The Death of Ordinary Decency


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
This has been a mean-spirited campaign, and the meanest, most destructive people won.

So be it.

In the last two Democratic administrations we have seen a sleazier, angrier and more selfish part of America rising up more and more in our political class. The Founders told us that ultimately our elected politicians are a mirror of ourselves. Just like you, before November 7, 2012, I lived in the fervent hope that the degradation of the Clinton and Obama years might be an exception to the long trend of American history. But two times eight years of radical leftists in high office can't be an accident. We can't just blame our sleazy media, or just the leftist political class, as corrupt and malevolent as they truly are.

No -- the balance of decency in America has changed. Every society has normal, decent people and the other kind. The America we grew up in was fundamentally decent. Decency was the expected standard.

Now the balance has changed.

The evidence for our sleazified culture can be seen all around. It is in our pop music, which has lost melody and now just has rhythm. We have a President who won on revenge against middle class values. That's what he meant by telling his people to vote for revenge. And they did -- showing us exactly who they are.

We are now a society divided between the makers and the takers, and the takers are on a campaign of theft and revenge.

We have a President who takes dangerous pride in his hatred for "middleclassness" as Jeremiah Wright taught him to believe. We have a President who culminated his campaign with a ghetto singer rapping about hoes and bitches, about drug-ridden and broken families, as if all those cruelties were good.

This is not normal, decent America.

It is not.

We need to face that.


Republicans by and large still look, act, and speak like normal, decent people. But they have a hard time even understanding a thoroughly sleazified America. Normal, decent people do not know how to live in this new, barbaric society. We live in protected communities, we drive around in SUVs, like armored cars.

The left knows exactly how to act in this Brave New World. They've made it. We are now ruled by sleazy demagogues who take bribes from foreign nations that do not wish us well. Obama is the worst example so far. Even the Clintons, both selfish narcissists, were somewhat better.

With the decline of American decency, the civilized world has lost its foremost defender. America wasn't a world power in earlier times of corruption. We could afford to make mistakes. Today, our national decay endangers the world. The left has purposely attacked our self-respect, our pride in our morality and decency, and our crucial role in the defense of civilized values. We are no longer the Leader of the Free World, because we have lost -- for now -- the values that guided us. America can no longer be trusted, as we saw so clearly in Benghazi and the fraudulent Arab Spring. Any nation that places any trust in our promises today is run by fools. Our allies must arm up to protect themselves, or they must find new, trustworthy allies.

Read more: Articles: The Death of Ordinary Decency
There you go again trying to impose your morals on others. Who is to say sleazy is bad? Don't we live in a value-neutral society where all opinions have equal validity? Maybe sleaziness is embraced by certain cultures. Don't you believe in a multicultural society? Shame on you!
It matters not if we are broke , bankrupt, indebted.................

As long as public civil servants can "collectively" bargain with bought and paid for dem bureaucrats....
Stupid post from a stupid white person that cannot cope with diversity and change.

There have been NO "radical leftists" in the presidency. It only seems that way to you because you are a right wing extremist.

You are losing your "special position" in America's economic structure. Now you feel threatened. Get some courage, and learn to live with it.

Life is change.

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