The Death of Jewish Liberalism


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
The Death of Jewish Liberalism :D

Posted by Daniel Greenfield Jun 19th, 2012

The latest numbers show that Obama’s national support among Jews is down to 64 percent. That puts Obama in line with stalwart vote-getters like Walter Mondale and Michael Dukakis. More significantly a Siena College poll shows that Jewish support for Obama in New York City has fallen to 51 percent.

Those numbers might seem strange until you read the latest study on the Jewish population in the city which finds that 40 percent of the city’s Jews are Orthodox—up from a third, ten years ago.

74 percent of all Jewish children in the city are Orthodox, a baby boom that will completely transform the city’s Jewish population. And that means the transformation of the Jewish vote. Within another decade, New York City will have an Orthodox majority; within a generation that majority will be so decisive as to define its political orientation. The end of the New York Jewish liberal is here.


The Death of Jewish Liberalism | FrontPage Magazine

"We need some f-ing colds (coons) from over there to make sure this yid district goes to us." -- the Democrats
A convenient alibi for the trendy left

By Norman Geras
August 21, 2012

It is not difficult to understand the long affinity that has existed between Jews and the left. Common traditions of opposition to injustice, the commitment within liberal and socialist thought to ideals of some sort of equality, opposition to racist and other similar types of prejudice - these things have long served to attract Jewish people to organisations and movements of the left, and they continue to do so.

However, that affinity has lately been compromised by the existence of a new climate of antisemitic opinion within the left. This climate of opinion affects a section of the left only, not all of it. But it is a substantial section. Its convenient alibi is the state of Israel: by which I mean that Israel is habitually invoked to deflect the charge of antisemitism.


You do not have to go far to find activists of the left playing down antisemitic elements within Hamas or Hizbollah


A convenient alibi for the trendy left | The Jewish Chronicle

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