The country is moving in the wrong direction Mr. President !


Platinum Member
May 19, 2014
You need to pass Keystone for the Canadians, and quit wasting time on immigration that benefits the entire United States ... WTF is wrong with you?
Yes illegal immigration is a benefit we need more people on welfare.

When the illegals have got all they can here they'll be shoved up to Canada. Bend over you'll get a burrito up your asses yet.
You need to pass Keystone for the Canadians, and quit wasting time on immigration that benefits the entire United States ... WTF is wrong with you?

ok, just how does adding 5million which is probably another Obama lie and it's more like 10million more people into our country benefit us? there aren't enough jobs for " the legal citizens". these aren't professors, scientist, etc etc

so please give us the benefits and for who

or you're just another liberal sheep and if Obama says it is then is has to be
"Benefits the entire United States"? How, by opening the flood gates to more illegal immigration, mostly seeking welfare, food stamps, and free health care?
See how pathetic are RW's are when it boils down to their priorities ?

this country has NO desire for immigration reform. NONE!

they just wan to bitch about it.

Bitch about Obama doing something about immigration

Bitch about Obama doing nothing about Keystone ..

Bitchin' little Bitches.
The 1924 Immigration Act

"The literacy test alone was not enough to prevent most potential immigrants from entering, so members of Congress sought a new way to restrict immigration in the 1920s. Immigration expert and Republican Senator from Vermont William P. Dillingham introduced a measure to create immigration quotas, which he set at three percent of the total population of the foreign-born of each nationality in the United States as recorded in the 1910 census. This put the total number of visas available each year to new immigrants at 350,000. It did not, however, establish quotas of any kind for residents of the Western Hemisphere. President Wilson opposed the restrictive act, preferring a more liberal immigration policy, so he used the pocket veto to prevent its passage. In early 1921, the newly inaugurated President Warren Harding called Congress back to a special session to pass the law. In 1922, the act was renewed for another two years."

The 1924 Immigration Act also included a provision excluding from entry any alien who by virtue of race or nationality was ineligible for citizenship. Existing nationality laws dating from 1790 and 1870 excluded people of Asian lineage from naturalizing. As a result, the 1924 Act meant that even Asians not previously prevented from immigrating – the Japanese in particular – would no longer be admitted to the United States. Many in Japan were very offended by the new law, which was a violation of the Gentlemen’s Agreement. The Japanese government protested, but the law remained, resulting in an increase in existing tensions between the two nations. But it appeared that the U.S. Congress had decided that preserving the racial composition of the country was more important than promoting good ties with the Japanese empire.

“Shut the Door”: A Senator Speaks for Immigration Restriction
At the turn of the 20th century, unprecedented levels of immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe to the United States aroused public support for restrictive immigration laws. After World War I, which temporarily slowed immigration levels, anti-immigration sentiment rose again. Congress passed the Quota Act of 1921, limiting entrants from each nation to 3 percent of that nationality’s presence in the U.S. population as recorded by the 1910 census. As a result, immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe dropped to less than one-quarter of pre-World War I levels. Even more restrictive was the Immigration Act of 1924 (Johnson-Reed Act) that shaped American immigration policy until the 1960s. During congressional debate over the 1924 Act, Senator Ellison DuRant Smith of South Carolina drew on the racist theories of Madison Grant to argue that immigration restriction was the only way to preserve existing American resources. Although blatant racists like Smith were in the minority in the Senate, almost all senators supported restriction, and the Johnson-Reed bill passed with only six dissenting votes.
See how pathetic are RW's are when it boils down to their priorities ?

this country has NO desire for immigration reform. NONE!

they just wan to bitch about it.

Bitch about Obama doing something about immigration

Bitch about Obama doing nothing about Keystone ..

Bitchin' little Bitches.
We don't need new UNEDUCATED illegal or legal immigrants you moron. All we need to do is fix the red tape. Flooding the country with a bunch of people who don't even speak English does nothing for us. Unless of course you like repeating yourself at fast food drive thru speakers
See how pathetic are RW's are when it boils down to their priorities ?

this country has NO desire for immigration reform. NONE!

they just wan to bitch about it.

Bitch about Obama doing something about immigration

Bitch about Obama doing nothing about Keystone ..

Bitchin' little Bitches.
We don't need new UNEDUCATED illegal or legal immigrants you moron. All we need to do is fix the red tape. Flooding the country with a bunch of people who don't even speak English does nothing for us. Unless of course you like repeating yourself at fast food drive thru speakers

you better tell that to the Republicans ... all they need to do is pass an immigration reform bill and get it signed ... that's called working with the potus. ... the House has had 2 years to do it .. how long have you been bitching about ordering a burger, since 43 had the Executive Branch AND the Congress and didn't pass immigration reform ?

what does that tell you about Republican Legislators and immigration reform?

Pronto, una hamburguesa con queso y papas fritas.
See how pathetic are RW's are when it boils down to their priorities ?

this country has NO desire for immigration reform. NONE!

they just wan to bitch about it.

Bitch about Obama doing something about immigration

Bitch about Obama doing nothing about Keystone ..

Bitchin' little Bitches.
We don't need new UNEDUCATED illegal or legal immigrants you moron. All we need to do is fix the red tape. Flooding the country with a bunch of people who don't even speak English does nothing for us. Unless of course you like repeating yourself at fast food drive thru speakers

you better tell that to the Republicans ... all they need to do is pass an immigration reform bill and get it signed ... that's called working with the potus. ... the House has had 2 years to do it .. how long have you been bitching about ordering a burger, since 43 had the Executive Branch AND the Congress and didn't pass immigration reform ?

what does that tell you about Republican Legislators and immigration reform?

Pronto, una hamburguesa con queso y papas fritas.

Fuck the POTUS.
See how pathetic are RW's are when it boils down to their priorities ?

this country has NO desire for immigration reform. NONE!

they just wan to bitch about it.

Bitch about Obama doing something about immigration

Bitch about Obama doing nothing about Keystone ..

Bitchin' little Bitches.
We don't need new UNEDUCATED illegal or legal immigrants you moron. All we need to do is fix the red tape. Flooding the country with a bunch of people who don't even speak English does nothing for us. Unless of course you like repeating yourself at fast food drive thru speakers

you better tell that to the Republicans ... all they need to do is pass an immigration reform bill and get it signed ... that's called working with the potus. ... the House has had 2 years to do it .. how long have you been bitching about ordering a burger, since 43 had the Executive Branch AND the Congress and didn't pass immigration reform ?

what does that tell you about Republican Legislators and immigration reform?

Pronto, una hamburguesa con queso y papas fritas.
You had all three branches of government for 2 years ya cocksucker. Don't even try to pass your utter failures off on the gop.
See how pathetic are RW's are when it boils down to their priorities ?

this country has NO desire for immigration reform. NONE!

they just wan to bitch about it.

Bitch about Obama doing something about immigration

Bitch about Obama doing nothing about Keystone ..

Bitchin' little Bitches.
We don't need new UNEDUCATED illegal or legal immigrants you moron. All we need to do is fix the red tape. Flooding the country with a bunch of people who don't even speak English does nothing for us. Unless of course you like repeating yourself at fast food drive thru speakers

you better tell that to the Republicans ... all they need to do is pass an immigration reform bill and get it signed ... that's called working with the potus. ... the House has had 2 years to do it .. how long have you been bitching about ordering a burger, since 43 had the Executive Branch AND the Congress and didn't pass immigration reform ?

what does that tell you about Republican Legislators and immigration reform?

Pronto, una hamburguesa con queso y papas fritas.
You had all three branches of government for 2 years ya cocksucker. Don't even try to pass your utter failures off on the gop.

that's certainly passing 43 and the Republicans utter immigration reform failures off on the Dems isn't it?

comer mierda.
See how pathetic are RW's are when it boils down to their priorities ?

this country has NO desire for immigration reform. NONE!

they just wan to bitch about it.

Bitch about Obama doing something about immigration

Bitch about Obama doing nothing about Keystone ..

Bitchin' little Bitches.
We don't need new UNEDUCATED illegal or legal immigrants you moron. All we need to do is fix the red tape. Flooding the country with a bunch of people who don't even speak English does nothing for us. Unless of course you like repeating yourself at fast food drive thru speakers

you better tell that to the Republicans ... all they need to do is pass an immigration reform bill and get it signed ... that's called working with the potus. ... the House has had 2 years to do it .. how long have you been bitching about ordering a burger, since 43 had the Executive Branch AND the Congress and didn't pass immigration reform ?

what does that tell you about Republican Legislators and immigration reform?

Pronto, una hamburguesa con queso y papas fritas.

More irony impaired far left propaganda not based in reality!

The Republican House tried to do this earlier in 2014, for the DACA program, passing a bill that would have prevented anyone new from signing up, and preventing current beneficiaries from renewing. Democrats controlled the Senate, so it didn't come to the floor there. Once Republicans take control of the Senate in the New Year, they could pass a similar bill — but Obama would almost certainly veto it.

Rather than a standalone bill, Congress could attach riders killing Obama's immigration programs to the annual appropriations bills. If Obama vetoed the bills (or if Senate Democrats filibustered them) then we'll have another government shutdown.

See even faced with reality the far left will just drone on and on, then can not figure out why they are called far left drones..
You need to pass Keystone for the Canadians, and quit wasting time on immigration that benefits the entire United States ... WTF is wrong with you?

Yes... what the Peasantpimp did was to speak to 'immigration'. Not the illegal entering of the US by Foreign Nationals who have shown NO EVIDENCE THAT THEY RECOGNIZE THE PRINCIPLES ON WHICH AMERICA IS FOUNDED.


Don't ya love it when the idiots LIE straight out in the open? Cuts down significantly on the time it takes to discredit them, again.
its called bipartisan legislation, not a Republican bill or a Democrat bill that gets stomped to death by the other party ... a law agreed on by both parties, otherwise this country accomplishes nothing ... nada, zilch. You know, like you are.
You need to pass Keystone for the Canadians, and quit wasting time on immigration that benefits the entire United States ... WTF is wrong with you?

Yes... what the Peasantpimp did was to speak to 'immigration'. Not the illegal entering of the US by Foreign Nationals who have shown NO EVIDENCE THAT THEY RECOGNIZE THE PRINCIPLES ON WHICH AMERICA IS FOUNDED.


Don't ya love it when the idiots LIE straight out in the open? Cuts down significantly on the time it takes to discredit them, again.

too stupid to understand sarcastic comments eh ? sorry for you.
its called bipartisan legislation, not a Republican bill or a Democrat bill that gets stomped to death by the other party ... a law agreed on by both parties, otherwise this country accomplishes nothing ... nada, zilch. You know, like you are.

Yes we know the far left drones do not understand what bi-partisan means..

Once again since the far left is denying reality.

The Republican House tried to do this earlier in 2014, for the DACA program, passing a bill that would have prevented anyone new from signing up, and preventing current beneficiaries from renewing. Democrats controlled the Senate, so it didn't come to the floor there. Once Republicans take control of the Senate in the New Year, they could pass a similar bill — but Obama would almost certainly veto it.

Rather than a standalone bill, Congress could attach riders killing Obama's immigration programs to the annual appropriations bills. If Obama vetoed the bills (or if Senate Democrats filibustered them) then we'll have another government shutdown.

Can not have anything bi-partisan if the hyper partisan Reid will not let it be voted on..

Typical far left drone denies reality..

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