The diiference between God and Buddha

What benefit would I gain from you being enlightened?

It is said that even a insect encountering an enlightened one is benefited. The term for buddha in Tibetan is sang gyay. Which means to clear away and to unfold. What is cleared away when one becomes enlightened are the five poisons of the mind; ignorance, pride, jealousy, neurotic grasping, and hatred. What unfolds are are qualities of love, compassion, joy and equanimity.

Can you see how it might benefit to be around a human being who is immeasurably endowed with love, compassion, joy and equanimity?

No human being is immeasurably endowed with any of those qualities, never mind all of them. The Dalai Lama aptly illustrates this in his belief that Tibet fell to China because some Buddhist chose to resist the invasion. The reason Tibet fell is rather simple, China decided to invade. If they had not resisted the only difference would have been that China would have gotten in faster.

If the Dalia Lama was really enlightened he would realize that faith does not keep you safe from the world, it comforts you in the world. His willingness to ascribe the non virtue of resistance to apportion blame for the fall of Tibet is just as wrong as Westboro Baptist Church saying that God is punishing the United States for its support of gays by killing American soldiers.

Perhaps, if people were not so ready to ascribe him some sort of special status simply because he claims to be enlightened, he would be called on his position.

Did I say the Dalai Lama is enlightened? He doesn't claim to be. All he claims to be is a simple Buddhist monk. He teaches about karma, which is the context of his statement about why Tibet fell to the Chinese.

What is it that you hate him for?
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