The Democrats thwarting the will of the people


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Congress consists of 2 houses, the House and the Senate. Both have responsibilities under the Constitution and a duty to the American people.

Currently the Democrats in the Senate are ignoring their sworn oath of office and thwarting the will of the people. All with the support and applause from the leftwing on this board.

It is simple, the process, which is the law of the land and has been done for over 200 years, is that when a House of Congress passes a bill and sends it to the other house, that house submits it to committee and either approves it, makes changes to it or disapproves of it. In any case at least a Committee sees it and votes on it after changes and debate. Followed usually by the full House or Senate voting on the bill.

Senator Reid with the backing of the president and the Democrats REFUSES to do his Constitutional duty. Rather then send to committee bills submitted by the house to the Senate he simply trash cans them.

Now the left claims they do not have to rubber stamp the House. And that is true. They do however have to do their job and debate, change and vote on bills submitted. Claiming that shit canning bills with out voting on them is with in their power is simply a lie.

Because of the Democrats we have not had a budget in 4 years. Even though they controlled both houses for 3 of those years. But the left would have us believe it is not their fault.

Further the lef on this board would have us believe that the deficit, the non budget and other woes are the Republicans fault in the House. When the Senate has refused to act.
Since Republicans are working for the "will of the people". why is their approval rating down to 8%. Seems rather odd, wouldn't you say?
Followed usually by the full House or Senate voting on the bill.

Funny, given that Senate Republicans have made votes on final passage of legislation nearly impossible.

Produce shit, the toilet clogs.

Very simple stuff.

What have Republicans produced?

Followed usually by the full House or Senate voting on the bill.

Funny, given that Senate Republicans have made votes on final passage of legislation nearly impossible.

Yeah.....sure they have. The minority is the only cause of this.

That's an intellectually lazy argument.

Only the misinformed among us will fall for it.
The Democrats thwarting the will of the people

Big deal, it is the same for the republicans.

And yes it is a big deal but until we overcome the partisan blindness it will not change.
Followed usually by the full House or Senate voting on the bill.

Funny, given that Senate Republicans have made votes on final passage of legislation nearly impossible.

Yeah.....sure they have. The minority is the only cause of this.

That's an intellectually lazy argument.

Only the misinformed among us will fall for it.

It's all a matter of perspective. You could say the Democrats are the majority. But because they are a coalition party make up of many different interests groups, blacks, Hispanics, gays, liberals, conservative Blue Dogs, poor, rich, college professors, the elite, the down trodden, employed, unemployed, feminists and so on, there is a lot of debate and compromise even before they reach a consensus as a party.

That is why Republicans are ALWAYS saying Democrats have different positions and can't make up their minds. It's true, they do have many different positions which is why it seems they can't make up their minds. It's just that because of the different groups, there are many different opinions.

Republicans on the other hand, are 90% white and mostly Christian. There is only a very tiny amount if diversity. They vote in a block. They think as a group.

The difference in diversity between the two groups can't be ignored. It's there and it's real.

This is both a strength and weakness for both parties.

For Democrats, it's a source of many different ideas. That's a strength. The weakness is keeping the party unified in the face of so much diversity.

For Republicans, the fact that they are a huge group makes them, in essence, the majority. They only need a few Democratic Conservatives on their side and they win every time. The weakness is they think alike so they believe in things like "magical creation" and "trickle down". They don't have an opposing opinion in their party to argue the facts so they believe "weird". This lets the extreme take over. "Let him die", "applauding executions" and "booing an American Soldier in Iraq" are the most recent examples.
Followed usually by the full House or Senate voting on the bill.

Funny, given that Senate Republicans have made votes on final passage of legislation nearly impossible.

They've "made votes nearly impossible" or they've made votes in favor of the Democrats impossible? There are . . . what? Forty Republicans in the Senate out of 100 seats? Perhaps you'd like to explain to us by what mechanism they've halted the voting process entirely.
What have Republicans produced?


LOL AS LONG AS WE GET TO SCREW YOU. It remains fun..................


Republicans screwing the country is "fun"? Yea, that sounds about the way they think.

Naw just democrats. I do recall how democrats felt the only thing that could be cut from spending was heating subsidies for the poor.

So we know where your head is really at.
LOL AS LONG AS WE GET TO SCREW YOU. It remains fun..................


Republicans screwing the country is "fun"? Yea, that sounds about the way they think.

Naw just democrats. I do recall how democrats felt the only thing that could be cut from spending was heating subsidies for the poor.

So we know where your head is really at.

As if you care about the poor. Give me a break.
They've "made votes nearly impossible" or they've made votes in favor of the Democrats impossible? There are . . . what? Forty Republicans in the Senate out of 100 seats? Perhaps you'd like to explain to us by what mechanism they've halted the voting process entirely.

There are 47 Republicans in the Senate. And it's not complicated. If they choose to (and they do), they can prevent legislation from coming up for a vote on final passage, instead requiring a supermajority (which the Dems are not anywhere close to) to proceed.

When the president's jobs bill "fails" with 51 votes, that wasn't a vote on final passage. You can't lose a vote on final passage with a majority vote. I would hope that's something you understand. In fact, given that they have the tie-breaking VP vote, 50 votes is enough to win final passage for any Dem piece of legislation. And yet you have numerous pieces of legislation being "defeated" with 50 or more votes in favor. That's because those are procedural votes that would ultimately allow a vote on final passage. And they're being blocked by the minority to prevent a floor vote on the actual legislation.

So who gives a shit about House bills when the Senate can't even get votes on its own legislation?
The Democrats thwarting the will of the people

Big deal, it is the same for the republicans.

And yes it is a big deal but until we overcome the partisan blindness it will not change.

If the people are divided then somebody's will is gonna get thwarted.

The goal should be to unite not divide.

Seems Obama and the Dems want divisions.....which means they are Anti-American.
The Democrats thwarting the will of the people

Big deal, it is the same for the republicans.

And yes it is a big deal but until we overcome the partisan blindness it will not change.

If the people are divided then somebody's will is gonna get thwarted.

The goal should be to unite not divide.

Seems Obama and the Dems want divisions.....which means they are Anti-American.

Yea, let's look at that. Republicans ---> 90% white. Democrats ---> everyone else.

Let's spell that out. One side 90% white and mostly the same.

The other side. White black brown straight gay scientists uneducated employed unemployed feminists conservatives liberal Christians Muslims Hindu atheist.....

But it's the Democrats who want to "divide"? Seriously? I think it's the Republicans who want to "bully".

You might want to rethink your position. The facts say something else entirely.

Don't get mad at me. Get mad at the facts.
The Democrats thwarting the will of the people

Something just occurred to me. Do Republicans think only they and corporations are "people"?
The Democrats thwarting the will of the people

Big deal, it is the same for the republicans.

And yes it is a big deal but until we overcome the partisan blindness it will not change.

If the people are divided then somebody's will is gonna get thwarted.

The goal should be to unite not divide.

Seems Obama and the Dems want divisions.....which means they are Anti-American.

Yea, let's look at that. Republicans ---> 90% white. Democrats ---> everyone else.

Let's spell that out. One side 90% white and mostly the same.

The other side. White black brown straight gay scientists uneducated employed unemployed feminists conservatives liberal Christians Muslims Hindu atheist.....

But it's the Democrats who want to "divide"? Seriously? I think it's the Republicans who want to "bully".

You might want to rethink your position. The facts say something else entirely.

Don't get mad at me. Get mad at the facts.

Link on the 90% white thing.

The Republicans have been acting catcher to everything the left has been pitching at them for at least 9 solid years. In what way is that being a "bully"?

Speaking of bullies, why is it whenever anyone questions Obama they come under attack from the press, an army of lawyers, or the DOJ????

Private citizen's lives being ruined by the Obama state run media.
Presidential candidates smeared by invisible bimbos.
The President himself supporting protestors and lawbreakers calling for the destruction of this country.
The Department of Justice suing 3 states so far for attempting to enforce our immigration laws on the grounds they are discriminatory.

Sorry, but those are the facts.
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If the people are divided then somebody's will is gonna get thwarted.

The goal should be to unite not divide.

Seems Obama and the Dems want divisions.....which means they are Anti-American.

Yea, let's look at that. Republicans ---> 90% white. Democrats ---> everyone else.

Let's spell that out. One side 90% white and mostly the same.

The other side. White black brown straight gay scientists uneducated employed unemployed feminists conservatives liberal Christians Muslims Hindu atheist.....

But it's the Democrats who want to "divide"? Seriously? I think it's the Republicans who want to "bully".

You might want to rethink your position. The facts say something else entirely.

Don't get mad at me. Get mad at the facts.

Link on the 90% white thing.

The Republicans have been acting catcher to everything the left has been pitching at them for at least 9 solid years. In what way is that being a "bully"?

Speaking of bullies, why is it whenever anyone questions Obama they come under attack from the press, an army of lawyers, or the DOJ????

Private citizen's lives being ruined by the Obama state run media.
Presidential candidates smeared by invisible bimbos.
The President himself supporting protestors and lawbreakers calling for the destruction of this country.

Sorry, but those are the facts.

How many times to you have to link to the Gallup Poll or Pew Research. What makes you think that less than 90% of the Republicans are white? Do you have some information you aren't sharing?

Private citizen's lives being ruined by the Obama state run media.
Presidential candidates smeared by invisible bimbos.
The President himself supporting protestors and lawbreakers calling for the destruction of this country.

You know that's pure bullshit. If the media was conservative, we never would have invaded Iraq and that's the truth.

Invisible bimbos? Cain was first accusing Romney then Perry. So 45 thousand and 40 thousand were paid out to invisible women?

Those people don't want destruction. They want JOBS. Which Republicans have help send overseas.

Man, if that's all you got, it's pretty pathetic. You know that too, right? Come on. Tell the truth.

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