The Devil In Dover


Freelance Beer Tester
Nov 11, 2008
I just finished reading an excellent book entitled "The Devil in Dover" by Laurie Lebo that describes the trial in Dover, Pennsylvania invloving the teaching of creationism/ID in their public school. The trial from start to finish was an enormous embarrassment to the fundamentalist christians that tried to force their religion on Dover public school students through the Dover school board and a huge, very public defeat for the creationism/ID movement. What I found most disturbing was that these fundamentalists continuously lied and manipulated in order to demonstrate their superior morals. The judge in the case was a conservative Bush appointee and no one was sure how he would handle the trial. He had no choice but to issue his decision against creationism/ID and the school board. He was outraged enough to recommend that some of the board members be charged with perjury.
it simply amazes me that people would elect to teach their children misinformation for the sake of their religion....many religions do this....the teaching of creationism should be outlawed in public schools.
hopefully, the definition has the word 'sarcasm' in it so that you can catch it the second time around.

oops, excuse me..

hopefully, the definition has the word 'sarcasm' in it so that you can catch it the second time around.
it simply amazes me that people would elect to teach their children misinformation for the sake of their religion....many religions do this....the teaching of creationism should be outlawed in public schools.

It's one thing to allow their own children to become intellectual cripples by discouraging critical thinking but these people won't be satisfied until all of OUR children are dumbed down with their own. I was happy to see that the judge lambasted them for their dishonesty.
hopefully, the definition has the word 'sarcasm' in it so that you can catch it the second time around.

It appears that you also know the definition of the word "backpedal".
It appears that you also know the definition of the word "backpedal".

And it appears you figured out how to post without bolding your text. Congrats.

welcome to the forum.
And it appears you figured out how to post without bolding your text. Congrats.

welcome to the forum.

I used bold text to differentiate it from my signature lines. If that ruins your day, call the font police.
I used bold text to differentiate it from my signature lines. If that ruins your day, call the font police.

Perhaps you should reconsider your signature lines then. Like I said, welcome to my shit list.

Perhaps you should reconsider your signature lines then. Like I said, welcome to my shit list.

I don't kowtow to sanctimonious blowhards.

It's just a policy I have. I hope you understand.

Someone sent me this quote and I think it is right on the mark about the damage fundamnentalists are doing to the reputation of christians in general.

It is time for Christian people to recognize that the defense of this modern, young-Earth, Flood-geology creationism is simply not truthful. It is simply not in accord with the facts that God has given. Creationism must be abandoned by Christians before harm is done. The persistent attempt of the creationist movement to get their points of view established in educational institutions can only bring harm to the Christian cause. Can we seriously expect non-Christian educational leaders to develop a respect for Christianity if we insist on teaching the brand of science that creationism brings with it? Will not the forcing of modern creationism on the public simply lend credence to the idea already entertained by so many intellectual leaders that Christianity, at least in its modern form, is sheer anti-intellectual obscurantism? I fear that it will.
--Davis A. Young, Christianity and the Age of the Earth
it simply amazes me that people would elect to teach their children misinformation for the sake of their religion....many religions do this....the teaching of creationism should be outlawed in public schools.

You know something? This is dangerously close to what the radical Islamists do in their Madrassas, they teach nothing but their holy book the Q'aran, and nothing else.

Nothing like using religion to brainwash the masses eh?
You know something? This is dangerously close to what the radical Islamists do in their Madrassas, they teach nothing but their holy book the Q'aran, and nothing else.

Nothing like using religion to brainwash the masses eh?

That is exactly what Creationists want. Unfortunately they have the right to dumb down their own children and sentence them to a lifetime of being intellectually crippled, but they want to do the same to MY kids and that ain't gonna happen.
You know....if these ID people want to put it in the schools, here's what I say.......

Let them send out LEGITIMATE scientists to investigate the various things they think may be true. If, after thorough checking, it proves to be true, THEN they can put it in the textbook with a religious spin if they want, but it must be based in hard science.

And.......there are lots of places where scientists, physicists and mathematicians are proving the existence of God. Matter of fact, was watching History Channel the other night and saw a really cool theory that explained the Universe being created in 6 days.

Not only that.....he proved it........check my thread in Religion and Ethics called "God DID create the Universe in 6 days".

Now.....if they can do that kind of thing, I'm all for it, but to just simply say "God did it" and not question further? No. Matter of fact, one common theme that Jewish, Christian and Muslim theology all have in common is that they all espouse God above all, and knowledge is a close second.
You know....if these ID people want to put it in the schools, here's what I say.......

Let them send out LEGITIMATE scientists to investigate the various things they think may be true. If, after thorough checking, it proves to be true, THEN they can put it in the textbook with a religious spin if they want, but it must be based in hard science.

They won't go to the effort though because they know they can't possibly produce any credible evidence. It's easier to hire a pseudo-scientist to lie for them.

And.......there are lots of places where scientists, physicists and mathematicians are proving the existence of God.

I don't think so.

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