The Cowardice of the Democratic Party


Retired USAF Chief
Apr 8, 2011
San Antonio, TX
I see the crowing by members and supporters of the democratic party after the win in NY26, and wonder how they can be at all pleased with themselves. Instead of offering a plan of their own with actual details for how they would resolve our debt and deficit crisis, they used fearmongering and scare tactics, knowing full well what they were saying about the Ryan budget were lies.

I see no budget from them back when they had full control of both houses of Congress, no courage at all to put out their vision for gov't taxes and spending for all to see. I see President Obama and the dems saying that working on this problem was a top priority, and then I see a 3.7 trillion budget and a 1.6 trillion deficit for 2012 alone. How much more hypocritical can you get than that?

Then I see them fighting tooth and nail for every bit of spending cuts. To this day the democrat controlled Senate has never put out a budget of their own, instead they force a vote on the Ryan plan knowing it not pass but soley interested in making politifcal hay instead of trying to work together. I see President Obama giving a speech where he viciously attacks Ryan personally and his budget, and offers only vague refernces o saving 4 trillion over 12 years. No details, no plan, just bullshit.

It's about leadership and courage. The dems have shown little of either. They are exclusively focused on the 2012 election rather than doing the job they were sent to Washington to do. I sincerely hope the voters throw the bastards out of office, they surely have earned it.
The Democrat party? Cowardly politicians is a bipartisan problem.

Actually, I can agree with that. I'm just torqued off with the Dems right now more than the GOP. We'll see if the Repubs stick to their guns about cuts in spending and the entitlement programs or whether they weasel out. At least they've got the guts to put something out there. Why aren't the Dems doing the same?
Arrogance, laziness, cowardice, lack of principle, fear of the truth,

It's easy to claim you are "for" or "Against" something. It's another thing to present a plan to accomplish the things you are for or against.

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