The Consumer Ideal: Taxing Dr. Seuss


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a consumerism-parable inspired by the film Toys.

Signing off,



Evans was a Centurion from the Ancient World who travelled through time with the help of the powerful wizard Merlin. Evans landed in modern-day NYC and found himself wandering around the dazzling area of Times Square during the holiday season. Evans noticed a myriad of lights and advertising-images of dazzling products and cosmetics and companies such as Sony and Polo. Evans walked into a bookstore and purchased an Amazon Kindle (a handheld network-enabled electronic device, computerized, used for accessing news and novels very quickly). Evans was amazed at his Kindle and was excited to report back to Merlin that the future-world (i.e., 'America') had generated 'algorithms' to make marketing/commerce simply universal!

However, Evans did not arrive in NYC alone. The evil multi-headed dragon Tiamat also travelled through time and wanted to challenge any idealistic 'crusader/centurion' trying to champion the values of consumerism/capitalism in this future-world known as 'America.' Tiamat was a pure 'Devil's Advocate' and had no patience/pity for what he considered to be 'naive' or 'gullible' priestly-warriors (such as Evans!). Tiamat found Evans sitting in Central Park on a Saturday night reading a copy of Herman Melville's Bartleby on the Amazon Kindle. Tiamat flew to Evans in an invisibility-cloak and then appeared to him to defy his 'future-world patriotism' and consumer-optimism.

TIAMAT: Foolish centurion! Why are you toying with that Kindle?
EVANS: I love consumerism! I love eBay! Why are you pestering me?
TIAMAT: You know me, centurion. I am the challenging-dragon Tiamat.
EVANS: I can see you, but no one else in this future-world can, you monster!
TIAMAT: So what? My message is for you alone, Evans.
EVANS: What are you trying to tell me.
TIAMAT: I have five heads; each head breathes a poisonous-element.
EVANS: Yes...
TIAMAT: You must guess which two heads signify my 'defiance' of future-world.
EVANS: Alright, I think it's head-3 (fire-breath) and head-5 (ice-breath).
TIAMAT: You guessed correctly, but can you now tell me the logic?
EVANS: Yes, fire destroys connectivity, while ice suspends science!
TIAMAT: Why do you think I despise this consumerism-centric 'America'?
EVANS: You're the enemy of liberty...
TIAMAT: You've answered my riddle, so I will depart (remember my omen)!
EVANS: I will return to Merlin and tell him you informed me about theater.



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