The Decline & Fall Of The American Empire


Sep 23, 2010
Good Lord! Is American going the way of the Roman Empire?


'Tis the season to acknowledge the nation's addiction to lead
By John Siciliano • 12/24/15 12:01 AM

'Tis the season to acknowledge the nation's addiction to lead

Lead poisoning in relation to the Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire offers the only evidence I know of that cannot be blamed on the parasite class.

I won’t argue the science; nevertheless, I accept the Lead Poisoning Theory without reservation. Remember, that the decline and fall of the Roman Empire took place in a relative short period of time. So it is logical that the people necessary to administer a complex empire died off too quickly to be replaced. That let’s the parasites off the hook the only time in history.

Admittedly, attributing the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire to lead poisoning is only a theory:

The hypothesis has been proposed before, but Dr. Nriagu marshaled more evidence of the gout-lead poisoning link in explaining Rome's supposedly terminal affliction. Dr. Nriagu, who is on the staff of the National Water Research Institute in Burlington, Ontario, is writing a book on the subject.

Not only did the Romans drink legendary amounts of wine, he noted, but they flavored their wines with a syrup made from simmered grape juice that was brewed in lead pots. The syrup was also used as a sweetener in many recipes favored by Roman gourmands.

''One teaspoon of such syrup would have been more than enough to cause chronic lead poisoning,'' Dr. Nriagu said.

Published: March 17, 1983


Interpreting the decline and fall of the Roman Empire most often depended upon who was doing the interpreting. Priesthoods blamed it on a loss of morality. Military minds said that hiring mercenaries was responsible for the fall. Philosophical interpretations of anything always send up warning flares.

NOTE: American Socialists want our military to fight and die in foreign lands for philosophical reasons.

I place no faith in philosophical autopsies performed on long dead empires, but I am partial to lead poison explaining the decline and fall of the Roman Empire because it is a legitimate scientific inquiry searching for proof.

Except for the Roman Empire, empires in the ancient world usually disappeared because they were conquered. To me, the critical factor is that the Roman Empire was not conquered, but it did decline very rapidly because of lead poisoning.

The impoverished could not afford expensive lead-laden wines and food. Those Romans who governed the empire died off too quickly for the materially disadvantaged to govern a complex society, let alone hold onto a far-reaching empire. Put that in perspective by evaluating today’s Democrats and their contribution to America’s shrinking worldwide political empire. Democrats are the ones who wailed that America was losing respect in the world under Bush, yet philosophical “respect” pales in comparison to the real losses America’s foreign policy is causing under Socialism.

Also, I recall reading that the lead poisoning theory was strengthened by examining the skeletal remains of those Romans who died before, during, and after the Empire’s period of rapid decline. The graves of those Romans who were solvent on the day they checked out yielded an extraordinary number of skeletons whose original owners had died from lead poisoning during the time period in question. The bones exhumed from the graves of those Romans who were less than fortunate in life did not show signs of lead poisoning.

Whether or not the lead poison theory is provable is irrelevant. The result of the Roman Empire’s decline and fall is indisputable. Parasites do not become producers any more than did those ancient Romans who inherited political power by accident.

Rapid decline

Perhaps accelerated decline is more apt to America than rapid decline in the case of the Roman Empire. America has been declining since the day Socialism took root in this country in the late 19th century. The decline proceeded at a slow pace after 1913 due, in large part, to Socialist-strategists being satisfied with small steps.

The major difference between Socialism and Communism is that 19th century Socialists set out to acquire political power incrementally, while Communists always preferred violent revolution. I believe that Socialists preferred incrementalism because it gave them time to teach parasites how to govern.


Finally, parasites feasting at the public larder had more to do with bringing down every civilization, every empire, every country, every culture, than did any other factor. America will be no different.

Pigs Will Fly Before Parasites Become Producers | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Incidentally, years ago Socialist do-gooders, flying the environmental battle flag, declared war on chocolate. In their drive for total control, they are saving the children one more time by claiming that chocolate can cause lead poisoning. If that were true I, and everyone I know, would be long dead. Throughout most of my life I devoured chocolate like an aardvark lunching on ants, or maybe I'm just immune to lead poisoning.

Chocolate Lead Contamination Update
Kyeann Sayer
Living / Green Food
August 30, 2006

Chocolate Lead Contamination Update

Warning us about chocolate is carrying scare tactics too far. The folks living in Western democracies have been eating chocolate for a long time and their civilization has not declined —— at least not from chocolate. Let's stretch it a bit and say that the chocolate fruitcakes may be onto something here. If so, when can we expect chocolate consumption to bring civilization to its knees?

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