
WTG President TRUMP...
Trump admin cancels ObamaCare ads

The Hill

Peter Sullivan

The Trump administration has cancelled any remaining ObamaCare advertising and outreach planned for the final days of the sign-up period, according to Politico.

The move could negatively affect enrollment, given that many people wait until close to the Jan. 31 deadline to sign up.

Politico reported that even ads that have already been paid for have been cancelled.

The move is an indication that the Trump administration could be seeking ways to undermine the law even before action from Congress to repeal it.

Some Democrats reacted with anger, saying the Trump administration was simply trying to sabotage the law.


Trump admin cancels ObamaCare ads

Indeed Trump was right when he said he could allow the law to move forward as is and let Democrats eat the political repercussions. But that would be wrong for the American people. No one had any doubt that Obamacare would fail and now that it has Democrats want to transfer the political liability to Republicans by claiming Trump is sabotaging a law that was already failing. Additional money for a sales pitch to promote a peace of failing garbage is a waste of of taxpayer dime and everyone will see it that way. Trump is correct to pull these ads.
Republicans won't be able to please everyone. So what will they choose?
March 14, 2017
Bruce Thornton


The Republicans have started fixing the Obamacare disaster. For Trump, doing something about this failed program is critical, since it was a central issue he campaigned on. As his consigliere Kellyanne Conway says, there is a “binary choice … you’re either making good on the promise to repeal and replace Obamacare or you’re not.” Failing to deliver on this promise will have serious repercussions for the 2018 midterm elections and Trump’s own reelection

But right now, the Congressional bomb-squad trying to defuse this political IED are squabbling among themselves. Some claim that the changes proposed so far are a good start, for a complex and flawed entitlement like Obamacare will take time to fix. Others say what Paul Ryan et al. have proposed is merely “Obamacare lite,” Republican lipstick on that budget-busting entitlement pig. Dems on the sidelines are piling on, desperate to preserve Obama’s “legacy,” which also happens to be a big step toward the Holy Grail of progressives–– government-run, single-payer health care on the European model.

But the real problem continues to be ignored––the success of the progressive movement in addicting Americans to getting something for nothing because that “something” is defined as a “right.” And voters don’t like their rights messed with.

That’s the political conundrum facing the Republicans. Those in the Paul Ryan camp defend their adjustments to Obamacare by pointing out the greater participation of the market in their reforms. Here’s Ryan making the case:

It’s something that we as conservatives have always said if you really want to get free market principles injected into the health care system, you need to have an individual market where people care about what things cost, where people have real freedom, where those providers of health care services, be they insurers, doctors, or hospitals and everybody in between, compete against each other for our business based on value, based on price, based on quality, based on outcome. You don’t get that if you don’t have a viable individual free market.

All true, except the one thing Ryan doesn’t mention, and that’s the individual’s responsibility for his free choice. Whenever we talk about freedom of choice in the free market, we have to be clear that making the wrong choice, or a bad choice, will have consequences. Freedom without responsibility and accountability for how we use our freedom is a recipe for disaster. We all know, for example, that a lot of health-care money is spent on ailments related to lifestyle choices. About 28 million Americans have type-two diabetes. Obesity, poor diet, and lack of exercise are mostly responsible for this rising epidemic. In 2013 we spent $250 billion treating this disease, including the cost of lost productivity. The government paid 62 percent of this tab, and one in three Medicaid dollars was spent on diabetes. These costs will increase significantly as an aging, longer-living population becomes more vulnerable to the disease. And everyone expects the government to foot the bill.


In the end, the current GOP plan will still be run by the government and paid for by the government with taxpayers’ money. The voters won’t settle for anything less. But a complete repeal could cause an electoral disaster. So which wire does the Republican bomb-squad cut?

The Obamacare IED

43,000 dead per year if you get your way.

Please provide a link.

If you link to that total crap study by Harvard, put a dunce cap on and go sit in the corner.

Even statisticians from Harvard said that the conclusions were cloudy given the methodology.
ACA is probably not going to change anytime soon.

Trump-Care is not popular with either party.

All it is, is more tax cuts in the form of refunds, for the rich.
ACA is probably not going to change anytime soon.

Trump-Care is not popular with either party.

All it is, is more tax cuts in the form of refunds, for the rich.

Expecting Congress, regardless of who is in control, to voluntarily give up control of 1/3 of the US economy is a bit naive.
I still see ads supporting the ACA on TV.

Of course they're stupid ads that attempt to inject favoritism towards one politician over the other... The funniest part about the ad is that it refers to Obamcare as affordable. I just couldn't stop laughing after I heard that line.

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