The depth of Obama's support of Petraeus


Jul 14, 2009
I dont know who is going to be running CENTCOM I m guessing some new?

September 21, 2007
Senate Approves Resolution Denouncing Ad

Correction Appended

WASHINGTON, Sept. 20 — The Senate approved a resolution on Thursday denouncing the liberal antiwar group over an advertisement that questioned the credibility of Gen. David H. Petraeus, the American commander in Iraq., with 3.2 million members, has become a powerful force in Democratic politics and the advertisement it paid for, which appeared in The New York Times, has come under sharp attack from Congressional Republicans and others as unpatriotic and impugning the integrity of General Petraeus.

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York and Senator Christopher J. Dodd of Connecticut, both Democratic candidates for president, voted against the resolution, which passed 72 to 25.

But curiously absent from the vote was Senator Barack Obama of Illinois, also a Democratic candidate for president, who had canceled a campaign appearance in South Carolina so he could be in Washington for votes.

Mr. Obama issued a statement calling the resolution, put forward by Senator John Cornyn, Republican of Texas, “a stunt.” Mr. Obama said, “By not casting a vote, I registered my protest against these empty politics.”

Mr. Obama had voted minutes earlier in favor of an extremely similar resolution proposed by Senator Barbara Boxer, Democrat of California.

Ms. Boxer’s proposal, which failed, called for the Senate to “strongly condemn all attacks on the honor, integrity and patriotism” of anyone in the United States armed forces. It did not name, but criticized the ad that appeared in The Times. Mr. Dodd and Mrs. Clinton also voted in favor of Ms. Boxer’s proposal.

Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware, who is also seeking the Democratic nomination, was in Iowa and did not vote.

At a White House news conference, President Bush called the advertisement disgusting and said it was an attack not only on General Petraeus but also on the entire American military.
Gotta love how Republicans are against freedom of speech.

gotta love people who can't read because they have partisan blinders on:

Mr. Obama had voted minutes earlier in favor of an extremely similar resolution proposed by Senator Barbara Boxer, Democrat of California.

Ms. Boxer’s proposal, which failed, called for the Senate to “strongly condemn all attacks on the honor, integrity and patriotism” of anyone in the United States armed forces. It did not name, but criticized the ad that appeared in The Times. Mr. Dodd and Mrs. Clinton also voted in favor of Ms. Boxer’s proposal.
Obama voted with the Democrat version.
But would not go against his Master G Soros Move on. org.
Obama: what a rube!

What's next, Bernie Madoff as Sec Treasury?

Does Obama still believe the Iraqi Surge is a waste of time?

What's next? Will Obama appoint former BP Chief Tony Hayward as his Oil Spill Czar?
Gotta love how Republicans are against freedom of speech.

[ame=]YouTube - I Am Sick And Tired - Hillary Clinton[/ame]

Dissent is the highest form of patrio..SHUT THE FUCK UP OBAMA IS PRESIDENT!
yes a trip down memory lane; Iraq out, Afghanistan in....

[ame=]YouTube - Barack Obama Questions Petraeus in September 2007[/ame]
Gotta love how Republicans are against freedom of speech.

[ame=]YouTube - I Am Sick And Tired - Hillary Clinton[/ame]

Dissent is the highest form of patrio..SHUT THE FUCK UP OBAMA IS PRESIDENT!

Exactly lol

fucking Hippocrates all of em, especially the ones on this board :)

To me this is just to Freaking funny. So far the Far left is supporting Obama, but I bet inside they are freaking pissed as hell, General Betray us? OMG lol to funny.

On a side note I think this is one of the best decisions Obama has made yet. (for the country that is, not for his political future). Not Firing McChrystal, but appointing Petraeus.

As far as who is going to take over Cent Com, I Believe for the moment Obama is asking Petraeus to where both hats as they say in the Military. As in Command All the forces in Both Iraq and Afghan and the rest of Centcom as well as be the direct commander of the war in Afghanistan. Which is just silly but that is what appears to be the plan for the time being. Unless Obama plans on Demoting Petraeus? Who knows lol.
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What's next? Will Obama appoint former BP Chief Tony Hayward as his Oil Spill Czar?

Oh I doubt it...his tough guy talk established his opinion of Tony a few weeks ago....

Interestingly enough, these ill feelings toward Tony Hayward, rightfully justified or not, were developed without ever even meeting the man. While I'm not excusing Hayward's poor appearance on the events that transpired following the explosion on Deep Horizon's platform, it would appear that these poor calls of judgement and rather callous comments were enough to have made him dispensable in the eyes of Mr. Obama. Even though Hayward's 20 plus years of experience with BP never seemed to offer any other examples of questionable conduct.

So how can BO even begin to consider the worth of a man based on a handful of poorly misguided comments during a very intense and trying time in this man's career. All in all, I would say that Mr. Hayward handled the blame heaped upon him with a certain amount of grace that Mr. Obama could learn from.

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