The Democrats are actually insane people, there's no other explanation for their behavior...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
1,255 started in 1968 when Democrats were rioting in the streets of Chicago, and then in 1972, the insane people took over the party and nominated George McGovern.

It's all been downhill ever since, and the party of FDR, Truman, JFK and Humphrey is now the party of Bernie Sanders, AOC, Elizabeth Warren, Nancy Pelosi, etc.

It's too bad because it's difficult to have a two party system when one of the two parties is totally dysfunctional. started in 1968 when Democrats were rioting in the streets of Chicago, and then in 1972, the insane people took over the party and nominated George McGovern.

It's all been downhill ever since, and the party of FDR, Truman, JFK and Humphrey is now the party of Bernie Sanders, AOC, Elizabeth Warren, Nancy Pelosi, etc.

It's too bad because it's difficult to have a two party system when one of the two parties is totally dysfunctional.
The problem was that Big money got a grip on the party and the control was given to people who were so far out of the box no one could follow them. They took the idea of if it feels good do it. A saying from the 60s. The began not to see what they do now effects the future. Example: They were the ones who put in to effect the Nuke Opinion in the senate and later it came back and hurt them..The passed the Nuke Option to shut out the Republicans in the Judge Nominations. Now it seems they are wayout there in their thinking. Like Special Civil right Act for Gay folk.
That's why there is a need for more parties, but the left is controlling that, by not allowing third party equal rights, and through MSM control and censorship of other voices.
Bernie Sanders running as a Dem is a perfect example of how he has no choice, but to cheat the system, if he wants equal exposure he can't and doesn't run as an independent. Even worse, he refuses to run as he is, a socialist under the socialist party.
Marxism has the capability to turn normal, semi-intelligent people into full blown retards. When it can get people to question something as basic as male/female gender, it can do anything. The Marxists were successful in infiltrating our education system, we no longer have education, but indoctrination.

Now everything to them is “hate speech” and they seek to censor anything that opposes their viewpoint or beliefs.

Here is their strategy-

Not one iota of this has occurred randomly. Every single fragment of this assault against Trump has been meticulously orchestrated and carried out by the Left with undiluted fidelity to the famous blueprint for political warfare that was first laid out several decades ago by the late Saul Alinsky, who posthumously has re-emerged as the Democratic Party's guiding intellectual light.

Known as the godfather of “community organizing” – a term that serves as a euphemism for fomenting public anger, political hatred, and in some cases, violence – Alinsky was a communist fellow-traveler whose monumental importance to the Democrats is underscored by the fact that both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama became devoted disciples of his political creed. He laid out a set of basic tactics designed to help radical activists and politicians destroy their enemies while gaining power for themselves.

Such radicals, said Alinsky, “must first rub raw the resentments of the people”[1] by selecting a particular political adversary and “publicly attack[ing]” him as a “dangerous enemy” of the people.[2] This foe, Alinsky explained, must be a clearly identifiable individual – “a personification, not something general and abstract like a corporation or City Hall.”[3] The chief “personification” in the Left's cross hairs today is Donald Trump; there isn't even a close second.

“Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it,” Alinsky taught,[4] asserting that the primary task of radical activists and political figures is to cultivate in people’s hearts a visceral emotional revulsion to the mere sight of the enemy's face, or to the mere sound of the enemy's voice. “The organizer who forgets the significance of personal identification,” said Alinsky, “will attempt to answer all objections on the basis of logic and merit. With few exceptions this is a futile procedure.”[5]

This is why Democrats and media leftists invariably avoid addressing even the most glaring contradictions in the narratives they seek to advance, and why they typically turn a deaf ear to anyone who tries to elicit from them a logical or reasoned clarification. Thus did we witness the recent pathetic spectacle of Senator Dick Durbin, who was the first to go public with the claim about Trump's supposedly offensive language, ignoring interviewer Megyn McCain's clearly articulated observation that Durbin's credibility is dubious, in light of his well-documented history of lying about what was said in closed-door political meetings. We've likewise heard the Left's deafening silence in response to revelations that former President Obama once used the term “s*** show” – almost identical to Trump's alleged comment – to describe the African country of Libya in 2016...

...Alinsky advised left-wing activists and radicals to avoid the temptation to concede that their opponent is not “100 per cent devil,” or that he may possess certain admirable qualities such as being “a good churchgoing man, generous to charity, and a good husband.” Such qualifying remarks, Alinsky said, “dilut[e] the impact of the attack” and thus amount to sheer “political idiocy.”[7] Consequently, we do not hear Democrats today praising President Trump for anything. It's 100% attack, 100% of the time, against a 100% devil.

Alinsky also emphasized the need for activists and political radicals to convince their followers that the chasm between themselves and the enemy – in this case Trump – is vast and unbridgeable. “Before men can act,” he wrote, “an issue must be polarized. Men will act when they are convinced their cause is 100 percent on the side of the angels, and that the opposition are 100 percent on the side of the devil.”[8] In Alinsky’s brand of political warfare, the ends – e.g., increasing the Democratic Party's power – justify whatever means are required to achieve them. This includes lying a hundred thousand times over, if necessary, and always with a straight face.[9]

More at link
The Party of Saul Alinsky & Its War on Trump

Anyone that doubts it is lying to themselves. started in 1968 when Democrats were rioting in the streets of Chicago, and then in 1972, the insane people took over the party and nominated George McGovern.

It's all been downhill ever since, and the party of FDR, Truman, JFK and Humphrey is now the party of Bernie Sanders, AOC, Elizabeth Warren, Nancy Pelosi, etc.

It's too bad because it's difficult to have a two party system when one of the two parties is totally dysfunctional.
And the GOP is the party of donnie tiny hands.

I'll take the Democrats any day.
You are such a sexist. started in 1968 when Democrats were rioting in the streets of Chicago, and then in 1972, the insane people took over the party and nominated George McGovern.

It's all been downhill ever since, and the party of FDR, Truman, JFK and Humphrey is now the party of Bernie Sanders, AOC, Elizabeth Warren, Nancy Pelosi, etc.

It's too bad because it's difficult to have a two party system when one of the two parties is totally dysfunctional.
And the GOP is the party of donnie tiny hands.

I'll take the Democrats any day.
The name "democrat" has splintered into many groups. LGBTQ, radical women, old guard union folks, radical environmentalists, socialists, minorities, largess (free stuff), and on and on and on. The GOP has 95% Trump supporters and 5% Never-Trumpers. So it looks to me that the dems have a tougher task trying to build a platform that keeps their voters onboard compared top Republicans. 2016 did happen, 2020 could be a repeat, the dems look unbeatable on paper, then the EC votes are counted. started in 1968 when Democrats were rioting in the streets of Chicago, and then in 1972, the insane people took over the party and nominated George McGovern.

It's all been downhill ever since, and the party of FDR, Truman, JFK and Humphrey is now the party of Bernie Sanders, AOC, Elizabeth Warren, Nancy Pelosi, etc.

It's too bad because it's difficult to have a two party system when one of the two parties is totally dysfunctional.

it takes a really insane and deranged maroon to call democrats insane after YOU voted for the biggest deranged lunatic in the USA; trump.....

is the moon still part of mars?

should NASA stop talking about going to the moon after trump ordered them to go to the moon?

who is more deranged? trump? or you?
He’s not deranged. He is loud. started in 1968 when Democrats were rioting in the streets of Chicago, and then in 1972, the insane people took over the party and nominated George McGovern.

It's all been downhill ever since, and the party of FDR, Truman, JFK and Humphrey is now the party of Bernie Sanders, AOC, Elizabeth Warren, Nancy Pelosi, etc.

It's too bad because it's difficult to have a two party system when one of the two parties is totally dysfunctional.

it takes a really insane and deranged maroon to call democrats insane after YOU voted for the biggest deranged lunatic in the USA; trump.....

is the moon still part of mars?

should NASA stop talking about going to the moon after trump ordered them to go to the moon?

who is more deranged? trump? or you?
As Dennis Prager has been saying for years, "Liberalism is a mental disease."

Blacks are "equal," so they have to be given special privileges. ???

If you give poor people more money, that will incentivize them to get a job. ???

The people who pay the most taxes get the most benefit of a tax reduction - and this is evil. ???

You are EVIL and a misogynist if you believe the scientifically verifiable fact that a baby in the womb is a BABY and not a lump of "tissue." ???

Coal is terrible because it kills people, but American commercial nuclear power - which has never killed anyone - is just EVIL. ???

Trying to enforce existing immigration laws is racist and xenophobic. ???

People who illegally cross our borders in the middle of the night are "immigrants." ???

One could go on forever.

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